Papillon stared at Jude dumbfounded.
"You mean?"
Jude calmly nod.
"Only Tobias isn't bugged with a tracking spell"
Papillon swallowed the lump in her throat forcefully and took calming breaths.
"Okay. As long as we can get him fast enough to close the door then Joseph can't get us"
" Yes" Jude nodded.
Papillon walked outside and beaconed Jude to follow.
"He said he wanted to go to class. He will definately be there"
" Let's go" Jude replied.
He decided to conserve his energy to have better opportunity to escape from Joseph if there are any signs of a battle.
So no using of his mutated vibrations to locate Tobias.
It can also alert Joseph quicker.
They head towards the class quickly afraid of Joseph catching up.
Tobias wandered back around Winter's apartment.
Listening to Papillon earlier made him feel like a fool!
She said they should stay inside because of Joseph and he had missed several classes because of that.
He snuck out to get something from his luggage in the apartment and run back before the other two can notice.
"Don't go out Toby" he sneered.
He cautiously passed the front of Joseph apartment and quickly opened the door to Winter's.
He went in and took what he wanted before returning back outside.
Beauty came round the corner waving her hands towards the rows of guards following behind her.
Tobias quickly bolted in and hid behind the door.
He isn't totally clueless, the other two didn't explain what went on between Joseph and Jude but they still explained the kids group are searching for them and won't hesitate to use violence!
He unknowingly fell into the hands of Beauty!
Winter had explained to him how this girl is brutal!
Joseph isn't the terrifying one among the group.
It's Beauty!
She is ruthless and won't bat an eye when killing.
Joseph can still be stopped but she is like a machine raised only for two purposes, and one of them is killing.
The merpeople have been the assassins for powers school. Their powers makes it possible for them to quietly drug their victims and make a clean escape.
The heiress of the assassins creatures is right outside!
Beauty glanced at Winter's door casually. She noticed the little crack in the door.
'Joseph must be in'
She reached to her own door knob and opened her door.
"Future Aqua" A guard came abruptly. He bowed hurriedly.
"Speak" Beauty looked up and said, her cold voice sinking down into the guards spine. She had been looking for someone and their appointment was cancelled due to some circumstances making her angry!
Her eyes flickered remembering what they agreed.
If he withdrew, it will deliver a big blow to the entire kingdom!
"The heir of the witches coven is
"currently seeking your presence"
Her voice went lower and deeper, she opened her mouth to reply "Where?"
"Close to the school auditorium"
Beauty eyes went down and she waved the guard away.
'am coming' said telepathically.
The guard understanding what she meant by the demeanor change nodded and walked out of there.
A spy is definately following her!
Beauty inched her way towards the slightly opened door calmly.
"I know you are in there"
Tobias heart leaped and he held his mouth.
'she is coming here!'
He can't hear the entirety of their conversation since her dorm is still a bit far from Winter's. He had picked up the bits that Joseph is asking of her.
Beauty opened the door wider and her cold eyes scanned the entirety of the living room. Only the gentle breeze occasionally lifting the curtains through the open balcony door made noise.
Her legs moved slowly and deliberately towards the window each step sounded deeply in the person heart.
She stretched out her arms and closed the door.
Tobias breathed a sign of relief watching her figure heading to the door.
He can't escape the room on time and there is no other way. The apartment only has two doors leading outside, he was hiding behind the first one and the other is a balcony door.
He can jump out through the balcony and avoid dying if he shifts fast enough in the air but that is too obvious.
Hence, he chose to hide behind the kitchen door and only leaving the balcony door open to throw her off his tracks.
Beauty walked to the front door and stretched her arms lightly.
She closed the door and locked it securely.
"I can see your heat temperature" she said lightly and sat down on the sofa.
Her calm eyes turned cold and serious. Accumulated aura spread around the apartment suffocating the 'intruder'
The spy that had followed her from that location is very good and has the ability to break into Winter's apartment without triggering the alarms.
He must be involved in the latter's disappearance.
He must not be spared!
But it can be seen he is a bit of a rookie. He forgot the merpeople can see heat temperature!
And can control water.
Water floated silently and steadily from the sink behind Tobias moving across the air like a graceful dance.
The water gathered above his head and behind his back increasing steadily.
Tobias back stiffened feeling the danger behind him.
"Mnf!" He jumped out of the way as a large force of water hit the door slamming it shut.
He looked at his attacker and saw spilt water everyway. He frowned and walked backwards afraid.
His danger instinct had made him jump out of the way without even knowing the problem and now it is still on high alert telling him the danger isn't over.
The water on the floor squirmed and shook.
The water moved quickly towards each other gathering into a large body of water again.
Tobias stared vigilantly at the large water in front of him.
The water didn't have any shape but looked menacing standing still without support.
"Damn!" He rolled out of the way again barely missing the kitchen island.
The attacker didn't give him breathing space and rushed at him again.
This time he didn't have a chance to escape watching the water heading towards him.
"I really miss high school!"