Chereads / A Cursed Isekai Odyssey / Chapter 1 - Why The Fuck Did This Happen to me I'm Not Korean

A Cursed Isekai Odyssey

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Chapter 1 - Why The Fuck Did This Happen to me I'm Not Korean

Han Korain wields his sword brimming with determination to cut down the last and mightiest evil god of all of them the Absolute God Of The Void Azathoth and with a mighty swing of his sword that housed the hopes of his countless comrades and constellations he strikes down. 

The mighty god of the void finally clearing the 100th floor of the tower. 

========================================================= The End

''What the fuck that is the end to the 3,548 chapter long story what the fuck is this pile of steaming shit!'' are main character Jaxon Calamitous Inauspicious Woe or as he is known at this time Jaxon Woe says while throwing his phone at the wall.

''How can the novel just end like that I mean like what the fuck we don't even get to know who the constellation who sent him back in time was not just that we don't even get to know what happened to his teammates or.

Better yet why is he using a fucking sword at the end of it all he literally has the skill {Absolute Grater Magic Domination} which let's him do whatever he fucking want's with no draw backs he even stated at the beginning if he got that skill sooner he could have cleared the tower in a fucking year so why does he not use that skill in the finale battle. 

Also what happened to trying to purify the Other gods of their unending hunger like the fuck he said he would do that to one of the creators in chapter 1,500 did he just fucking forget or what!'' as the main character rages he could see that everyone was praising the ending of the novel.

And with a massive amount of rage he ran to get his slightly cracked phone as he wrote a comment that was 3,548 words long explaining all the faults of the novel and how dog shit the novel that he was waiting 3-4 years to finish was and after he did so. 

He got a message from the author ( A/N Basically the author decided to translate his novel while writing it so more people could enjoy his work) asking him why he was so rude so he decided to write another comment on how dogshit the ending was and how he would rather call the ending of promise neverland a 10/10 ending overall. 

And after he did so the author ask if he could do better and the main character proceeded to say out loud that ''Of fucking course I can you dog shit author I have read tons of these kinds of novels and unlike you I actually remember the plot also your ''Pure Love'' tag is bullshit and.

Everyone who has read this novel knows it by the way why did it take the main character over 6 years to clear the tower with the skill he said would let him do it in one year and before you say shit you yourself stated that he could indeed clear it in one year as well.

How dog shit do you have to be to drag out a simple story for so many chapters also why the fuck did you put in a regressors penalty that would add 10 lesser floors to every one floor it makes no sense when there was also another.

Regressor who failed before the mc was born yet he got no such thing so why the hell did you make that a thing to make the tower harder? well guess what it already was to the point where it took 10,567 level 60's to clear floor 50 so yes I could do better than your dog shit mc cause I already know the plot and unlike you I remember it!'' 

And as are mc said that the author said ''Well then since your so cocky why don't you try it out then'' and as the authors disembodied voice was heard a giant white arm came out of the phone and dragged him into the phone and after that was done with a.

*Pop* he appeared in Korea in the middle of Seoul as he looked around he could see many people around and a young man holding his head while a small fairy like creature with glossy flowing black hair appeared in the sky and he could not help but think 'Why the fuck did this happen to me I am not even Korean'

As the fairy announced in the sky ''Welcome player's to the Tower Of Salvation you have been selected to participate in the tower to save the world and if you refuse well you'll go pop like that guy over there'' and as she points to a random guy and his head explodes as brain matter fly's everywhere. 

The people start to internally panic and tremble not daring to make a sound or even Move and as I see this happening I could not help but look at the protagonist who is not to far away from me who goes from clutching his head in pain to a determined look as I get close I can hear what he says in chapter 2 The Return as he silently but kind of loudly whispers.

''This time I will clear the tower and save humanity from their fate of being destroyed!'' and when I hear that I could not help but think 'Why did this even happen to me Even though my last name sounds like that I am not asian whatsoever'

But before I could finish my lamenting we all saw a status and appear on the air stating.

{ Unauthorized use of the authority of got detected detecting which authority of God was stolen endless used against the will of God regression Authority AKA times reversal Authority used under Section 1,888 of the Tower a random penalty will be applied wait for further notice)

{Notice a penalty has been decided 10 sub / minor floors will be added to the Tower starting area also known as home will be set to floor 0 moving all players from floor 10 to minor / subfloor 10}

And as the announcement ended with a flash of light everyone was teleported to some floor 10 of floor 0 and after that happened a beam of light hit all players in a status screen appeared in front of me stating.

{ Status

Name Jaxon Woe

Sex Male

Age 18-16 ( A/N age has been reset)

Skills: ( Loophole ) [Grade: Mythical]

Supporting Constellations (None)


''As expected since this is the 10th and hence lowest floor of the tutorial of the tower also known as floor 0 and no one can fight on this floor the status window doesn't show stuff like strength magic agility Etc.

It is weird though something like loophole which only works with contracts and isn't that powerful overall is a Mythic grade I should check the description of it before getting into a contract with the constellations''

And as the main character said so he open the description of his skill loophole.

{ Loophole a skill skilled lawyers often acquire but this is an evolved version of said skill therefore more powerful this skill allows one to see the loophole off things in and out of existence it allows one to create a loophole with a contract with any being whatsoever including creators and being's on that level and above the price of this skill being so powerful can only be used once and never again but passives of the skill will be in effect however the skill will never be able to be activated activity afterwards}

''With such a frankly overpowered skill that could be called a cheat I can exploit a certain famous jackal into getting something that I know I will need for my own Survival''

( A/N I was bored of all of the fanfics I was making so I decided to make a novel after reading one that was really interesting a while back and yes I did forget it's name and no it is not omniscient reader viewpoint anyway have a great day)