Chereads / CARNACKI: Hunter of evil / Chapter 1 - Doll case

CARNACKI: Hunter of evil

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Chapter 1 - Doll case

I wake up on the couch, and I find myself back in this small apartment, the sound of the small television was responsible for my awakening, I look in its direction and find a young transparent girl, excitedly watching what appears to be a children's movie .


I say with some anger, however, the young woman ignores me, she is absorbed in watching her "new" DVD of Alice in Wonderland, which I am honestly surprised is still around and which I think should belong in a museum but which however I obtained in some abandoned ruins on a ghost extermination mission.

I look at my cell phone and check the time.


And to top it all off, it's full of notifications from my superiors, angry because I don't answer.

-ANASTASIA!!! I told you to wake me up earlier, you know I work at this time!

The girl takes her ghostly eyes out of the ecstatic March Hare and says:

-Hey, don't blame me, it wasn't even your personal alarm clock, plus I was busy!

- Busy? All you do is watch movies and play pranks on the neighbors!

Sigh, it's incredible that I, Carnacki, the most handsome next best ghost hunter, have to put up with this spoiled brat. But there is no time to waste, if I don't complete this mission, I will have no money and the rent on this disgusting place will expire and I will be on the street, which is even worse than this.

- Come, you have to come too!

I say as I turn off the television.

-Eeeeeeeeeeehhh???!!! I was seeing that carnacki!!

-You already know our agreement; I will let you live here as long as you help me in the fight against the specters.

-Pffffff, but I lived here before, you know? I should charge you rent too!

-You were just an illegal squatter and to make matters worse a ghost, who haunted this apartment, I on the other hand paid for it!

- Yeah, yeah. You are soooo threatening, like that time you were electrocuted with your pentagram when you saw me for the first time.

- D-damn, you just took me by surprise that time that was all!


I sigh even louder, the truth is that she has helped me a lot these last few months, since I met her here when I was looking for an apartment we have faced all kinds of monsters, demons and ghosts on behalf of the organization, her skills have saved me many times, for which I am grateful despite everything, although obviously I am not going to tell her that, she would become an unbearable bother

 - Enough, we must go now or both my things and yours will be on the street if we don't pay the rent!

-Aaaah it's fine as you say...Working is so tedious...

And so, I and Anastasia headed by bus to the place of one of the missions that I received on my cell phone, the house of a couple of esoteric researchers, Ed and Loraine Warren, from the United States but who had settled in a rented house. on the outskirts of the city of kyiv a few months ago for the purpose of investigating the strange forces that currently surrounded the city. The woman had hysterically contacted the hunter organization because the doll that she had found along with her husband was cursed and was tormented them, which is why she required the help of a ghost hunter.

The bus trip took 4 hours, Anastasia was a little upset because the mission location was stupidly far away, but I was more worried about knowing what a haunted doll looked like... would it be like the one in the movies? With scary faces that hardly anyone would think were aimed at children? I would already know.

The bus left us a few streets from the indicated house, even so, I and Anastasia walked (more like she levitated) to the place, the arid and cold landscape of Ukraine is less depressing when you are far from the city.

When I arrived I told Anastasia to get into her ring that I wear, it would be difficult to explain that a hunter is helped by a ghost, I glimpsed the modest house and knocked on the door, I heard quick footsteps on the other side until the door opened . I was greeted by a woman in her 60s, with graying brown hair and blue eyes.

-WELCOME!! You must be the hunter we asked for!

-That's right, my name is Carnacki, I came because of the doll.

- Come in, come in! But first pass some holy water! We don't want you to come in with any demon

Behind the woman was a man with a tired look and a certain degree of embarrassment when he saw me for some reason. I dipped my fingers in the basin of water that the woman gave me and crossed myself, then I entered the house.

- I suppose you already know this, but my name is Loraine Warren! I am a medium and paranormal researcher! – Said the woman with great emotion

-God... Lora... Was it really necessary to call someone? And worse, to one of those busy guys... -Said the man while he put his hand to his eyes.

-Oh, and this is my husband Edward, he is also a researcher and helps me in my mediumship sessions! –

-I see...-I said before the immense screams that the lady was giving just to introduce herself to her and her husband.

-I suppose that in one of her investigations they found something dangerous, can I see what it is?

- Of course! -Said the woman- Come follow me, I have had to seal her with several pentacles and magic spells in the basement so that she does not move again!

And so I accompanied the strange woman to the basement, but not before taking me through a kind of hall where they had all kinds of strange things and some quite silly, like a mermaid that was actually a stuffed monkey attached to the tail of a fish but that she really believed she was a mermaid. Or a mummified fairy in a jar that was actually a giant mosquito, A pile of branches that according to her were catalysts that belonged to powerful magicians, writings of supposed prophets, pieces of tombs of supposed witches, cursed mirrors. Various masks etc. All kinds of things of this caliber, neither I nor the electric pentagram felt any anomalous energy coming from any of these objects, which, despite the fact that the specters can camouflage their energy that manifests them, began to sow doubt in me that all this It was nothing more than this woman's nonsense.

Finally, after her short tour to her museum, the woman, I and the man went down to the basement, which according to her is where they keep the most dangerous things, and where there were crosses and a lot of pentagrams for protection, the haunted doll was at the back. of all the garbage that flooded the place….


Hang on a minute…


Th-that's not...

-And here it is, the demon doll!. - The woman said



Inside a large box and seen through glass, squeezed was a life-size doll of apparently a woman with long orange hair, brown eyes and beautiful facial features, dressed in a princess or Victorian royalty dress, but What stood out the most were her immense tits. There was no doubt about it, I had seen dolls from this Japanese brand...that is to say I had accidentally come across advertisements for this type of pleasure dolls online during my late night research on the dark side of the web, which were almost indistinguishable from real women, soft skin and real hair, medium weight. The company that manufactured these dolls made dolls of all possible themes and apparently this was the limited edition of Clarissa, the protagonist of a pornographic visual novel based on an English novel which, if I'm not mistaken, came with its own gel to make it even easier. the….

- Mr. Carnacki? Are you okay? You have been looking at the doll for 15 minutes. - Lora takes me out of my not at all impure thoughts.

-Eh?? Ah, sorry, sometimes I get lost in my thoughts, it-it wasn't what I expected, that's all. I answered while I adjusted the collar of my coat.

-No…couldn't it be that...the protections failed and the evil spirit is taking over you! - The woman said worried.

-Don't worry, I carry an electric pentagram, ghosts can't possess me, do you mind while I inspect it, telling me how you found it?

-Not at all! You see, as a paranormal investigator and professional medium, I spend a lot of time investigating in search of paranormal objects and experiences using my gifts, but one day I came home early, after finding some interesting objects for the museum of cursed objects, and That's when I entered the house and found my husband in our room being attacked by that doll! When he saw me he immediately said that the doll had attacked him and wanted to steal his soul because she had her mouth on his, what a damned evil!


"Suspicious..." said a voice whispering from my finger.

I look at the husband who had been strangely silent.

Tears of sweat ran down his face and his eyes went from one place to another, but they did not dare to look at his wife.

-After a moment of shock, I quickly summoned mystical forces and with a broom I knocked her aside! – Said the woman excitedly, innocent of the situation that was happening before her eyes. – After having sealed it properly, my husband told me, quite nervous about what had happened, that the doll had arrived that day when someone knocked on her door. When he opened it, he found With it in a box, surprised, my husband brought it in without thinking much and without realizing that after a while it would come out and attack him... I am sure that the doll was left at the door of our home by someone with a grudge against us... Maybe we should call more hunters to help us…


I had really been left speechless, and surely Anastasia too from the ring, looked with an incriminating look at the husband who begged me with those eyes not to tell his deluded wife the truth.

But I, Samuel Carnacki, the descendant of the famous John Carnacki, will be many things, handsome, brave, famous with the ladies, extremely intelligent, maybe sometimes with a bit of bad luck choosing stupid missions like this and maybe sometimes I sin on the side of being very kind to a certain annoying ghost, but never a liar but someone honest and direct, with that in mind I said:

-Madam, her husband is a pervert. – I said pointing my finger at the lady dramatically.

-Aaah…Look who's saying it…- Anastasia muttered hidden.




Time after


-Don't even think I'll let you do weird things with that in my house!!- Anastasia shouted while I carried a huge box behind my back.

-First of all, it's MY house, and i-it's not what you think it's is you idiot, I plan to sell it because this mission turned out to be a farce! You only charge if you defeat some evil thing and in this one there was nothing.

-Eeeeh...-Anastasia looked at me with a face of not believing anything- but you did destroy that marriage, carnacki...Although the truth is that I don't feel sorry for a pervert like that sweaty man, doing that at the ease of his poor wife...

- It's not like I was going to lie to her either, I would never hide truths from a lady!

Anastasia sighs- You almost look chivalrous saying that, if not you were carrying a doll of...that type behind your back...

-D-don't look at me like that! I already told you it's for sale! These dolls come out a lot and apparently that bastard didn't use it!

I sigh enormously and remember what happened a few hours ago. After telling her what was really happening, the woman did not believe me. She still believed in her husband's loyalty and above all, that there was a demon in the doll.

However, when I explained and showed him that both when I poked the doll with the tip of my tulpa, the umbrella, and when I brought the pentagram closer to the doll, no one couldn't find any energy and they didn't react to the supposed doll, and lastly I told his wife to analyze the computer. her husband, to whom despite his resistance to giving it, the woman got it and looked at the purchase record on that Japanese dirty shopping page that I definitely don't know.

The woman was shocked and her husband, trying to calm her, put his hand on her shoulder, but with impressive speed the woman pushed her husband's hand away and started yelling at him with force.


-M-my dear, please... she's not that big of a deal... she's just a doll...


- B-but what? Look, none of this would happen if you didn't spend the entire day on your dangerous fantasies, I'm tired and stressed of all this shit you call mysticism, mediums and whatever... at first I played along to make you happy... but I'm tired... you spend the whole day with your magical nonsense! What about me? You always say you don't have time!

-M-MAGICAL STUPIDNESS? This is my job! Our work! How can you call it that? And don't give me that, because I've seen you look at young Ukrainian girls with those loving eyes since we got here, say it! You don't love me anymore because I'm not beautiful like before, right?! That's why you're the one who no longer touches me at night and now prefers to hang out with dolls!


The conversation grew louder and louder and continued and continued with me there in the middle, stealthily while I saw a marriage falling apart in front of my eyes, I took the doll and placed it in a box somewhere and squatting down I carried it on my back, and so on., I left the house.


- Mission accomplished? - I said, while carrying on my back the heavy box containing the doll possessed only by the home-breaking demon.

For now…

And so, another day as a ghost hunter in the cursed country ends.