Chereads / The Play Of The Fates / Chapter 8 - chapter 8: The job

Chapter 8 - chapter 8: The job

I smiled at the gentleman across the grubby road, he was standing next to an old post office at two in the morning. I knew this because I checked the moon not so long ago that was still glowing over the world, seemly happy with its own light. I was wondering why he was still standing there even though the post office doesn't open till nine.

He was the same man that had pissed his own pants after he met me a few months before when I killed someone, he was watching me remove my own blades, standing back in the distance as he waited me out, truthfully, I thought the man was constipated at that time. 

He wore all black tonight, but I could still remember, hearing that odd wet dripping noise back then, it was hard not to hear it from where I once stood, knowing exactly what had happened, trying not to snigger at the memory back then, I didn't want to embarrass the poor bloke any further.

But I couldn't help but snort to myself instead, turning my head away from him and looked the other way, but I could still remember a time when I was exactly like him.

I sniffed once more, my nose more sensitive tonight, my tongue licking my parched lips only to watch more men coming from the opposite direction, my eyes tracking from one end to the other, tracing new movements now and then. 

"My eyes flickered downwards, noticing someone's odd slow, sloppy movements to the left. I knew the troublesome sort, the drunk one, these were men that helped each other out. One of them would do most of the dirty work, the others would stand by, watching as she got tortured, and maybe raped by one of them, if they wanted, they would take it in turns in their own crazy sick madness. It didn't matter whether they were young or old, things happen all the time. it just makes me sick to see it happen all over again.

It was what was going around in their heads that I was more concerned with, pushing the small fragile woman around as they tore at her clothing.

They were even laughing at each other.

"Sick-fucks, I murmured, I would make sure they suffered from the edge of my blade if nothing else, laughing as it tore through their tender flesh. See how they would like to be tortured, turning back over my shoulder to the lone man once again, the innocent one that stood by and hid.

He really a simple-minded one, watching him keep his distance from everyone else, I could tell he remembered me because his face is scrunched up like last time.

He was very frightene, that I could tell, the young man was looking over to the shouts with the woman, I shook my head at him, hoping he will stay put.

I was just noticing that more had now arrived to witness the pore woman's suffering from the hands of so many drunken men.

As you all know to well, I suffered from perverts like them many years ago.

"Their egos are bigger than their own dicks. "Bloody wankers, I grunted out in frustration.

I like to think that I was making a bigger difference in this world, saving people healed my soul.

Well, not that one particular man standing by the post office doors hiding himself, he was doing his best to stay out of the way, I couldn't blame him for it.

At least he was safe for now. I even liked to help these simple-minded men. That thought though would make any woman laugh out loud, because most couldn't fight back, but not me, I've witnessed enough in my time.

"This is where I come in, there hero, hoping to kick as many butts that would try to harm me in return. To the point of killing them if necessary. It's a crueller world now, and I would agree a lot of things needed changing for the better. But the higher up don't care for us commoners.

Since I was a kid, I was glad that someone was out there to save me. it was one of the many things I had wished for at that time, in this life I will save others, like my Master did for me. It's a very crawl world now, many wouldn't even know that though.

"Would they?" 

"ARRHHH. such an ignorant life everyone leads now a days.

"Stupid idiots,"

Suddenly, I felt eyes burning holes into my back, turning around slowly to see another man from across the street, his face paled, the blood draining from his tanned skin. Smiling at him evilly, watching as his eyes widened, that I thought his eyes would fall out in shock, flashing him my two samurais, that I always kept strapped to my holsters on my back, hidden out of sight out of mind, now glowing with their own magic.

With my mind link to them, I could send my blades anywhere around my body, just one call and they would be here at my command, ready at a moment's notice.

I truly thought the man was going to pass out

on the spot, even before it began.

Rolling my eyes at my own silly little mind jokes, I was just grateful that he hadn't passed out yet, he was just an innocent bystander standing there at the wrong time,

one that needed to go home, and soon, he was better off staying in the distance so he wouldn't be a distraction. If only to keep another man safe from harm, there were to many dangerous people out there tonight and I didn't want the man getting hurt in the process.

"There's this saying! It's very old you know, out of sight, out of mind."

You get what I mean? a smirk ghosted across my red lips, my fingers gripping into tight fists around my blades, sinking deeper into my psychotic thoughts. I didn't care about that right now though; I was more worried about the woman. Turning around suddenly, yet again to hear her cry out, I could hear her pain, I sighed out loud, watched as her skirts were being lifted by a bulky, fat man. He wasn't even good looking.

The breeze wasn't helping in her situation either, there were three of them all together, that I could tell from my position. My eyes roamed around the place following the odd flapping noises that were now catching my attention, I concentrated, frowning.

But I still couldn't see anything unusual out there.

"What were the odds of that?" My eyes scanning the rest of the area; trying to find out what had me so on edge.

I could hear them, they were encouraging each other, watching their drunken bums

fall into each other, I snorted, at their tac-ticks, I shook my head in amusement, disappointment, watching everything unfold right in-front of me.

But there was another thing that was starting to worry me. An Anonymous man was watching the show from a high distance to, I never noticed him before, till now, it must have been him making those odd noises a few moments ago. Although, I didn't recognise him, he was sitting there with some others that were with him too.

"BlOODY, NORMA, I had to squint really hard, and I mean really-really hard, it was so

high up, that it made my life difficult to see them all, even with my neck stretched up to the side, and with my excellent eye sight, it was still a struggle, I was trying to get a better look at them, I had to smile, it was quite a large group.

Studying them one by one, until my eyes travelled back and landed to the one in the

front of the row, he looked too young and handsome to be in command of this larger group. But it was too dark to tell completely from where I was standing, having to hide in my own corner, the shadows gave me cover, but I had to stay safely hidden for now, I didn't what to be noticed for now, it was making me wonder why they were even there in the first place.

He turned his head around, as if he sensed something, he looked towards my corner,

frowning, I was glad being in my dark corner, I am amazed at his judgement, watching him, scanning the area around him, like he was looking for someone.

Shocked, that got me thinking, like he knew I was there, somehow. He was missing nothing

and everything all at the same time, trying not to miss anything out, and here I was standing there watching them as more of his army showed up, as they all corrugated on the edge of the dark roof, looking down.

This was making me frown in concern now.

Why were there so many here? My mind blanked, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together, and here I was, standing here alone in the darkened alley-way with the rain dripping down my face, it was an imposable situation, nobody knew I was standing there, hidden by the shadows.

There was only one man that had noticed me, because he to stood there in the dark, I

could tell the man was thinking way to hard, seemingly to be in an impossible situation


But I had this strange, odd sense of dread, that someone knew I was coming here tonight.

It was way too common, especially for these drunken men to go on a merry hunt for the wrong reasons these days. The bet was either sex, money, and the worst of all, a murder! their agendas were off putting even for the likes of me, they would always start off by offering something from their pockets, something extremely special that would attract a woman's heart, if these women accepted, then that's where their trouble begins in the first place.

By accepting those silly gifts, gives the man a right to a woman's body.

"But tonight, was a little different, there were too many men in this area. There were three men to one woman," not to mention a bunch of idiots on the roof. What were the odds of that happening tonight, and all in one night to. I snorted; these men were going to be the death of me.

 I swear it, they were going to take it all by

force from the looks of things, and in their drunken states they couldn't even stand up straight, I rolled my eyes at their disgusting thoughts, their words echoing through my brain, making me wince like it was a tumour.

All I wanted to do was scratch my brains out, I hated this because it made my feelings bubble up, making the decisions for me, standing there deciding my own fate, I wasn't going to let them get away with it.

Stupid thugs, I whispered.

Suddenly out of nowhere, the sky darkened to a midnight-black, a clap of thunder danced,

rolling across the sky, even making me look up in amazement. Booming that loudly that my ears nearly burst from there drums, then a flash, brightening up everywhere as another backed it up, it's the loudest bang that I've ever heard and seen in my entire life, making me jump out of my skin, my nerves tensed Up as another bolt of lightning struck the sky in strips as they fell to the earth with a bang.

It was the prettiest and the scariest damn thing I've ever seen in my life, but it left such a mass-mess in its wake, it looked and felt so angry, it was so-so scary, staring at it in utter shock. listening to the vibrations and Zaps, while the lightning argued back with the thunder as they spoke to one another, Making

me frown at there voices that even I shouldn't even here, it wasn't natural.

"What in the hell," running a finger in my ear, am I hearing things right now, I muttered, as the black thunder joined in creating a bigger commotion, fighting with the white thunder.

I Stood there like a dummy watching them fight back and forth like children as the ground shook and parted into two pieces as the world started to split apart around us, bits of stone and gravel flying everywhere, striking people in its path.

My heart pounded for the poor sods that were once standing there at the wrong time, the horror at what I was now just witnessing, it was the biggest, nightmare. That I'd ever Encountered in my life, watching as it stretched out taking the earth and sky's with it, people screaming in panic as they ran around the large crates that was now in the centre of the ground and still growing faster than I could even blink, and for all the world to see, and what cationic it brought with it.

"What a bloody mess, I mumbled, looking around me.

It wouldn't be long for the cameras to be out and about now and with that sudden thought, I turned around again, hearing another strange racket as my teeth rattled in my mouth from all the strange shudders and vibrations as the earth moved once again in its wake.

But I couldn't worry about that right now. "Worry about all that later, I mused, these men were the ones I was definitely worried about, they looked like hunters, and that worried me, it's the ones you hear many stories about, watching them step closer to the edge of the building. Lightning struck over their heads in waves of pretty neon lights.

I thought at one point they were going to jump off the damn building and away from the lightening, maybe help the pore woman out, but I guessed not. I could feel the woman's panic from where I was standing, as she looked up towards the sky, and I could tell she was frightened out of her mind, but the men didn't seem to care one bit, hearing the noisy buggers as they stepped closer to her, from my line of sight I could see absolutely everything and I mean everything.

"Even with the lightening on our tails, I could feel it answering me in kind, I hadn't a clue why that was.

I looked back watching as she stepped back two steps, afraid of what was about to happen to her, I was the type of person that fought for justice, and now there was a bloody big hole in my way now, staring at it in shock.

"Frowning at the damn thing to move out my way, as if I could levitate it to another place, but guessing that was beyond my reach. I was one of many out there, now I was stuck, here I was standing there like a sack of shite not knowing what else to do; I couldn't just stand there and let this go on a moment longer, looking around dumb struck, watching as the scene unfolded around me like some sort of horror movie that was now spiralling out of control.

"I really needed to do something. Maybe a bigger better plan, even with my brilliant eye sight I was still going to struggle with it all, but I needed to act soon or the woman was going to be in a lot more trouble than what she was

already in.

knowing that I needed to tread very carefully around here or I was going to get caught up in it to. I didn't trust that easy and these men were watching absolutely everything, now was my time to observe the situation first, I didn't want to jump in the deep end.

"Even with the crack of thunder and lightning on my tail this was going to be a difficult task for me. "A big test of wills, fates sure was playing games this dark night, these men were a different kind after all, and that worried me a lot, too worried that they were strong supernaturals of some sort.

But at this moment in time it was just a big guess and I needed my wits about me even more this night, I was looking down to my booted feet, stamping in the puddles that surrounded me, watching then ripple, making a really bad mess, as dirt flue up over me, frowning, I was too deep in my thoughts as I bit into my frozen red lips, trying to come up with a good compromise that was better for


My mind was drifting to a time where I was in the Similar situation as this woman was tonight, but without the massive crack in the earth, and the boom of thunder as it listened to my wild heart as it beat faster and faster like a love song, thundering against my chest, like a wild spooked horse running away, the thunder listening to the beat of my heart, answering a reply in return, I frowned, puzzled with that, trying not to remember the pain of those old days anyway, my head finely shooting up as another spark flew down hitting the earth on impact.

Then hearing a very feminine voice cry out in pain. Shifting nervously on my feet wondering what the hell was going on, they were backing her into the corner of a building without a care of what was happening around them; watching them as one of the men split from the rest, reaching out, grabbing her around the throat.

her body slamming against the wall with a thud, as another boom shoot down towards

them, the cold bricks now at her back as she slides down, frightened of everything around her, I cringed hearing her harsh cries of pain. Searching for the men on the roof again as I took in their strange attire, that's when I saw

the royal plates, shining brightly on his chest. the fine clothing clung to his body like a second skin, watching as his muscles shifted beneath his clothing when he moved, the silly man was hanging off the damn roof, and here I was trying to get a better look.