Chereads / My Hero Academia: Adaptation / Chapter 70 - [69] Wave Motion and Creati

Chapter 70 - [69] Wave Motion and Creati

A/N: College is up 3-1 rn chat I can not lie to you. But I REFUSE to let this story die 

[Nejire's POV]

I stretch lazily as I make my way down the stairs, my nose immediately catching the rich aroma of fresh coffee. Momo's already in the kitchen, two steaming mugs waiting on the counter. She's fully dressed in her hero costume, checking something on her phone.

"Someone's prepared," I say, sliding onto one of the barstools. "Sleep well?"

Momo's cheeks turn pink, and she busies herself with adding cream to her coffee. "I... yes, thank you."

"Mhm." I take a sip from my mug, hiding my smirk. "The walls are pretty thin, you know."

"Nejire!" She nearly drops her phone, the blush spreading to her ears.

"What? I'm just saying." I lean forward, propping my chin on my hand. "We've got an hour before Ryuko picks us up. Nervous about your first real patrol?"

Momo takes a deep breath, composing herself. "A little. It's different from our internships. This is... real."

"You'll do great. Ryuko wouldn't have picked you if she didn't think you were ready." I study her face, noting the slight tension around her eyes. "Something else on your mind?"

She fidgets with her mug. "Izuku and I talked last night. About... the future."


"About starting a family. Eventually." She says it quickly, like ripping off a bandage.

I touch my stomach absently. "I wonder..."

Momo's eyes go wide. "Are you...?"

I laugh, waving my hand. "No, no. At least, I don't think so. Though for a hero, Izuku isn't exactly careful sometimes. And my food cravings have been weird lately..."

"Should you take a test?"

"Probably. But that's not what I was wondering about." I take another sip of coffee. "I was thinking about how our lives are changing. You and Izuku talking about families, me possibly moving in with him..."

"Have you decided about that yet?"

"Still thinking. It's a big step." I glance at her. "How do you feel about all this? Being part of this... whatever this is?"

Momo considers the question. "It's unconventional. But it works, somehow. You're like the big sister I never had. Someone I can talk to about things I can't discuss with anyone else."

"Speaking of things we can't discuss with others..." I lean in closer. "What do you think about Miruko?"

"What about her?"

"Who do you think will make the first move - her or Izuku?"

"Nejire!" Momo looks scandalized. "You can't be serious."

I shrug. "She's single, attractive, and we haven't exactly been subtle about our arrangement. There's only so much a woman can take before she snaps."

"And you'd be... okay with that?"

"Would you?"

Momo falls silent, stirring her coffee thoughtfully. "I don't know. It's different with you. You're... you're family now."

"Miruko could be too. Eventually." I wiggle my eyebrows. "Plus, imagine the workout sessions."

"You're impossible." But she's smiling now.

"That's why you love me." I finish my coffee and stand. "Come on, let's get your gear checked before Ryuko arrives. First day on patrol, you need to look sharp."

As we go through her equipment, I catch Momo watching me with a mix of fondness and curiosity. "What?"

"How do you do it? Stay so... positive about everything?"

"Who says I'm always positive?" I adjust her utility belt. "I worry too. About Izuku, about us, about the future. But worrying doesn't change anything. It just steals today's joy."

"That's... surprisingly profound."

"I have my moments." I step back to admire my handiwork. "Perfect. Now, about those food cravings..."


"What? I'm serious! Yesterday I put wasabi on ice cream. That's not normal, right?"

Our laughter fills the kitchen, and for a moment, everything feels simple. Just two heroes, sharing coffee and secrets before the day begins.

Ryukyu's black sedan pulls up outside our apartment exactly on time. I nudge Momo, who's been triple-checking her utility belt for the past five minutes.


She nods, shoulders straight. We climb into the back seat, and I catch Ryukyu's tired eyes in the rearview mirror.

"Morning, girls." She merges back into traffic. "Change of plans."

"Everything okay?" I ask, noting the dark circles under her eyes.

"Got a call from Endeavor's agency. They need support with..." She pauses at a red light, drumming her fingers on the wheel. "Let's call it a delicate situation. Can't say more right now."

"Want us to come with?" I lean forward between the seats.

"No. I need you to take Momo on her scheduled patrol route." She hands me a tablet. "You have my authorization for quirk use if needed. Standard procedures apply - observe, report, engage only if civilian safety is at risk."

Momo shifts beside me. "Are you sure? I can wait for another day-"

"You're ready." Ryukyu's voice is firm. "Nejire knows the route. Trust your training."

The car stops outside the agency. Ryukyu turns to face us fully.

"Check in every hour. If anything feels off, call for backup. No heroes needed in the morgue, understood?"

"Yes ma'am." We say it together, and I catch Momo's small smile.

As we watch Ryukyu's car disappear around a corner, Momo turns to me. "Now what?"

I pull up the patrol route on the tablet. "Now we do our job. Starting with..." I tap the screen. "Coffee shop complaints in the shopping district. Owner says kids with levitation quirks keep stealing pastries from the outdoor displays."

"That's our first assignment?"

"Most hero work isn't fighting villains." I start walking, gesturing for her to follow. "It's community presence, deterrence, helping little old ladies cross the street..."

"And catching pastry thieves?"

"Exactly! Though between you and me?" I lower my voice conspiratorially. "I think the owner just wants free publicity. Heroes showing up tends to boost business."

We weave through morning commuters, drawing curious looks in our hero costumes. A kid points at us, tugging his mother's sleeve.

"Mom, look! It's Wave Motion and Creati!"

Momo waves, her posture relaxing slightly. The mother bows, hurrying her son along.

"See?" I nudge her. "Already making an impact."

"By existing?"

"Sometimes that's enough. People feel safer seeing heroes around, even if we're just walking down the street."

We reach the coffee shop - a trendy place with outdoor seating and elaborate pastry displays. The owner, a middle-aged man with spikes instead of hair, rushes out to meet us.

"Thank goodness you're here! Those delinquents usually show up around now. They-" He stops, peering behind us. "Where's Ryukyu?"

"She was called away." I flash my hero license. "I'm Wave Motion, and this is Creati. We'll handle the situation."

He deflates slightly. "Oh. Well..."

"Sir," Momo steps forward, voice professional. "Could you describe these individuals? Any patterns to their behavior?"

While she takes notes, I scan the area. Three teenagers lurk near a convenience store across the street, trying too hard to look casual. One keeps glancing our way.

I tap Momo's arm, tilting my head slightly. She follows my gaze, understanding immediately.

"Thank you for the information, sir." She bows to the owner. "We'll maintain surveillance of the area."

We find a spot with good visibility, pretending to check the tablet. The teens edge closer to the displays.

"Your call," I murmur. "How do you want to handle this?"

Momo studies them. "Non-confrontational approach first? They're just kids."

"Good instinct. Lead the way."

She straightens up, walking casually toward them. They freeze like deer in headlights.

"Beautiful morning, isn't it?" Momo's voice carries just enough authority. "Those pastries look delicious. Though I hear they taste better when properly purchased."

The tallest kid - probably their ringleader - steps forward. "We weren't doing anything."

"Not yet." I join them, keeping my tone light. "But let's talk about why you might be thinking about it."

The youngest one, a girl with gravity-defying pigtails, scuffs her shoe. "We were just... practicing our quirks."

"By stealing?" Momo raises an eyebrow.

"It's not stealing if they leave it out there!" The third kid protests. "Besides, his prices are crazy. Ten dollars for a croissant?"

"Ah." I lean against a lamppost. "So it's economic justice?"

They shift uncomfortably. The leader's defiant expression cracks.

"We're hungry, okay? School lunch program got cut, and..."

Momo catches my eye. I nod slightly.

"How about this?" She creates a small notepad, writing quickly. "Here's information about youth food assistance programs. And..." She produces three protein bars from her belt. "These should help for now."

The kids stare at the offerings, suspicious.

"No catch," I assure them. "But maybe find better ways to practice your quirks? The community center has free training sessions on weekends."

"You're not going to arrest us?"

"For crimes you haven't committed yet?" Momo smiles. "Just think about what I said. Being hungry is tough, but having a criminal record is tougher."

They take the protein bars and information, shuffling away with mumbled thanks. Once they're gone, I bump Momo's shoulder.

"Nice work. You handled that perfectly."

She frowns. "Did I? Maybe we should have-"

"What? Arrested them? Called their parents? Sometimes being a hero means preventing problems, not just solving them."

"The owner won't be happy."

"The owner gets free publicity and insurance coverage. Those kids needed help more than punishment."

We spend the next hour patrolling the shopping district. Momo helps an elderly man retrieve his cat from a tree, while I break up a quirk-fueled argument between street vendors.

"Ready for sector two?" I check the tablet. "Looks like... oh."

"What is it?"

"Reports of suspicious activity in the area. Probably nothing, but..."

"We should check it out."

I study her face. "You sure? We can call for backup."

"You said it yourself - I'm ready." She creates a small tracking device, attaching it to her belt. "Besides, it's probably just kids looking for a place to hang out."

"Right." I tap my earpiece. "Control, this is Wave Motion. Creati and I are investigating possible suspicious activity at the burned warehouse on dock seven. Request passive monitoring of our location."

The dispatcher acknowledges, and we head toward the waterfront. The morning sun glints off the bay, fishing boats dotting the horizon.



"Earlier, about Miruko..."

I grin. "Changed your mind already?"

"No! I mean..." She pauses. "How do you do it? Share him so easily?"

"Who says it's easy?" I kick a pebble, watching it skip across the pavement. "I get jealous sometimes. Worried. But then I remember - love isn't pie. Having more people to care about doesn't mean less love for each person."

"That's... surprisingly profound."

"Again with the 'surprisingly.' I'm starting to feel offended."

She laughs, then suddenly stops. I follow her gaze to the warehouse ahead.

The door is slightly ajar.

"Control," I whisper into my comm. "Visual confirmation of unauthorized entry. Maintaining observation. Stand by."

Momo creates a small mirror, using it to peek around the corner.

"Two figures inside," she breathes. "Can't make out details."

I nod, calculating angles and escape routes. "Remember your training. We observe first. No engagement unless-"

A scream cuts through the morning air, high and terrified.

"-unless that happens." I activate my quirk, waves of energy spiraling around my hands. "Ready?"

Momo creates a capture net and a flashbang. "Ready."

We move forward, stepping into the shadows of what promises to be a very interesting morning patrol indeed.