Chereads / Game of Thrones-The Black Lord / Chapter 49 - Dorne III

Chapter 49 - Dorne III

(Rhaegon's POV)

I stood up as I saw three young women walk in. They looked young, around my age, I assume. They all had Oberyn's dark hair and a certain fierce look in their eyes. They were not wearing any sort of fancy dress like one would expect, they wore what I assumed their casual attire. One of them wore leather armor, while the other wore casual yellow clothing. 

The first one in the front had her hair tied up to a ponytail and was holding a spear, for some reason. She had a serious yet neutral look on her face as she eyed me up and down without saying a word. The second one was slightly taller than her, her hair in a braid as she held a rolled up whip in her hand, she had a slight smile on her face as she stopped behind the first one, looking right at my sword. 

It was the third one that had a scowl on her face, clearly not hiding it. She had short hair and was twirling two daggers in her hand as she stood behind the two. 

I admit, they were pretty, as pretty as all the Realm Ladies that were offered to me. Hells, the one holding the whip caught my eye right off the bat, but I think it is because she looked foreign. 

Oberyn stood up as well and walked over to them, "Ah, my beautiful girls." He said with a smile as he approached them, "You've come armed, eh?" 

I saw as he leaned in and kissed each of them on the cheek as they reluctantly stood there, almost as if they were slightly embarrassed by the fact.

"Hm." I said as I stood there

Oberyn stood between the first and second one, "Ser Rhaegon, allow me to introduce you to Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene." He said with a smile

He gestured at each of them in the order they came in. Obara wielded the spear, Nymeria the whip, and Tyene the daggers. 

I nodded, "It is a pleasure to meet you." 

I saw as Obara walked up to me, her eyes sizing me up, "You're taller than I remember." She said simply as she walked around me, "Where is your Dragon?" 

"Outside." I replied

"Take me to him." She said with a commanding tone

"I don't think so." I said with a slight smirk

She then leaned in closer to me, "I'll fight you for him." She whispered

"You'll lose." I told her, "But if by some miracle, you win, he won't let you get near him." 

"Hm?" She said with an amused smile, "You? Beat me?" 

"Obara." I heard Prince Doran speak up, "Be Nice." 

"My girls." Ellaria said as she stood up, "Speak to Ser Rhaegon with respect." 

"Respect is something he needs to earn." I saw Nymeria walked up to me as she gripped on her whip, "Sure, we're enamored by the Black Lord, but him? He needs to show us more." 

I raised an eyebrow, "I fought your father, is that not enough?" 

"Our Father went easy on you." Obara said with a frown, "You are nowhere near his level." 

I chuckled as I looked down, "Is that so?" 

"Ah, girls." Oberyn said, "Be nice, this man is to be yours." 

"I don't want him." Tyene said as she looked away

"Ah, my darling." Ellaria said as she walked up to her, "You know that this is for the sake of our land." 

"I don't want it." She muttered 

I felt Obara's hand on my shoulder, "Hm, firm." She said, "I imagine you're strong." 

"He's the son of Rober Baratheon, my dear Niece." Doran said, "He's incredibly strong and was trained by Ser Arthur Dayne, he's skilled with the sword. And he has the largest dragon; what more do you want?" 

I watched as Obara and Nymeria stood in front of me, examining me, almost as if they were examining goods at the market. 

"You don't look enthusiastic." Nymeria said with a slight smile

"I am not." I replied simply

"Why?" She said, "Most lords will be drooling at the chance of getting something like this." 

"I'm not most lords." I said

"How so?" Obara asked

"I'm not stupid." I said as I tilted my head, "You think I expect you lot to be submissive? I can tell just by looking at you...." 

"Tell what?" Nymeria asked

I walked up to them, inching closer as I leaned in closer to Nymeria's face. 

"You're warriors." I said softly as she did not flinch one bit, "You think that by myself, I'm nothing special. I assure you, you are wrong." 

"Ho?" She said with a raised eyebrow, "Care to test that out?" 

"Nymeria." Oberyn said, "No." 

"Why not, Father?" She asked, "He's talking big." 

"We have killed men who have spoken less than you, Baratheon." Obara told me with a serious tone

"Good for you." I said as I stepped back

"Girls, calm yourselves." I heard Prince Doran say, "Do not challenge him to a fight." 

I chuckled, "My Prince, You offend me." I said, "I can tell by looking at them and by knowing who their Father is.....They will not be convinced by mere words and looks....If they want it, they can have it." 

"So you want a fight?" Obara asked, "I'll gladly give it to you here." 

"No violence." I heard Areo say firmly

I chuckled as I crossed my arms, "Prince Oberyn, would you mind me fighting your daughters?" I asked

"Sure, if you want." He said as he shrugged, "I do warn you, they are formidable, my beautiful girls. They do not lie when they say they have killed men that have spoken to them the way you are." 

I raised an eyebrow, "You speak as if I have not killed men." I said

"Having your dragon burn them does not count." Nymeria said

"Oh my blade has cut through flesh, more than your whip has struck, I assure you of that." I told her, "I'll fight them. One at a time or both at the same time, their choice." 

"Oh? Cocky one, is he?" Nymeria chuckled

"If we beat you, can we ride your Dragon?" Obara said with a smirk

"I'll gladly take you on a ride if you can beat me." I said as I walked past them and towards Tyene, "Only if you beat me." 

Tyene shifted as she looked at me with a scowl, "What?" 

"You're not going to join?" I asked

"No." she said with a bitter tone

"Hm." I said, "Very well." 

"Are you truly going to be a fool, Ser Rhaegon?" I heard Prince Doran, "Fighting them?" 

I turned around and looked at him and nodded, "I fought their father, I am not worried about them, truth be told." I said with a chuckle, "But I think it would be fun, really. The question is...what will be in it for me if I win." 

Nymeria chuckled, "Oh, if you can best me....I would not mind being....submissive." She said with a smirk

"Ah, Nymeria..." Oberyn chuckled as he shook his head

"Agreed." Obara said, "But that's if he bests us, which he won't." 

I looked at her, "We'll gladly find out." I said, "Outside, in front of Morghul. He won't bite. This is not the first time he's watched me fight a duel." 

"That's one way to set the mood." Nymeria chuckled as she looked at Oberyn, "I like him." 

"I know you would, my dear." Oberyn crossed his arms, "I suppose that settles that, eh?" 

I nodded, 

"Oh yea."