Chereads / Revenge On The World And Hatred Of God / Chapter 8 - Listen To The Voice

Chapter 8 - Listen To The Voice

'The voice...the darkness, these are the only things I remember. I don't remember what the person in front of me looked like, but I remember his voice and every sentence.'

'Should I go against fate? Should I kill God and take his place? Is he making fun of me? Even though he knows I'm weak...'

'Strength... I must be stronger! That person said "your future will be like mine". The same path... It will be full of blood and revenge. Will I be able to survive this path?'

A voice called out "Kaage." However, Kaage was so lost in thought that he could not hear anything, cut off from the outside world.

The person next to Kaage shook him this time instead of calling out to him again.

Kaage was shaken out of his world of thoughts and returned to reality. However, as soon as he was shaken out of his thoughts, he looked around as if to make sure where he was. This way, he made eye contact with everyone at the table.

"Excuse me-"

"Are you okay?" Mr. Hatamoto asks with a bit of concern in his voice.

Ah, I guess Hayato told.

"Yes sir." There was no sincerity in my voice.

Mr. Hatamoto didn't seem to believe what I said. 'I wouldn't believe it either if I were you.' 'Anyway, Hayato must have told him everything, but there wasn't much he could tell him, all he could tell him was that the shadows were swallowing me. I didn't tell Hayato about my nightmare. If I did, he would have been with me all day and I wouldn't have been able to rest.'

"Are you sure? Hayato told me that you have nightmares. When you have a nightmare, exactly 4 minutes before you wake up, a strange energy spreading from you and everyone can guess what kind of energy it is, it's dark energy."

Kaage was shocked by what he had heard. 'Okay, calm down, why would I be nervous? The energy that was radiating from inside me was probably from the nightmare I had. It was from the person in front of me.'

"What kind of nightmare was it?"


Mr. Hatamoto chose to wait rather than force Kaage to speak. But he finally said, "If you don't talk because of the people, I'll wait. You know my door is always open."

'I will never tell you about my nightmares, Mr. Hatamoto, it doesn't matter if it's you or anyone else, not a single word will come out of my mouth.'

'What really worries me are my nightmares. That person said it was bad that I saw him in my dreams. So what will happen if I see him? What will happen to me? Also, another topic. The thing that surrounds him is probably the same thing that tries to strangle me while I sleep. My power'

'Maybe I should forget about going to bed and get used to not being able to sleep.'

'I must focus on my nightmare...-ah!' As Kaage focused on his nightmare, all of his thoughts began to mix together. However, suddenly, another voice began to accompany him. and it said 'FATE AND REVENGE.' This voice was the voice that accompanied him when he started killing people in front of his house.

'blood and revenge?'


'I know I will take revenge! I will kill them in a way that no one else will see, everyone who sees them will want to throw up!'


'what- wait a minute, why is the subject suddenly changing? I mean, how did the subject go from revenge to darkness? You sound too hasty.'


'darkness...becomes my power. Satan... don't trust it, but trust your power. Trust the power of Satan... let yourself go to Satan...'

Kaage had to interrupt his thoughts. He realized that Mr. Hatamoto, who was sitting across from him, was calling out to him. However, Kaage realized something else: he couldn't hear anything Mr. Hatamoto was saying. He turned to Hayato, who was sitting on his left side, but all Hayato did was shake him. They were trying to bring Kaage back to his senses. However, Kaage didn't understand why he couldn't hear, and he didn't understand why people were suddenly calling out to him with concern. Right after he said these, he felt something liquid touch his mouth. He put his hands between his mouth and nose. He felt something liquid touch his hand. He pulled his hand back to look at his hand. Although he only held his hand for about 3 seconds, almost all of his hand was covered in blood. Kaage quickly realized what was happening, but he still couldn't hear the sounds around him. Blood started to flow down Kaage. Kaage realized that his head was starting to spin, and his vision started to go black.



According to Hayato today, Kaage was definitely acting strange. Even though he had only known him for a day, he knew that it wasn't normal for him to act like this. He may not have known what kind of nightmare Kaage had, but he realized something. Kaage's powers are dangerous and his power is harming him. That's why I told him everything in case my grandfather could help him with his nightmare.

If Kaage is in danger, I want to help him in any way I can.


"If you don't talk because of the people, I'll wait. You know my door is always open."

But judging by the conversation, Kaage doesn't really want to talk about his nightmare.

'But why is Kaage so still? It's like his body is here but his mind is somewhere else. His eyes are staring into space, he hasn't even touched his food.'


'not responding? why? what happened?'

Hayato was used to Kaage not reacting at all, but now he was like a dead man. 'Did he disappear in his thoughts?' Hayato, who thought these things to himself, was shocked when he looked at Kaage again. Kaage's nose was bleeding like a flood. The blood flowing from his nose would not stop.

my grandfather, "kaage? what's going on- kaage! come to your senses! (in a quieter voice) what's going on?"

Hayato started pushing Kaage back and forth, thinking maybe he would come to his senses a little. He did this for only 1 minute and then stopped. At that moment, Kaage's nose stopped running.

Hayato stopped and took a breath. However, 5 seconds later, when his grandfather shouted "Kaage!", he turned towards Kaage and stood up. Kaage raised his head but there was no emotion on his face. Kaage turned his head towards me and turned towards me. I held him by the shoulders. He lowered his head again and looked at his hand, his hand slowly went between his mouth and nose. And his nose was bleeding. The moment he lowered his head, it started bleeding again.

Kaage held his hand there for about 5 seconds but his hand was already covered in blood. He took his hand away from his face and looked at his hand. Kaage's clothes and the ground were covered in blood. When I turned my head back to Kaage, his eyes were flickering.

When I took my eyes off Kaage, I also took my hands off him. That's why I couldn't catch Kaage when he fell. The moment Kaage hit the ground, there was a loud PAT. The moment he hit the ground, I picked him up and ran to the doctor's office. On the way there, all I could think about was how he didn't bleed to death. How could his nose bleed so much?

When I arrived at the doctor's, I left Kaage with the doctor and sat outside. When the doctor arrived, I stood up and went inside. The doctor called out to me from behind, "Good." I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard this. Instead of standing, I sat on the chair next to Kaage. However, I fell asleep when I should have stayed awake.


When I woke up I wished I hadn't woken up.