Everyone had left and Mia still haven't see her prince charming.
Ryan stood at a corner all this while,he watched her lied to her aunt.He never knew she was good at making excuses.
He walked up to her tapping her shoulders,she turned in shock and Ryan blocked his face with his hand and Mia smiled knowingly.He held her by her waist and planted a soft kiss on her lips
"So tell me,is this the responsibility of the new Miss R.R High?"Ryan asked winking at her
She laughed knowing he had heard her lies.
Madam Swarez joined them soon and it was time to go see Ria.
On their way Mia asked to stop by a fashion shop,she bought a crown similar to hers.Ryan asked her what she needed it for but she said he would find out much later.
Meanwhile Ria had been waiting impatiently for their arrival,she paced up and down the sitting room waiting for Ryan in particular.
She heard the door bell and Ryan came in accompanied by grandma but where is Mia.She frowned at Ryan folding her hands"Where is Mia"she yelled.
"hmmmmmm....."She didn't let Ryan speak
"You lied to me,you said you would bring her home"she kept scolding him
Mia who was in hiding laughed and had to come out to save Ryan from the angry little princess,she was still scolding Ryan and did not notice Mia until she placed the crown on her head from behind.
She touched the crown and turned around,she smiled and hugged Mia.
She was so sweet,Mia wondered why he called her pretty little devil.
'i thought you weren't coming'she said admist tears and Mia wiped her tears,Ryan and his grandma just stood watching the new lovers.
"please don't cry princess"she smiled
"I'm your princess too"she asked and Mia smiled
"I brought you this crown because you helped me win my competition"
"but how?"
"if Ryan hadn't told me about you,I wouldn't have been able to become Mia's R.R High"she smiled and everyone laughed.
"hmmmmmm Ria I know you want to spend time with Mia but you have to go see the doctor,your appointment is actually now!"Madam swarez gasped.
"Why do you have to see the doctor?"Mia asked Ria
"she has leukamia"Ryan answered.
"Mia feel at home and don't bother waiting for us because we might take long"Madam swarez said and Mia nodded, they left leaving Ryan and Mia to themselves.
* * * *
"So you live here all alone with your grandma and sister?"
Ryan nodded "Not actually alone,the servants are here"
Mia looked around but didn't see any"they must be in their quarters"Ryan said clearing her curiosity.
Mia bit her lips,she had been thinking of how to love him,she walked to him placing her hands around his shoulder"hmmmm Ryan....hmm"
"what's wrong cupcake"he whispered into her ears as he wrapped his hands around her
"Make Love to me"Mia had summoned all the courage in her to say that
Ryan pulled away as he watched her for a while"why are you doing this"he asked not really sure
"cause I want to"Mia said dragging him closer to herself.
"Are you sure,did Betty say anything to you?"he asked knotting his brows
"comon Ryan,don't you want me as well"she asked planting soft kisses on his lips.