Chereads / Game of Thrones-The Black Lord / Chapter 113 - Coordination

Chapter 113 - Coordination

(Rhaegon's POV)

"What are you talking about?" I asked Oberyn who was being given water, "You're not making any sense! Aegon Targaryen died at Dragonstone when it was overrun by the enemy during the River Dragon's Rebellion. Your sister was killed right along your niece and him!" 

Oberyn sat up as he clutched his stomach, which was bandaged up, "That is what we thought...." He managed, "But....we are wrong...." 

"Father...." I heard Obara said

"Brother, what are you saying? That Aegon is alive? After all this time?" Doran asked him

He looked at us, "There was something that the Golden Lion once said....which bothered me..." He said, "This was years after it had happened and my grief was barely able to settle down, seeing my daughters made me lose my anger....." 

"Brother...." Doran said, "You're not saying...what Jaime Lannister once said, which we were told not to speak of don't mean...." 

"What?" I said, "What are you two saying?" 

"When Elia was in Dragonstone, it is said she was not feeling well." Oberyn said as he coughed, "She kept saying that the babe was not hers. The Lannister thought she was not feeling well to the stress...saying something unusual. It was true, she had a fever, according to your mother." 

I frowned, "What...?" 

"Elia..." Doran said, "Elia claimed that the babe that was killed was not hers...but we could never find out the truth since both she and Rhaenys were killed, died after the fall. The bodies.....when we recovered them....only those two were intact....the babe...was..." 

Oberyn had a seriously angered face, "The anger that I had back then was beyond words." He said, "To think that Rhaegar would simply move past it. I knew that it had to be done, when he married Cersei and had his daughters...but the babe was unrecognizable...we could not identify him properly...but who would imagine that it was not Elia's....that it was not Aegon....when he was born, we all saw him; Myself, Your Aunt, Your Mother.....he had black hair and eyes, like Elia....but he bore the dragon's flames, just like Rhaenys did...who had her father's eyes." 

I frowned, "You're not saying that.." I said, "He was switched....?" 

"That is exactly what happened!" Oberyn exclaimed before wincing in pain

"Oberyn..." Ellaria said as she patted his shoulder

"Aegon.....lived...." Oberyn said, "It has to be the case. This Khal.....he bears Rhaegar's mark, Rhaegon! Same as Myrcella, Naerys, and Helaena!" 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The Khal that led the Dothraki was the same person that supposedly died all those years ago before I was born. This meant that someone must've orchestrated that entire event, switched the babes and make everyone think that Aegon Targaryen, my cousin, was dead. 

But why? 

I have no clue. 

But I also think it could not be the case. This could be some sort of ruse, to confuse us. The enemy wishes for us to be distracted by this. I mean, that is the only explanation I could think about. If this is true, then that means that Aegon Targaryen is alive and he is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne being Rhaegar's son!

But if this Khal is Aegon.....

I don't know. He's on that side of the conflict, he's an enemy....

As far as I know, the iron-clad truth, Khal Daegon is the enemy, allied with Valerion Blackfyre and The Dragon God. He's a threat that has to be dealt with. I have no time to figure out the details. If he happens to be my cousin, then that leaves me no choice. 

I have to kill his dragon and capture him. Only to confirm what Oberyn is claiming. 

"Are you certain, brother...." Doran said, "Are you sure that this person is our nephew? Our beloved sister's son? Are you certain? Because this is not just any other time, Oberyn, we are at war! We have the enemy at our doorstep! We cannot hesitate to take down the enemy's greatest power at the moment! Do not make Rhaegon hesitate!" 

Oberyn glared at him, "If he was not, he would not be alive!!" He shouted, "Do you truly think I would lose so easily???? I was caught off guard!! I do not wish to kill our sister's son, Doran!!" 

"Swear it on our parents' souls, on Elia's soul!" Doran said with an angry tone, "Now is not the time for foolishness like this!!" 

"Uncle!" Obara said, "Father is telli-" 

I raised my arm in front of her, "Hold it." 

She stopped and I saw that she gave me a frown. 

"Doran, I swear it on the souls of everyone that we have ever loved..." Oberyn said seriously, "He is Aegon...he is our you think of me as a fool? Do you not think that at a moment like this, in a time of crisis, I would falter without reason?" 

I sighed, "I heard enough." I said turning around, "Obara, stay here." 

"What?" She said, "Where are you going?" 

"I'm going to track down this Khal and bring an end to this." I said

"Ser Rhaegon!" Prince Doran called out

I stopped and looked back at him, "What?" 

"My brother speaks the truth." He said seriously, "This Khal is Aegon Targaryen, Elia's son. You may not have known her but she was your Mother's dear friend. She was your late aunt before you were born. I give you this order; do NOT kill him." 

I looked at him with a serious expression, "No disrespect, Prince Doran." I said seriously, "But I need to confirm this myself. I know of Elia Martell and my late cousins, do not think otherwise. But I cannot afford to falter myself as Oberyn did. Have him rest and set him back onto the battlefield, away from the Khal. This is no time to mess around, we need to have our minds steeled." 

I began to walk away. 

"Rhaegon!" Obara exclaimed

"Stay here." I waved her off

"No, you little shit!" She said as she grabbed my hand, "Are you mad? I'm not letting you leave alone!" 

I stopped and pulled her to me, wrapping my arm around her waist, and leaned into her, kissing her on the lips. 

I felt as she jumped up slightly, caught off guard by this as I hugged her tightly.

"Oh.." I heard Ellaria say with a chuckle 

I pulled away as Obara had a look of surprise on her face, "Sorry." I said softly, "I have to do this alone. I do not wish to be worried about you, Obara. I care too much about you....I know I have not given you much attention as of late...." 

"I..." She said, "I never cared about that...." 

I gave her a long kiss on the forehead before patting her behind, "Alright..." I said before walking away, "This won't take long." 

"Who do you think you are?" She called, "Aerion Targaryen?" 

I shrugged, "It always comes down to that guy, eh?" I said as I walked away, 

"That name..." 


(Third Person POV)

[King's Landing, The Following Day]

"Ser Arthur...." King Rhaegar said as he walked into the room, "Ser Barristan..." 

The Lord-Commander and Ser Barristan stood straight as the King approached them. He was in the Kingsguard resting quarters, where the two legendary knights were barely getting ready for their duties. 

"Your Grace." Ser Arthur said, "Is something the matter?" 

Rhaegar paced around, in front of them, "There's a dragon in the North, I have just received the report." He said as he clenched his fists, "Robert is nearly arriving...he'll move his forces through Whiteharbor, Old Castle, and Ram's Gate. He'll aid the North in this sudden assault....but that dragon is what worries me..." 

"The Princess Daenerys is there, is she not?" Ser Barristan asked, "Her dragon could help out." 

Rhaegar shook his head, "No. She's not experienced in dragon combat. I have a terrible feeling about this..." He said as he stopped and placed his hand on his chin, "Something is wrong, something is terribly wrong." 

"What do you need us to do, Your Grace?" Ser Arthur asked, "With Viserys and Rhaegon in the South, the enemy has coordinated another assault on the North. You are right, Your Grace, the Princess may not be appropriate for dragon combat." 

"I will not risk her." Rhaegar said before letting out an exhale, "I..." 

"Brother." A voice said

They all turned to see Shaena walking inside the room. 

The knights bowed slightly. 

"Princess Shaena." Ser Arthur said

"Shaena." Rhaegar said, "You are here." 

"Varys just gave word." She said with a serious face, "Another attack on the North, this time from the East and closer to the Wall. I have no idea how this enemy slipped past our sights. They cut off the Skagosi apparently." 

"Seven hells..." Rhaegar said 

"Myrcella is here with Oberyn's daughter." Shaena said, "One of my daughters is in Summerhall with the last of the Sand Snakes. Monica and Steffon are also here, brother." 

Rhaegar nodded, "Esther and Viserys's girl?" 

"Here, as well." Shaena said, "Robert, that fool, he went ahead and took a fleet to the North. It is a wonder how he was able to do that....he's no naval admiral." 

"I see..." Rhaegar said, "That is good.....stay here, Shaena. Have Meylax defend the city.....Ser Arthur, Ser Barristan. I once again ask for your aid in the Battlefield." 

The two knights' faces hardened as they looked at the King. 

"Your Grace." Ser Barristan, "The North?" 

Rhaegar gave them a serious look, "Yes." he nodded

"We'll go by ship, ahead of you then, Your Grace." Ser Arthur said, "We'll take a few dozen men and join with Lord Robert. Where to after reaching White Harbor?" 

"Winterfell." Rhaegar said, "Go and check on Daenerys, give the order that she does not leave that castle." 

"As you wish." Ser Arthur said, "We will do it at once." 

The two Knights walked past them in a hurry. 

"Brother, I do not have a good feeling about any of this." Shaena said

Rhaegar grabbed her hands, "It will be alright, sister." He said, "I know Tywin and Ser Jaime will not fail us this time. I have faith Rhaegon will not lose Dorne." 

"I know he won't." Shaena smiled, 

"He is my son after all."