Chapter 2 - CHAPTER TWO

After the close of school Phoenix walked towards the school gate and stood there waiting for her dad to come pick her up

As phoenix was still waiting for her dad, a flashy sport car drove out of the school and the wind shield was lowered

" Hey are you homeless or what that you are standing by the school gate like that?" Rosie who was driving the sport car asked phoenix but she ignored them

" Seems like she is the daughter of the the gateman" Delaney who was also inside the car stated and they both laughed but still yet phoenix didn't reply so they drove off

" Hey princess" Mr Addison called as he parked his car in front of phoenix

" Hey Dad" Phoenix smiled and entered the front passenger seat of the car as he drove off

" Hi sis" Anne greeted with a smirk from the back sit and phoenix raised her brow . Anne had never greeted her willingly

" I'm acting well so that mom and dad will agree for Mr to attend Royal high next year" Anne told phoenix and she shook her head

" I want to see how long you will be able to keep this act of yours" phoenix replied and turned to her dad

" Dad how come you had the chance to personally pick us up from school when you are always busy? " Phoenix asked her dad

" Remember that today is your first day at this your new school and the least I can do for you is to pick you up from school" Mr Addison replied

" Thanks Dad " phoenix replied

She was closed to her dad right from when she was still a little girl while her younger sister Anne was closer to her mom

When they got home phoenix greeted her mom who was in the living room before walking to her room to freshen up

After having a quick shower she layed on her bed and unlocked her phone

#Troy bolten arrives at zaire#

#famous Troy bolten arrives at the capital city of zaire#

# I can't wait to see my idol Troy bolten#

"Are they really serious? What is he doing here at he capital city?" Phoenix asked herself as she read the news of one of the most famous, handsome and richest teen in the country.

Phoenix dropped her phone and slept off after a few minutes only to wake up by the sound of knocking on her door

" Phoenix mom said that you should come downstairs for dinner" Anne shouted from her door

" I'm coming, stop shouting" phoenix replied

" If you like don't come downstairs, all I know is that I've done my part" Anne said and walked away

" Where is your sister? I thought I asked you to call her?" Mrs Addison asked with a frown

" I called her but she did not agree to come downstairs to eat" Anne replied

" Did I tell you that I will not come downstairs for dinner?" Phoenix asked Anne as she sat down in the dinning room

" You didn't tell me that you were coming either" Anne retorted

" Okay girls keep quiet and eat" Mrs Addison told them

" How was your first day at school princess?" Mr Addison asked phoenix when they were done eating

" Well... It was not that bad" Phoenix said and forced a smile

" Don't worry you will get used to the school system" Mr Addison replied

" Truth be told dad, I like my old school and I think it's better than this one" Phoenix said

" Princess we've talked about this before and as you know you can't attend you old school again because it's far from here" Mr Addison said and sigh

" Dad can't we just go back to our old house? I don't like it here in the capital city" Phoenix said

" Are you kidding me? This place is far better than our old home and I don't want to go back" Anne said and Phoenix stared at her with a look that say that i- was- not- talking- to- you- so- shut- up

" What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Anne asked Phoenix while acting cute to get on her nerves

" Can we not talk about this again" Mrs Addison finally spoke in command

" Yes mom" They responded

" Holy shit!" Anne exclaimed

" Language Anne" Mrs Addison told her with a warning gaze

" Can you believe that the famous Troy Bolten is here in town?" Anne asked

" No way" Mrs Addison said excitedly

" Oh I saw an article about it a while ago when I was in my room" Phoenix stated

" And the craziest part of it is that he is going to be enrolled at Royal high school" Anne said and every body stared at phoenix

" What? What's that look about?" Phoenix asked them

" Come on phoenix you have to get close to him can't you see that the both of you are destined for each other. He's even going to attend your school" Mrs Addison said

" No mom I can't do that. People will call me names if I try to get close to him" phoenix replied

" Come on its not like you are going to seduce him or anything you both dated and didn't break up" Anne said while going to grab a bag of chips

" That was before he became the famous model Troy Bolten" Phoenix said

" To me there is nothing different....." Mrs Addison said

" M O M" Phoenix called

" Okay okay do as you wish" Mrs Addison said

" While are you guys even obsess over that guy?" Phoenix asked them

" Are you joking? He is like the most handsome guy in the country, he's super rich and above all, he's my idol" Anne replied

" Okay then try getting into Royal high school then get close to him" Phoenix teased Anne and headed for her room

" Don't worry I'll surely get into that school next year, just wait for me I'm coming" Anne said and clenched her fist

" Oh I'm waiting and you better prove me wrong by getting in" Phoenix said and laughed mockingly before finally disappearing to her room

When Phoenix got to school the next day she sighted Kristen who waved at her and walked towards her

" Hey good morning" Kristen greeted and link hands with her

" Good morning. You seem happy today what's up?" Phoenix asked Kristen

" Didn't you hear the news that the famous model Troy bolten is coming to our school?" Kristen asked her

" Hmm I heard about him. Wait a minute are you also his fan girl?" Phoenix asked her

" No but he is very good looking" Kristen said as her cheek turned red and phoenix sigh

" Let's go inside" She said

" I'm having science class first what about you?" Kristen asked her

" I'm also having science class but I don't think that I'll go to class" phoenix replied and Kristen frowned

" Why so?" Kristen asked

" I just don't feel like going to class this morning" phoenix looked away

" Do you Know that Troy bolten is going to attend this science class?" Kristen asked

' that's the main reason why i don't want to attend this class phoenix said thought to herself then walked away without answering Kristen's question

" What's up with her?" Kristen asked herself and headed for class

Throughout that day phoenix didn't take any lecture and after the close of school she walked to the school gate

" What are you doing standing here all by yourself?" Someone asked and phoenix turned only to see Nicholas standing there

" Hey..... Nicholas right?" Phoenix asked to be sure of his name

" Yeah. you still remember my name that's a relief" Nicholas said and she smiled

" So back to my question why are you standing here all by yourself?" Nicholas asked

" I'm waiting for my mom to come pick me up" she responded

" Do you mind if I wait with you?" Nicholas asked and she shook her head with a smile on her face

" That reminds me, i didn't see you in class today" Nicholas said with a questioning gaze

" I was at the library reading because I didn't feel like entering class today" phoenix told him

" You just started schooling here and you are already slacking off that's not an advicable thing to do" Adviced Nicholas

" Thanks for the advice but....." Phoenix said and heard a car honk

Seeing that it was her mom's car, she waved good bye to Nicholas before walking towards the car

" Good afternoon mom, sup sis" phoenix greeted as she entered inside the car

" Good afternoon dear hope you didn't wait long before I arrived?" Mrs Addison asked

" No mom I came out just few minutes ago" phoenix responded

" That's good. I see that you've already made a new friend" Mrs Addison said as she drove off

" Hmm Nicholas and I aren't exactly friends, we are just classmates" Phoenix responded

" Oh his name is Nicholas, nice name" Anne said from the front passenger seat

" So sis did you see Troy today?" Anne asked phoenix excitedly

" Hmm yes I did" phoenix lied

" So what happened between the both of you? Did he speak to you? Did he collect you contact number? Did he..." Anne asked and was interupted by her mom

" Anne can you give your sister some breathing space? Since she stepped inside the car you have been bombarding her with questions" Mrs Addison frowned

" But mom I'm just so excited that I can't control myself" Anne responded in self defense

Mrs Addison looked at phoenix who was silent and pass Anne a warning gaze

" So how was school today?" Mrs Addison asked them to change the topic

" School was normal, just as it was yesterday" phoenix said

" School was fun today. There is this handsome boy is name is Derrick and he's new in school" Anne said and phoenix stared at her inwardly

" Anne you are just thirteen and you are not suppose to have a boyfriend at your age. You are not even suppose to like any boy" phoenix told her

" Who made that rule that a thirteen years old girl can't like a boy? " Anne asked her

" I did, and as your elder sister you should obey me" phoenix announced

" Obey you? You must be kidding me. If you are to know you are one of the most boring people on Earth and because you don't have a boyfriend doesn't give you the right to control my life" Anne said with her arms crossed over her chest

" Right mom? " Anne asked her mom

" Yeah that's right" Mrs Addison replied

" Mom are you agreeing with the nonsense that Anne just said?" Phoenix asked her mom in disbelief

" Phoenix in a way your sister is right you have not yet experience real love apart from dating Troy for a while so you don't have the right to Advice her" Mrs Addison said

" But mom Anne is still young and this is the time to focuse on her studies Don't you think so?" Phoenix asked

" Anne listen to your sister She's right" Mrs Addison said and phoenix gave Anne a i- told- you- so look

" Mom! Which side are you even on?" Anne asked as they pulled up in the garage

They alighted the car and as Anne was walking inside she suddenly turned to phoenix and said

" Since you don't have a boyfriend don't advice me" Anne said and hurriedly walked inside

" Mom are you even sure that Anne is my biological sister?" Phoenix asked her mom

Mrs Addison just glance at her coldly and walked inside

" Ahh! what a house" Phoenix sigh and walked inside

Phoenix was woken by her phone alarm the next morning so she quickly got off bed and had her bath, then dress for school before walking downstairs

" Good morning Mom, good morning Dad" Phoenix greeted her parents as she sat down and grabbed a pan cake on the breakfast table

" Wow this taste delicious who made them?" Phoenix asked staring at the chief cook

" Is it you Mr faron?" She asked the cook. Chef faron have been living with them as long as she could remember and he was considered as part of their family

" First miss this delicious meal was made by second miss" Chef faron said and Anne smiled at her proudly

" That reminds me phoenix you are the one to cook this weekend" Mrs Addison stated

" Yes ma" she replied. Even though their parents were rich they were not spoiled like other kids from rich homes. At times they help out with house chores and cooking

" The driver will be the one to pick you girls from school today. You girls shouldn't cause trouble for him" Mr Addison warned

" Most especially you Anne because you can be very willful at times" Mrs Addison added