Chereads / Argent Empress Tsmugi of Yamato / Chapter 14 - Sakura's POV.

Chapter 14 - Sakura's POV.

 Prince Ahaan and empress Reina are still in the act of infidelity in the Empress chambers, Ahaan was laying on top of Reina. While she was running her hands through his hair, the emperor approached the empress quarters. Court lady mei knows Reina and Ahaan are engaged in unholy acts, standing before the Emperor, mei was slowly announcing his presence.

 Enuch sawyer stepped in front to caution the Court lady. "I want to see Reina now". Emperor Daisuke commanded. 

 "Wait a little your majesty". Court lady mei pleaded. Reina and Ahaan are aware about all that's going on outside, she hid Ahaan in her closet where are valuables like gold, gems, and ruby are stored. Mei wants Reina to fully alerted, she slowly announced the Emperor's presence, for the both of them to hastenly end their unholy act. 

 Court lady mei didn't hesitate to announce for the last time, enuch sawyer pushed her aside. "Be careful lady mei, his majesty is furious."

 At that time Reina has already cleaned all traces of she and prince Ahaan's act. 

 "Welcome, your majesty." Reina bowed.

 "Don't think I am here to spend time with you, I just hate you. Evertime I look at you I see your father's face. "Are you happy with the chaos your father has caused the whole palace?"

 "My lord, I don't know what you are talking about."

 "Oh! You can't know." Emperor Daisuke laughed.

 "Daisuke, what's up with all these acts?"

 "How dare you Reina? The audacity to call me by my name. Your father's hands are not clean about the late Emperor Eiken, the god aidoru is sad and furious about some certain things."

 "My love". Reina wept. The Emperor walked out of her sight, she was heartbroken and felt down casted.

 Lady mei was consoling and sympathizing her. "What have I done to deserve this?" Reina questioned Lady mei.

 "Never mind your majesty, it's that lady regent Sakura".

 Lady regent Sakura is on an important mission to the desert to rescue king Shigeto from the rebels, she vowed before the throne to install king Shigeto as the new minamto King.

 Assembled Regent princess Sakura in her chambers and the rest of her soldiers. Sakura was searching the map for the destination to attack. 

 "We are going to alight at the border between Yamato and Minamato". Sakura commanded.

All soldiers in the room kneeled and bow their heads, it was not suppose to be like that. But, Sakura never seen to care about any principles.

 Sakura was dressed in her black shirt, and a butterfly gold suade cardigan with a metal cover proof for any attack. The warrior princess was ready for the battle, including prince Ahaan.

 Prince Ahaan and Sakura are professionals in horse riding, the northern gate of Yamato has already been secured and grounded.

General Kenji was standing at the gazebo, watching Sakura and Prince Ahaan ready for the battle. Kenji is totally dependent on his father and could do nothing about it.

 When the news got to Regent Aoi's ears, he was excited sakura has left the palace. It's a big opportunity for him to get rid of Emperor Daisuke, he wants to set a coup against sakura the back bone if the imperial family.

 General Kenji, Akio and Commander Seth invaded the imperial southern gate. It was a long and stressful journey to the border, Sakura and her soldiers are passing through the wood they encountered general kenji.

 Regent princess Sakura and her soldiers were in the middle of the woods, suddenly they were attacked from behind. General Kenji and Akio must fulfill their father's wish, getting rid of the Regent princess Sakura is also the only way to bring emperor Daisuke down and control him like a puppet.

 Sakura noticed a soldier has been shot, she looked back and saw general Kenji. Everyone was delayed in the middle of the woods, Sakura must stay alive for her younger brother.

 Her blood was boiling whenever she remembers the picture of her past, the memories of when she lost her brother and her father. Suspiciously Regent Aoi is responsible for this.

 Her soldiers surrounded her protecting her, general Akio Wave his sword at princess Sakura, she reciprocated.

 From behind general Akio was shot with an arrow, he was groaning out of agony. The intense pain he was feeling could not allow him to fill concentrate on princess Sakura.

 An arrow was fired to a fat timber next to Sakura, she removed the arrow and unfold the letter.

 Watch your back! Death is coming.

"Is this note written with blood? Oh my God!" Sakura touched her chest. This must be a threat from an enemy, there wasn't much time to waste. She cclimbed her horse and embarked on my journey.

 A lot of rebels tracing my path, I somehow managed to distract them. At the border, king Shigeto was already attached by some rebels. With my sensitivity and intelligency I can Sense that it's a woman behind the mask. The shoe she's wearing, the way she rode her horse, her ponytail and the manner in which she handles her sword.

 "Who could this woman be?"

Sakura jumped down from her horse, her other guards was attacking me with their swords. Suddenly a lot of arrow were fired, Sakura best skill is waving obstacles. 

 Commander Seth and princess Sakura are familiar with each other right before Emperor Eiken's death. Her target was purposely at seththe traitor.

Seth begins to swing his sword at Sakura, she seems to be avoiding every swing swiftly without raising hers. At last she raised her sword and blocked one of her attacks, this time around she started attacking him and it looks like she has a hard time defending herself.

 Sakura had a smirk on her face, whispering into Seth's ear. They fought back and forth and it looked like Sakura was not going easy on Seth.

It looked like she changed her mind, she blocked Seth's attack. Wanting to kill Seth to satisfy the venom running through her veins, she made a turn dicing his back.

He fell to the ground dropping his sword as Blood seeped through his wound, Seth screamed out of agony the while place seems to be more noisier than before.

 General Kenji invaded the camp, the rest of king Shigeto's soldier are hiding inside one of the camp room. The camp was set ablazed to send everyone packing.

 "Kill princess Sakura!" Kenji's soldiers aimed.

"Never surrender! surrender means death." Sakura shouted on top of her voice.

 Her aim was at getting rid of Batolu, if that is not done king Shigeto can't be installed back to the throne. They are all Minamato traitors.

 As she was about to attach General Akio, an arrow was fired at Regent princess Sakura.