Chereads / Tsugi No Level / Chapter 60 - Chapter 60: The forgotten one’s purpose

Chapter 60 - Chapter 60: The forgotten one’s purpose

Bilicus and Braverte have locked eyes. Bilicus can see that Braverte's patience has run out and his threat of killing him is real.

"Killing me won't stop anything."

Braverte doesn't say a word, he intently keeps staring at Bilicus. While still on the railing, Braverte stands up straight and takes a step towards Bilicus. The bloodlust exuding from Braverte sends chills down Bilicus' spine. So much so that he feels death is coming for him and in his panic he sees no other option but to resort to his trump card.


Braverte stops, and the sudden scream and randomness of the word takes him aback. Confused, he looks at Bilicus.


The wall next to them bursts and explodes inwards. A huge arm lunges at Braverte through the flying rubble and punches him. Braverte who was on guard was able to block the punch but the force sent him flying nonetheless. He lands awkwardly back on the first floor but the momentum slides him back a few more meters. Braverte lowers his guard to see what it was that hit him.

Next to Bilicus stands next to a zombie. The zombie looks at Braverte and screams like a wild animal. Braverte can't believe his eyes, as zombies have always been in a vegetative state.


Bilicus looks down at Braverte with a certain look of sadness and regret. But it doesn't stop him from uttering the next words.

"Get him."

The zombie understands the order and jumps forward to attack Braverte. Bilicus knows that the zombie is strong but it probably won't be strong enough to take down Braverte. So he takes this moment where Braverte is occupied to ensure his victory and starts running towards his secret place.

Braverte knows that the zombie is being controlled somehow, but that doesn't change the fact that it's trying to kill him. The speed with which the zombie is moving isn't human. Braverte knows that he can't take too many of attacks before his body gives out because the zombie's strength is off the charts.

He dodges the punches because the zombie is strong but it lacks fighting experience and seemingly the intelligence to adjust to new information. Braverte quickly realizes that the attack pattern is rather simple and can be easily avoided. As the danger somewhat subsides in his head he now has a choice to make. Kill the zombie or let it live and keep chasing him, or just cut off all its limbs. Braverte checks and sees that Bilicus has left, which means he is probably setting up another trap. Braverte needs to hurry before more zombies appear so he makes his decision.

"I'm sorry."

Braverte dodges another punch from the zombie and then with full force punches their shoulder with the intent to dislocate the bone. Which should prevent the zombie from attacking, and it isn't as severe as completely chopping off the arm. The zombie is spun around after the punch, once it stops it screams at Braverte like an injured beast and rushes back in to attack.

Braverte can see the muscles of the zombie working to put the bones back in place. The zombie's body is doing its best to protect itself. Which means that Braverte has to go with the extreme option. After another attack, Braverte dodges it and quickly summons one of his flyssa swords. And in one smooth motion cuts off the zombie's arm.

The zombie screams in pain as its arm is sent flying through the air. Braverte having made his choice knows that he has to see it through to the end, he rushes towards the screaming zombie and cuts off its other arm. The zombie's screams fill the room as its blood gushes onto the floor. Braverte now has to cut off the legs as well, to ensure the zombie can't follow him. When he moves to get into position to cut off the legs he catches a glance of the zombie's face as it looks at him. There are tears in the zombie's eyes. Braverte closes his eyes because he has to do what he has to do and in a clean cut, takes off both legs from the zombie.

Braverte stands over the torso of the zombie which is crying and screaming in pain. The sound of agony of an innocent victim dragged into a fight that had nothing to do with it, infuriates Braverte.


His scream reaches Bilicus who has arrived at a secret room He stands in front of 7 zombies.

"You leave me no choice."

Bilicus opens a safe and takes out 7 adhesive cards. He attaches a card to each of the zombies' chests. The card sends pulsations through the zombies' bodies. Their veins darken and the glow in their eyes intensifies. Braverte walks through the doorway of the room that Bilicus is in.

"You need to die."

Bilicus looks back at Braverte.

"I can't."

Braverte takes a step towards Bilicus and that is when the 7 zombies simultaneously take a step forward as well. Braverte can tell immediately that these zombies are different. They aren't screaming like wild animals or rushing at him thoughtlessly.

"What have you done?"

"What you made me do."

"Don't make me kill these people."

"They are already dead."

"They're not. They can still feel, they still have a family that loves them. They deserve better than this."

"The moment they took MYOS, they became receptive to the signal. The more MYOS they took, the more effective the signal becomes. These people modified their bodies so much, their brains only accept the signal as truth."

"What is the signal?"

"Worry about yourself first."

"Bilicus, you're going to die screaming."

"You have to survive to keep that promise."

Braverte summons another flyssa sword and wields one in each hand. He knows that once he makes a move towards Bilicus the 7 zombies will attack. And because he knows that these are different from the previous one, he is reluctant to simply engage as there are a lot of unknown variables. But not doing anything doesn't solve anything.

So Braverte takes a step forward and that's when the 7 zombies charge at him.

Chapter 60 fin