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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Veer Raheja

Chapter 1: Veer Raheja

Ever since this universe was formed, we all have been believing the same thing that earth is the only planet in the whole universe where life is found. This has been taught in our schools and colleges as well.

However, it is another matter that as science has progressed, it has also come to the fore that there are many other planets like Earth in the universe where signs of life have been found. The people living there are some version of us humans, just like here there are also plants and animals. The only difference is the way there and the thinking of people and animals.

It sounds a bit strange to hear, but it is a researched fact.

On a hill on Titan, a planet very similar to our Earth, stood a young 18-year-old boy dressed in black with a blood-soaked dagger in one hand and a dead turtle in the other. The blood dripping continuously from the dagger was making it clear that the boy had just killed this turtle.

Only then blue light spread in front of his eyes and a transparent screen came in front. It was written on it:

"The black turtle has been killed. devil soul not achieved. Get its energy to gain 0 to 10 gene points."

A satisfied smile appeared on the handsome face of that boy named Veer Raheja after reading this. He immediately placed the dead tortoise on the ground and tore open its stomach with the dagger in his hand. As soon as tearing the stomach of the turtle, Veer closed his eyes and moved his hands in a pattern and he started feeling the energy of the turtle coming inside him.

Then he looked at the power screen which read...

"The energy of the black turtle has been achieved. You didn't get gene points."

Veer tries to touch the power screen lightly. The screen went blank for a second, then it was written on it.

Your status: First level not passed.

Now your life span will be: two hundred years

Points Required to Evolve: One Hundred Gene Points

Gene Points Earned: Seventy Nine

devil's soul: not achieved

Veer's smile turned to sadness after reading his data and he took a deep breath and sat down on a nearby stone in despair and thought, "Even after killing more than 30 turtles in a row, I didn't gain a single gene point." . Looks like I've gotten their energy by killing more black turtles than I need to. Maybe that's why I am not able to develop further. Zero Points! Don't know when my first level will be completed and when I will get any status here.

It has been more than three months since he came to the 'Dev-Ashram' built on the planet Titan and even after so much time has passed, he is still where he started. Lest it happen that his whole life should be spent here in 'Dev-Ashram' and he would never be able to move forward. With this thought, Veer starts trembling with fear.

No, he cannot accept defeat like this. He can never forget why he has come here and what is his purpose. For his family, for the happiness of his family, he has to prove himself. So that when he returns to his planet, his mother and his sister will be proud of him.

Yes, Veer is not a creature from the planet Titan. Rather he is from the planet Earth. Then what is he doing here and what is his purpose? And most importantly, how did he reach here? So, it's a very interesting story.

Veer is also a common man like the rest of the earthlings. He doesn't have any special power like superman or spiderman or any such super hero. Rather, he is a common 18-year-old boy struggling with life's problems. But Veer's life was not always full of such troubles.

There was a time when Veer's father Vihaan Raheja was counted among the other nobles of the city. He had no dearth of luxuries. But everything changed after his death. Vihaan Raheja's brothers and his sister began to find Veer and his family a burden and one by one all of them ended their relationship with them. Veer's mother Prerna Raheja was deeply saddened to see such attitude of her relatives, but still without complaining to anyone, she continued to live with her two children in her ancestral mansion, which was named after Veer's grandfather. Got it

But even this was not acceptable to Veer's relatives. After gaining control over Vihaan Raheja's business, his eyes fell on that ancestral mansion and those people started pressurizing Prerna Raheja in different ways to sell that mansion and distribute the money received from them. But how could Prerna Raheja do this? After all, in the name of property, only this mansion was left with him. If this too is sold then where will she go with her two children. Secondly, Vihaan Raheja's memories were also attached to that mansion.

But both Veer's uncle and aunt had nothing to do with all these things. Veer still remembers that day when he had just returned home from college for his exams, and he overheard his aunt arguing with his mother. The hoarse voice of Veer's aunt echoed throughout the mansion, "Prerna, what do you want? This house belongs to our parents, and my brothers and I have equal rights over it. Now that Vihaan Bhaiya is no more, we don't want to disturb his wife and children. After selling the house, we will give whatever share will be made to you. But if you are trying to grab this entire mansion, we will never let that happen.

Veer's uncle was supporting his sister saying, "My sister is absolutely right. This haveli is the legacy of our parents. We all have a right over it, and you alone cannot capture it. Anyway, you guys have been living here for more than 20 years, so by that count, you guys have already reaped a lot of benefits. Now the time has come that we should divide this mansion.

Veer's younger uncle was also agreeing with his elder brother saying, "You are right brother. Sister-in-law, you should accept our favor that at least we are not asking you for its rent. But we all have a right on this house and hence it will be divided."

Veer's aunt was saying, "We have got our lawyer to settle all the accounts. The cost of this mansion itself is more than 4 crores. We are four people including you, so according to that we all should get 1-1 crore. Now either you give 1-1 crore rupees to all three of us and get this house completely in your name, otherwise sell this house. The decision is yours.

Veer cannot believe his ears after hearing such words from his aunt. After all, how can someone be so heartless.

Prerna Raheja started crying and while crying she said to her relatives, "Look, you people cannot pressurize me like this. You guys know very well how our situation is. I do not have Rs 3 crore. If there were, then why would this situation come at all?

Prerna was wondering whether usurping her husband's business was not enough that now they are not allowing her and her children to live peacefully in this house as well.

Veer's aunt while narrating her final verdict had said, "Then this haveli will have to be sold." Veer was very surprised to hear his aunt's words. He never thought that one day he would get to see this form of his aunt.

Prerna Raheja once again tried to convince them all, "If the haveli is sold, where will we be? Veer is about to finish his graduation and Anuja is still in school."

Dev's elder aunt told Prerna Raheja in a curt voice, "Look sister-in-law, now you are talking nonsense. The problems are not only with you. Veer has completed his studies from a government school and Anuja should also get admission in a college. But my son Daksh, he is in private medical college. Do you even know how much it costs for his studies every year?

Veer's younger aunt nodded in agreement to everyone and said, "Chhoti bhabhi is absolutely right. We all have problems and we all need money. Then why don't we sell this mansion itself? This will benefit all of us, and you will also be able to get Anuja admitted to a good college.

Veer's aunt on hearing his final decision said, "Well, we don't want to argue much. Either you give us the money or let this mansion be sold. The decision is yours.

None of them cared what would happen to their elder brother's family after the house was sold.

The blood of Veer standing outside was boiling after listening to all of them. When he felt that now he could not listen to the nonsense of those people anymore, then without thinking anything, he opened the door and went inside the room. Seeing his mother with tears in her eyes and his younger sister scared, his anger boiled over. And the people who were the cause of all this were standing there with merciless smiles on their faces.

Filled with anger, Veer shouted, "How dare you come here and talk about selling this mansion?" At this time Veer's anger was on the seventh sky and at this time he did not care that those people standing in front were older than him. When those people did not take care of the relationships, then why should they respect those people.

"Why aunt, have you forgotten how you swindled crores of rupees in the company where you were an accountant? Remember the time you begged my dad and he helped you?" Hearing Veer's words, the color of his aunt's face went away. He had never thought that Veer would know all these things. But how?

Veer did not stop and continued, "…and big uncle, have you forgotten how you had invested the company's money in the stock market, after which the company suffered crores of losses? Do you remember how you came to this haveli and fell at my father's feet begging for help?"

Seeing Veer's angry face, his elder uncle stopped speaking and he stood there silently without saying anything.

Now Veer angrily turned towards his younger uncle who was standing there listening to Veer with surprise. Veer said, "And you little uncle, you have lost so many crores of rupees in gambling. Hey, your debtors had even forced you to think of suicide. Who helped you at that time? Who saved you when your creditors were after you?"

Veer kept shouting angrily, "Star Group wanted to usurp our family business. At that time, if my father had not come forward and helped you people and earned the enmity of Star Group, would he have died such a merciless death?

Seeing his face red with anger, no one had the courage to say anything to Veer at this time.

The wound in Veer's heart for years had erupted today as a volcano of anger, in whose lava all of them were going to be consumed. Veer continued in an angry voice, "And above all, who gave you the money for the luxurious houses you all live in? Is it worth less than this mansion? The parents whose property you are claiming today, when they were alive, did any of you serve them even for a day? My dad helped you till he died and you guys are so selfish that you didn't even come to my dad's funeral. Even you sold our company to Star Group as soon as he died. Did you give us our share of that money? Then how dare you come here and ask for your share in this mansion?

After being in shock for some time, Veer's uncle came forward and coldly said to Veer, "Stop it Veer! Your dad has not done any great thing that you are telling us all these things. He did what he wanted to do. As for the company, it belonged to my father, and not only your father but all of us had a share in it. Your dad alone could not decide for all of us. And we have every right to spend the money received after selling the company.

Veer's aunt also agreed with her elder brother and said, "You are absolutely right brother. Your dad used to think of himself as a dictator. He used to do what he thought was right. And anyway, we are only asking for our money, aren't we? So whatever you say, it doesn't matter. Either you give us our share of money or else let this mansion be sold. And if you people ask not to do any of these two, then we will drag you to the court. And remember that once this case goes to court, your defeat is certain.

What was it then, one by one all the relatives present there united the land and sky in telling Vihaan Raheja wrong and themselves right. Vihaan Raheja was wrong in everyone's eyes and they were not leaving any chance to blame him.

Veer's blood was boiling listening to all of them and he felt very bad for his father. He could not believe that even after hearing all this, these people are so shamelessly blaming his father. His father did so much for these people, but instead of thanking him, these people are telling him wrong.

Veer vividly remembers that when his father took over the reins of the company, it was just a small business with no identity in the market.

Vihaan Raheja had taken his blood and sweat to take this company to its heights and at the same time took care of his family members. Even helped them by forgiving their mistakes from time to time. Many times it happened that due to lack of money, the company was about to be locked, but Vihaan Raheja always came forward and saved the company from closure. Even he died because of this company.

And the people for whom Vihaan Raheja did so much, today the same people are troubling his wife and their children in the same way after his death. Veer remembers well that his dad always used to tell him that all these people are not his relatives but family and no one argues or fights in the family. But little did he know that the people whom he used to call his family would stoop to such an extent after his death.

It is not that Veer never considered those people as his own. If those people were really in trouble and needed money, Veer would have done anything to help them. Even if he had to sell this mansion for that.

But seeing the expensive vehicles parked outside the house and their lifestyle, Veer can say this with a claim that those people have no shortage of money from anywhere. Moreover, after selling the company, all of them had gained crores, out of which they did not give even a single penny to Veer and his family. Then how suddenly they got so much money problem that they were after selling this mansion?

It is clear, like Vihaan Raheja's company, they want to take over this haveli as well and Veer is determined that he will not let that happen at any cost!

After arguing for some time, Veer's relatives left only two options before him; Either he gives Rs 1-1 crore to all of them or else he sells this mansion within 6 months. Otherwise, those people will drag him to the court.

As soon as they all left, Prerna sat on the sofa crying and said, "I am so helpless. I could not do anything when they usurped the company and even today I am not able to save my house from being sold."

Veer's sister Anuja still clung to her mother in fear.

Veer too had tears in his eyes seeing his mother breaking down like this. She remembers how her dad used to treat her mother like queens when he was alive. His mother never got up and took a glass of water on her own, let alone doing other household chores. But after Vihaan Raheja passed away, she not only took care of this house but also went out and did whatever small jobs she got. Veer knows how difficult all this must have been for his mother, but still he never saw a wrinkle on his mother's face. But seeing him broken like this today, Veer was feeling very sad. If his mother has to face so many troubles while he is there, then what is the use of having him.

Veer went to his mother and sat down and said, "Mother, don't worry at all. Even though dad is not with us today, I am still alive. I promise you that no matter what I have to do, I will not let those people grab this house at any cost. I will talk to Vikram uncle about this now. Till then you go inside and rest.

As soon as he said this, Veer immediately started calling his father's friend, Advocate Vikram. 0

Advocate Vikram was not only a good friend of Vihaan Raheja but was also the legal advisor of his company. That's why at this time Veer found no one more trustworthy than him.

On the phone, Vikram asked Veer about everyone's well-being and then Veer told him everything, but after listening to Vikram from the other side, concern started appearing on Veer's face. Vikram tells Veer that his relatives are right. Legally they all have full rights on this mansion. And if this case goes to the court, then the court will also leave the same two ways in front of him which his relatives have left in front of him.

Seeing Veer worried, Prerna Raheja asked him, "Veer, what did advocate Vikram say?"

Veer smiled and assured his mother, "Nothing mom, don't worry. Vikram uncle has said that there is a solution to this problem. You just take care of Anuja and leave the rest to me. I'll take care of everything."

Prerna Raheja heaved a sigh of relief after listening to him. She didn't know what Veer was going to do, but she definitely understood that Veer would find some way or the other.

Suddenly Veer came out of his past due to the movement in the bushes and he immediately became alert. Even though the animals in the area of Titan where he was at this time were less dangerous, yet they could not be treated carelessly. Thinking this, Veer silently hid behind a tree and started looking at the place from where he felt the movement.

After a few minutes, he saw a turtle coming out of the pond built there towards the ground and Veer was shocked to see that turtle. Not because he had seen a turtle there for the first time, but because it was different from all the turtles he had killed so far. All the turtles he had killed till date had black colored armor, on the other hand this turtle coming out of the pond was of golden color.