I swung open the tiny gate to the apartment and slid inside, locking it up right away. Were the cops hot on my trail? Would they nab Jeric that same night?
I headed straight to my bro's room – my turf for now. All his stuff's already moved to our place in Bulacan. I stretched out on the makeshift bed after laying down the mattress. Pulled out my .22 caliber and stashed it in a corner, then whipped out my phone to check my messages.
Got some quotes from Nikki, Kate, and Angela.
Shot some quotes back to Kate and Angela. I'll hit up Nikki later. Obviously, Kate's my girl, and that's pretty much how we stay in touch these days.
Kate had another message asking about my mom and if Jeric got caught yet. She also spilled the beans that Jeric was detained at the Pampanga Street detachment. Same gist from Dadoy, Jessica, and Lorraine. Even Aling Bea chimed in. Couldn't wrap my head around all of it, and honestly, I wasn't in the mood to read their texts, so I just forced myself to catch some Zs...