He blinked and looked around
'I had just finished chopping wood and started to rest. When did I start thinking about strange things? Come on kaage!! 'Get over yourself, it's time to go home'
He collected the wood. He started packing everything and finally looked at his job list.
'let's see... the wood is okay, the fruits and vegetables are okay and finally get home before evening.'
looks at the air
'It's almost evening, I'd better go home'
He starts to make his way home
While he was in thought, he lifted his head up and was torn between surprise and dread because fire smoke was rising from where his house and family were
'fuck what's going on'
starts running
'Please, please, please don't let it be our house that burns, please God, please'
He came to his house, but people were blocking his way.
'Get out of my way!'
He pushed everyone and reached his house, but all he saw was a burnt house that was about to turn into ashes and the smell of burnt meat.
All he did was remain silent. He shed neither sadness or tears and turned to the people around him.
'Who did it?'
There was no emotion in his words
The moment he turned around, people stiffened, and some even began to sweat and tremble, perhaps out of fear. But none of that mattered to Kaage
he just repeated his words more coldly.
'WHO did it?'
This time it sounded more threatening and commanding.
A man in his 20s appeared among the people.
and 'We don't know, we saw this place start to burn before we gathered here, and when we arrived, a quarter of the satin house was burned. Before us there were only children here and they were probably playing, so you can't blame anyone here. 'Most likely the people inside the house burned the house down and couldn't leave the house.'
Kaage took his eyes off the man and started looking at the people around him, scanning them all with his eyes as if trying to decide which one was the liar.
Kaage started to move slowly and ran towards one of the children.
The child he caught started shouting 'ahhh, help me, mom and dad, help me' out of fear.
tell the truth or I will cut your throat' Kaage took the wood he had sharpened while he was on break.
People started to look at each other. Kaage must have noticed this because he started touching the throat of the child in his hand with the sharp wo
Kaage heard a strange voice in his mind: 'BLOOD', 'MASSACRE', 'KILL THEM ALL', but it wasn't like he was giving an order, it was as if he was making a request from him. These words kept repeating in Kaage's mind. While Kaage was making plans in his mind, his whole focus returned to the community when one of the people shouted.
'Stop, calm down, let the child go'
'so why would I do this?'
'because I will tell you everything'
'...' kaage just nodded for him to continue
'I'm the one who came here with the kids. When I arrived, there was someone wearing a hoodie in front of the house. They were not one, but two people. They even quietly poured something on the house and set it on fire. They both had talents and looked like strong people, but I think one was a boy and the other was a girl.'
The voice in Kaage's head stopped as soon as he heard this conversation, but Kaage did not calm down, he was even more angry, as if everyone there could have worked their brains even a little, they could have felt the bloodlust coming from Kaage.
'I understand.'
And Kaage cut the neck of the child he was holding in his hand, there was blood on him, and the people around him were surprised and afraid, but the only thing Kaage felt was pleasure, maybe satisfaction, but Kaage could not express it because he had never had this much fun before.
The blood covered kid had a huge grin on him and it was obvious he was enjoying it.
The crowd kept hearing the same things, 'ahhhhhhhhh', 'this kid is crazy', things like that, Kaage decided not to stand still.
kaage moved towards the people at superhuman speed. Is the piece of wood in your hand a child? old? youth? It didn't matter to him, he just stabbed her, there was blood everywhere but he didn't even care, all he cared about was the people dying and having fun here.
Finally the piece of wood in his hand broke, he had reached his limit but all Kaage said was 'click'. Kaage was angry when he saw that the people who had escaped had relaxed a little, but there was a power in his body that was ready to explode. He grabbed a teenager, climbed onto his back, and ran his hand across his chest. Kaage was surprised at the power he had. But of course he started to enjoy it more. The facial expressions of the people he killed satisfied him.
Kaage looked around, there was no sign of the house, it was like it was in a bloodbath, the ground, the trees and himself were covered in blood. He realized that he had committed a single-handed massacre and enjoyed it. In fact, it was as if he had lost consciousness from pleasure. He forgot what he was doing and attacked like a hungry animal, not a monster. And he had only felt pleasure and satisfaction from it, he had incomprehensible emotions now, but he was sure of it, it was fun.
He remembers all the ways he killed, and he remembers the face of each person he killed, or rather, how they reacted. He enjoyed strangling them all, banging their heads against trees, and putting his hand through their hearts. After running his hands through people's ribcages, he poured the blood onto his face, and only in the end did each action become fun for him. it just seemed fun
But the main thing that bothered Kaage was that the voice in his head disappeared when the massacre started. Actually, Kaage was wrong here, there was no voice in his head, the voice he heard was just his real personality and was calling out to him.
Kaage comes back to reality and says, 'Well, I don't have a home anymore, if I go out wearing these clothes and like this, people will report me. '
'Where will I live?'