Chereads / WHISKER AWAY / Chapter 13 - INTIMIDATING


After Dawn(19h58)

"Where are you?"Monica asked in a worried voice as she spoke to Mia over the phone.

" taking a walk? "

"Alone? Mia it's almost 8 o'clock!"

" Mom i know i'll be careful "

"I don't need you telling me that. I need you home right now!"

" alright, I'm coming... " She dropped the call and heaved a sigh.

Looking around, she noticed she was already at the subway station. She wanted to take a walk to get her mind off Lonan.

Mia Lopez isn't the type of girl to be stressed over a boy, but Lonan Hart had a way of getting in her head without her even noticing. Maybe it was because Pearl was in the picture and Mia worried she was going to get in the way of her exposing Lonan, or maybe she was worried she was going to be Lonan's favourite, rather than her and Naomi. Not that it bothered her, she only wanted to be trustworthy so she can rip him out easily. But then....Pearl took his time, and to Mia's observation, Lonan liked Pearl's presence. She never saw him get angry anytime Pearl talks to him. She wouldn't because he always wear a mask at school, but he could still chase her off right? Why couldn't he?

Mia facepalmed herself, brushing Lonan out of her mind. She needed to forget about him. At least for a minute.

"You're looking pretty"Someone said behind her and she turned immediately, spotting a foursome of boys coming her way. Judging from the looks on their faces, Mia knew they weren't the nice type of people.

" hey hottie what's a pretty girl like you doing out here? Alone? "

Mia rolled her eyes inwardly. Entertaining them would be the last thing she does. She stood up and made to leave when the second boy held her hand.

" going so soon? "

"get your hands of me " She glared at him and they all chuckled in return.

" she's feisty I like her "

" her lips are tempting, I wonder how they taste like... " The third boy moved forward and touched her cheek.

Mia yanked her hand off the second boy and threw a punch at the third boy and he staggered back, she made to punch the first one but he caught her fist and tilted her wrist causing her to wince out in pain.

" i wouldn't appreciate you fighting us, you don't wanna end up with bruises, now do you? "

" let go of me! "

" can i kiss you first? "

" try I dare ya! "

" I like your guts, too bad they won't get you anywhere " The fourth boy pushed her back on the bench and the third boy pinned her hands down to avoid her making any struggles.

" you seem helpless "

" I said let me go you asshòle! "

" you're still saying that? Aren't you wondering what were gonna do to you? "

The fourth boy grinned as he sniffed in her scent.

"Move away from her"

A voice suddenly came up and the boys turned their heads to the new intruder. From his figure, they could tell it was a male but they weren't sure since every part of his skin was hidden.

He stood still beside the subway, watching them in horror. Mia's eyes were glued to him, no one needed to tell her it was him. Serial killer

"And who are you to tell us that?!"The third boy asked with his hands still holding Mia down on the bench.

The person moved forward and in a swift, his slash was already pressed against the third boy's neck, making him drop his hold on Mia.

The rest of the boys moved back, looking more terrified that shocked.

" I hate people like you with my life, Should I just kill you all to end the discussion? "

His voice was deep & sent chills to Mia. She stood still, her eyes not moving from the intruder's face.

She watched his every move. How he jumped to take the arrogant boy in his hold, how his calm but cold voice sounded. Everything was just fascinating.

If no one knew any better, they'd say she was crazy. Who would admire someone who kills people? Someone who now was feared by everyone?

" no, p-please-I'm sorry, don't...kill me "

The boy cried. The slash blade an inch away from his throat almost made him pee his pants. One slight move and he'll be history.

The rest of the boys took the opportunity to run off. It seemed as if one was now on his own and non of them were ready to die

The person watched as the boys flee off. They haven't made it on the other side of the station when he threw his slash on the air and it made a zigzag move before beheading the boys and their heads rolled on the ground, shocking Mia and the third boy's life

" no no please...I...I don't wanna die "

The person let him go and went to pick up his slash. He took a handkerchief and wiped the blood off before facing the boy whose body was trembling out of fear.

One look at Mia, he noticed her expression. She was staring at him with those big eyes, they glittered but there wasn't a frown, curiosity, fear or anything of that sort in her face. It was blank. For a minute he stared at her before facing the boy.

" If anyone finds out what happened or the cops start trailing her, I won't hesitate to cut all your u get that? " Whatever was in his mouth, made his voice really intimidating, but that didn't scare Mia. Talk less of the boy.

The boy nodded his head, sweat dripping down his forehead.

The person snapped his head to the side & the boy didn't wait before taking off to his heels.

" are you alright? "

" who are you? "

" you look fine. Get home "

He was about leaving when Mia immediately wrapped her arms around his torso.