Chereads / the dark world: AIRSON'S BOOK. / Chapter 8 - ch. 7 wedding.

Chapter 8 - ch. 7 wedding.

The gray of dawn slowly seeps and spreds over the city as the birds morning melody bring sweet life to the world. A black fox rushes to tilts den as the cryes of its pups eco out to the worry of there mom. The wind corresses the land as the few people scurry around carrying boxes and pinning up flyers on doors and posts alike. A bakery in the west of town kicks up with the sweet smell of sugary bread wafts out of the nooks and crannys. Three chefs are seen barking orders to employees in and out of there restoronds and micanical coaches rummdle to life and head to the reception hall of the church. The church buzzing with movement as the clergy prepare for the big event. Banners and flags stating the names of the happy cupple. the organ made of obsidian and marble the collor of crimson red with a mist of blue echoes throw out the halls in a ear bleeding attempt to tune as the harsh melody slowly changes to a angelic one. Causing many to pose for a moment to its intrinsic tune. The cleaners scurry like rats back and forth to cover everything leving no spec behind. The dull of the church begins to shine and take life again. The flowers arranged next to the pews seem to beckin for water for only a instant till water cascades over them. The pillars once bare are clothe in red and gold ribbons. The chandler's once bull and unbecoming shine like stars in the hevens as there polished and candles places in them are lit up. Paper flowers are scaterd like leaves falling from a tree on the ground around the churches grounds lamps glow in velvet and red light up the darkness of the bay throw oht the city. Solders of the gard position them selfs along the rode swords the church like ants in a row. Flower petals of black roses scatter the rode. Ribbon drapes over lamp post to lamp post. The citizens slowly aback and stumble out to a city changed. Waves or murmes and gossip flow throw out the city. Many are shouting like trumpet for joy and soon they gather along the rode the gard is protecting. The first coach is of the royal family the stout but stone features of many hard battles could be seen on his figure. His persing eyes gase out at the crowd as they move. His wife with long flowing green hair and silver skin waves her dainty hand to the people her eyes sparke with exitment and joy. Next the princesses in there pink gowns and silver tiaras go by. There smiles hallow and hold no warmth. The pince and heir to the throne with his red hair and stoic figer I. His sute of beep crimson and sword by his side go by. The citizens cheers pearse the heavens as each one pass, yet when Airsons bride to be Manchina in her black dress that cups her brests, clings to her waist and flows like water down to the ground, a vail covering her face and a bouquet of flowers in her hands moves by in a black coach with red and black roses etched on the side, royal purple cushions, and the word bride on the back go by the cryes that reach the heavens shatter it. One by one the coaches pull up the the curch and the occupants get out and walk in side as there coaches move on and park by them selfs.

In side the famly friends of Airson are seated i. The front row to the left and the royals and hi standing members of the church of darkness fill the rest the seats throw out the church. The royals walk with pride emitting off them like the dark black sun in the sky. Slowly they move to there seets and Manchina stayes in the back fidgeting nervously. On the alter in the front before the pope stood Airson with a dark blue blazer and purple fier patern on it. His hair combe back and hands at his side. He stood still so still that he could be mistaken for one of the many figures I. The elaborate panting on the walls or status behind the alter. The hi elders who were once in the thrones behind the alter now stood behind the royal famly. The quiet of the church is shatters as the organ begins to play and Airsons wife walkes bown the Ile the flower girls in black dresses fling flowers and twirl behind her the ring barrer a alter boy moves slowly and ruggedly as if he was made of stone fear emirates off him as he struggles to walk in a upright way. Eventually they all take there place on the alter and the pope begins

"We are gatherd and assembled to unify Airson and Manchina. This is the first in a long time that this even is held and not only is it a joyous occasion but also a righteous on. For the God of darkness has not bless this man once but now twice. The god of darkness brought his emdasitor together with his first wife. May this wedding be the first of Manny. To come for his chosen one. May his partner Manchina guide protect and comfort Airson throw out his life. May the grate trile to come not tair asunder this union and may she support him when the grate trile comes to pass. Wether flood or drought. Wether war or famine. Wether betrayal or controversy. May she support him what ever it may be. As for Airson may he protect her and sheld her from all. May he never have to chose her over all of darkus. May he provide for her and shower her with warmth and love. Let the God of darkness bless them this day. Infrount of all may there union be sanctified. Do you both agree to love each other and be with each other nomater the caust?"

"We do!" They doth shout with conviction and love

"Then exchange the rings and be wed."

The two placed the rings on each other's fingers and then airson lifts his wife's vail and kisses her In a pashonet embrace as the every one got up and clapped and the organ playes a joyous toon that resounds throw out. The mass continues but no one rilly pays attention till the end and the pope stands up "now everyone let us go to the reception area the cake and food is already prepared and awaiting us all" which that every one files out in a buss of exitment and glee no one stopping to lisson to the pope word of blessing.

Every one filles in to the reception room. There names are written on. Cards at each table. Soon every one finds there seat and wate standing pashonty. There reword is weeled out. A cake the size of a man. Flowers and demands embroider it. Thick black icing pipe around its edges. The word forever written on the front and two figers purch on top under a stand of stars on top is brought to the front of the room and the newly weds stand befor it.

" reddy darling?" Airson. Turns to his wife

"Yes hunny." Manchina replyes sweetly

"May we be happy together." They lift the knife and cut a slice out and share it till it's gone. Then they sit at there designated table.

Airson's mom gets up and walkes I front of the cake. She lifts her glass and speeks " to my son. He may have a tendency to be a idiot. He has Manny times poked somthig or explored places he should not have. Like one time he was playing in the yard and took a stick to an ant pile then as they bit him he ran around screaming like a dog trying to cach a squirrel. Another time he besides to sneak out side the house at night and ended up getting arrested. Me and his father were woken up to the banging on are door only to find the service men with are son in chains. They told us he was exploring a abandoned building on the edge of town. All I can say is may his new wife knock some since and responsible in to are son. Congratulating you to. May you have a long and happy relationship." She rases the glass and every one replys in kind rasing there's and shouts of hear hear were apprehend by the kitchen staff and gard out side of the reception hall on patrol. After she sat down the food came pouring out to them and chatter came forth from everyone's lips as they ate and were content in everyone's company.

Airson found time to sneak away to talk to his friends

"What do you guy thaink? We have to go back to the gard tomorrow. Selma was shaking

"Well there's no use in worrying. We will have to just face are punishments for dissapering" nico sipes his champagne

"Yes but were not getting called before the school bord but the assembly of captions. All 13 of them." Selma rebuttals

"Well we did run away and we are not average students because we have Airson with us. The school bord is to low of a authority to punish us." Nico shakes his head. " besides we will probably just get a slap on the wrist so just enjoy this occasion and let your worrying go"

"I agree nico let enjoy my wedding. By the way are you going to finally ask Selma out?" Airson laughs

Turning red and away nico stumbles on his words " you know i was wating for the right time bro."

"Your at my wedding it's the perfect time to propose." Airson grins

"Shut up bro!" Nico turns even redder

"I would love to go on a date with you nico...." Selma wispers and fidgets with her silver hair.

"See now you have to date her she has been wating for you to man up. You idiot" Airson pats nicos back.

"Now you to enjoy the party. My wife is looking for my. Oh shadow try to soshulize and not just eat in your corrner." Airson Waves good bye and walkes to his wife with the evaluation and punishment in the days to come out ov there mind Airson and his friends fall in to a happy peace with smiles on there faces