As the sun was setting, casting a ruby amber glow across the room. The party surveyed the bustling common room, their gazes flitting from face to face, searching for the elusive Grimble. As they strategized, a lanky and tall ragged figure emerged from the shadows near the fireplace. His clothes were a patchwork of mismatched leathers and faded fabrics, and his beard, a tangled amber mess that rivaled Rory's. He shuffled towards them, his boots whispering against the rough wooden floor. The closer he got the party could see his ethereal looking eyes.
The newcomer cleared his throat, his voice. "Excuse me, travelers," he rasped, his eyes flickering nervously between the companions. "Sven said you needed my help?" He used his thumb to point back over his shoulder at the barkeep. "Said you were looking for a place in the Jagged Hills."
Lucian's posture stiffened. "You must be Grimble?" He cautiously leaned forward.
"Indeed." The stranger said.
"We are looking for a place called Serpent's Maw." Lucian stated. It's in the Jagged hills I guess."
"What can you tell us of its location, hunter man." Rory mused. "We were hoping to set out right away in the morning."
Grimble had a look of surprise on his face for just a split moment. Then he looked at the party. The ragged man leaned closer, his breath carrying the faint scent of wood smoke and cider. "Information can be… expensive," he said, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "But I have the knowledge you seek. I can tell you where the peaks are and I can give you a little of an idea of what you can find there." The man pushed Lucian to the side at the booth and sat next to him. "Look, I have the map right here." The man pulled out an old beat up scroll. Rance reached out to grab the scroll and like a flash the older haggard man stowed it away before rance could get a hand on it.
"I told you. Information has a cost. You help me and I can help you." The man breathed.
"Okay. Well how do we know that you have reliable information? From what I know of the hills it's not a place you can really go by yourself and come out alive." Rance chided.
The older man reached into a pocket and flicked a small brass coin onto the table in front of everyone. "That's how."
Lucian reached out to pick up the small smooth coin. He noticed the coin felt much lighter than it looked and had a wolf's head carved into it. Lucian then looked over at Kainith. "I'm not sure why I thought this would mean anything to me. Kainith, have you ever seen one of these before?"
Kainith turned the coin over in his fingers while he studied it. "This boys is a symbol of The Pack."
"The Pack?" Lucian asked.
This time Rory spoke up. "The Pack? No way!" A huge smile started to form on Rory's face. "The Pack is a famed hunting group! They accept contracts and hunt as a pack to take down whatever they are assigned. They usually hunt beasts and creatures, but some break away from the credo and become mercenaries."
This time it was Grimbles time to show surprise. "You know a lot about us. How?"
"Well I grew up in Bryonton where you guys are headquartered and I wanted to hunt with the pack so bad when I was growing up!" Rory gushed.
Rance leaned back in the seat. "Okay, I guess we can trust you. Rory is going to require us to help you anyways so get on with it. What do you want from us?"
He paused, his gaze darting around the room before flickering back to the party. "There's a manor, haunted by restless spirits, north of Fallwind. A place shrouded in darkness, cursed by a vengeful lord. They say the key to breaking the curse is killing this lord. Anyways, the curse doesn't matter to me. I was just contracted to kill the lord."
"That sounds a lot like something you and The Pack wouldn't need help with. What's with the subcontract?" Rance questioned.
The hunter glanced around the party now. "Look, this is a fairly easy mission. I was actually sent alone. This is going to sound really dumb but…" Grimble now with a look of shame spreading on his face "I'm scared of ghosts and I can't tell The Pack no because I'm scared."
Rory cackled loudly, "You are scared of ghosts? You are part of one of the most powerful organizations in the world and you are scared of some little spirits?"
Kainith reaches across the table to grab one of Rory's arms. "Rory go easy on him. You are scared of heights so we all have fears."
Rory stopped laughing and said, "I'm sorry hunter man. I would love to help you exercise a few little ghosts. I just want one more thing in exchange."
Grimble glares at Rory, clearly annoyed, " What do you want?"
Rory smiled back at him and took the coin from Kainith. "I want one of these!"
Grimble sighed. "You want to join The Pack? I mean I can't do that unilaterally but I can refer you. Just please keep the ghost thing in between us."
Rory reaches out to shake Grimbles hand. "You got a deal!"
The hunter's face broke into a wide, toothy grin. Relief and perhaps something more gleamed in his eyes. "Excellent!" he exclaimed.
The late afternoon sun cast long shadows over the dusty town as the adventures sat around the table by themselves after Grimble left.
Kainith looks around at the party "Well shall we get going? We still have a lot in front of us."
As the party sets out towards the north of town a dusk painted sky with streaks of violet and orange catches Lucians eye. Rance notices that Lucian's absentminded staring out at the horizon.
"Are you nervous about the contract Lucian?" Rance asked.
"What… Oh no I'm actually really excited to feel like we are making some progress. Why do you ask?"
"Oh, I just saw you staring off and wanted to make sure your head was in it!" Rance smiled.
Lucian smiled at Rance. "Oh yeah I'm ready! I was just noticing the sky. Where I'm from it's pretty much just red. Here in this world the sky can be so many colors."
The air grew colder as they approached the looming manor, its silhouette stark against the dying light. Flanking the iron gates were two imposing statues, one of a winged devil and the other is an angel wearing full plate mail grasping a greatsword. Kainith walked to the gate and tried to pull it open but it wouldn't budge.
"Well this seems problematic. We can't get in. Did Grimble give any of us a key or something?"
Lucian pointed upwards to an arch between the two statues. "Look, there is an inscription on that arch." An inscription above them, barely visible in the fading light, sent shivers down Lucian's spine. "Only the bright shines here," it read.
"Let me try this." Lucian, his horns gleaming faintly in the moonlight, stepped forward. Closing his eyes, he focused his magic, channeling a radiant light into his palm. A luminous sphere pulsed to life, bathing the inscription and the angel and devil statues in a warm glow. With a groan that echoed through the night, the rusty gate creaked open, revealing a path that snaked towards the imposing mansion, its tall wooden spires scraping the now night sky.
Rory smirked. "Now it's my turn!"
A surge of adrenaline coursed through Rory. He charged ahead, flinging open the creaking oak door almost ripping it off its hinges. The rest of the party, still from a significant distance away, watched the behemoth of a warrior disappear into a seeming pit. Even from a distance all the party heard was "God dammit!" The party rushed forward to find Rory sprawled at the bottom of a pit hidden beneath the faded welcome mat.
"Rory! Are you okay?" Kainith shouted down at him.
"Yeah I'm fine." Rory snorted. "Just angry and extremely annoyed now."
"Maybe you shouldn't just run ahead next time?" Rance said with a smile.
"Yeah, yeah," Rory said half-heartedly.
"Rory you are gonna have to find a way up. I don't think we can get down there." Lucian stated.
"Okay Lucian I see some doors down here. I'll look for some stairs."
"Alright Rory." Lucian said "We are going to look around up here to see if we can find a way forward."
The manor's interior was a labyrinth of dust-laden corridors and creaking floorboards with candles in wall sconces ever burning. The walls were two toned with a Lilac wallpaper on top half and gaudy wood on the bottom half. Each step seemed to awaken a chorus of groans and whispers from the shadows. They navigated a hallway glancing at paintings and bronze statues. All of the decor had a thick layer of dust on it.
Rance was showing particular interest in a lot of the pottery and statues. "Man none of this stuff is even that nice." As he walked past a large vase he ran his hand on it absentmindedly and the vase fell to the floor shattering.
"What the hell, Rance." Kainith shouted. "We aren't here to break things."
Just as Rance spoke up to defend himself a section of wall slowly started dropping into the floor. Revealing a staircase descending down into inky blackness."
"I take it back. Thank you for that. Maybe we can help Rory get up here and not have to worry about finding him later." Kainith smiled. "Lucian, you want to do that light thing again?"
"Sure thing!"
As Lucian channeled some arcane magic into his right hand creating a small light resembling a star in his hand bathing the stairwell in a white light. As they descended the stairwell into the darkness they found a door splintering and shattering as they saw Rory on the other side.
"Woah big man! Calm down." Rance shouted.
"What are you guys doing down here? I thought I had a little privacy to take my anger out." Rory said sheepishly.
Kainith smacked Rance on the back. "Well someone broke a vase and we found a way down. So we just decided to come find you and pull you out of here."
"Well I'm glad you did. Let's get on with it so we can get out of this damn house." Rory smirked.
Back on the main floor, they continued onward down the halfway where they found the hidden door. At the end of the hallway they found what appeared to be another grand foyer but this one felt out of place. At the west side of the foyer there was a grand staircase with carved wooden gargoyles on the ends of the banisters. The royal purple carpet that was found in the rest of the manor so far continued up the staircase.
Rory looking apprehensive now pointed at Rance. "I refuse to go first. It's all you."
Rance smiled. "Okay I got it you big baby."
Rance strode forward and started walking up the stairs he got about half way up and the stairs converted into a slide that Rance could not hold onto. He slowly slid back down into the foyer. When he hit the main floor again the slide turned back into stairs.
"Don't." Rance pointed at Rory. "Okay so fast it is."
Just as Rance said that he got back up and in a flash Rance bounded up the stairs. Just as he reached the landing on the top the stairs once again turned back into a slide. Rance looked around on the landing and noticed a small ornate chest that felt out of place and a marble bust in a small alcove and no other rooms or hallways. He sprinted over to the small chest.
"Really Rance. You are going to steal all of the loot before any of us even get up there?" Lucian shouted.
Rance expected resistance but the cest just opened as soon as he tried to open it there was no lock or latch. Expecting to see loot, Rance was a little disappointed when all he saw was a small lever in the bottom of the chest which appeared to be connected to the floor.
"Don't worry it's just a lever. There's nothing less in the chest." Rance said disappointedly. "Do you want me to pull it?"
Rory shouted "Yes! Do it!" Very excitedly.
Rance without a second thought pulled the lever and as he did there was a loud click. Just as he pulled the lever the wall with the small alcove with the bust in it was sucked up into the ceiling. The stairs also clicked, seemingly locking them into place.
"Okay I think it's safe to come up here now." Rance shouted back down.
The rest of the party started walking up the stairs and as they got to the top they noticed a ballroom bathed in an eerie, ethereal light. In the center, ghostly figures waltzed, their faces obscured by grotesque masks, a macabre masquerade. Opposite them, a vast wall showcased a collection of masks mirroring those on the dancing phantoms. A colossal metal door, devoid of handles or visible locks, stood at the far end.
"Well now what." Rory asked inquisitively.
Lucian looked at the wall and then to Kainith. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I think I am Lucian. It's a puzzle Rory. Look, do you see how the ghosts are matched up dancing and they are all wearing masks?"
"Yeah." Rory said, confused.
"Over there," Lucian pointed at the wall. "Those are the same masks that all of the ballroom dancing specters are wearing but they aren't paired up correctly."
"So all we have to do is change the masks they are hanging with." Rance stated.
"Bingo." Kainith said.
Rance and Rory watched the dancers while Kainith and Lucian took to the wall. Rance and Rory took turns calling out pairs so Lucian and Rory could swap them and move them where they needed to go. As the final mask fell into place, the large metal door groaned open, revealing a chamber choked with a sickly green fog.
As the sickly green mist swirled around them as they entered, the fog solidified from its ethereal form. A skeletal hand, devoid of flesh and muscle, clutched a staff topped with a flickering skull. Hooded robes, once a deep black, hung in tatters, revealing the bony framework beneath. Lich-fire burned in its empty sockets, casting an unnatural glow on the chamber. A primal sense of dread washed over Lucian. The air crackled with a dark energy, a tangible malevolence that sent shivers down his spine. The stench of decay hung heavy. In its bony hand, it clutched a metal box, intricately etched with arcane symbols.
"This must be the Lord we need to get rid of" Rory yelled.
With a guttural roar, the necromancer lunged, staff crackling with dark energy. Kainith reacted with lightning speed. Strumming his lute with a flourish, he unleashed a stirring melody that resonated with the room. A surge of courage coursed through his companions, their movements gaining a renewed sense of purpose. Rory's grip tightened on his axe, the warrior's face a mask of grim determination. Rance melted into the sickly fog.
Lucian, his horns hot to the touch with the rising adrenaline, channeled his magic. A crackling sphere of infernal fire pulsed in his palm. He looked towards the necromancer's chest and unleashed a torrent of hellfire. The undead mage screamed in pain as his robes singed. Just as the hellfire hit, Rance appeared behind the necromancer and dug both daggers into the mages ethereal form. The necromancer, though surprised by the rogue's sudden attack, unleashed a torrent of dark energy from its staff. Rory, anticipating this move, slammed his axe down on the skull on top of the necromancer's staff , shattering it making the magical staff useless. As the axe cracked the skull there was a wave of energy released between the weapons. The force of the blast knocked both combatants backward, leaving them momentarily stunned.
As the dust settled, the necromancer rose, its empty sockets narrowing in rage. It pointed at the party, a dark orb of energy forming at its finger tip. This time, Lucian was ready. Focusing all his energy, he unleashed a blistering beam of radiant light directly at the orb. The two energies met in a mid-air clash, a struggle for dominance between life and death. The air crackled and hissed.
With a final push of Lucian's magic, the orb of dark energy sputtered and died. The necromancer let out a shriek of frustration, the sound echoing through the chamber. It lunged once more. But this time, Rory was there. With a mighty swing of his axe, he cleaved through the necromancer's arm, sending it flying across the room. The skeletal mage stumbled back, its eyes flickering with disbelief.
Lucian and Kainith seized the opportunity. Channeling every ounce of their magical power, they unleashed a scorching wave of fire empowered by a battle song from Kainith. The flames engulfed the necromancer, its screams ripped through the air. Then, with a final, ear-splitting crack, the necromancer crumbled into dust, leaving behind only the faint smell of burning sulfur.
Silence descended upon the chamber, broken only by the ragged breaths of the party. The green mist dissipated, revealing the ballroom beyond. The spectral figures were gone, leaving behind an emptiness that spoke of a newfound peace. Lucian slumped against the wall, his body drained but his heart pounding with a mixture of relief and exhilaration.
"Woo!" Rory shouted. "Now that was a fight!"
Kainith walked over to help Lucian up, "Good work! I'm really glad that demon gave you a little extra juice!"
Rance walked over to the box and noticed it was a cryptex. "What do you think is in here?"
Lucian looked over. "Oh that appears to be some sort of puzzle box. The runes are infernal so we can take a look at it when we get out of there. I need a rest."