'Welp... that just happened.' I thought, staring up at the branch he was just... birthed (?) from.
You might be a bit confused, so let me present a simple summary, consisting of fact, speculation, and instinctual knowledge.
My name was '"£%%$£!*", and I died in the classic 'Truck-kun' scenario. Except, I didn't meet any type of ROB. It was as simple as one moment being sent flying by a big ass truck, and the next that flying transitions into me falling from an absurdly tall tree.
I was just your average guy... who just so happened to have had an almost unhealthy amount of hobbies. Though the average part comes into play since I was average at all of them, never finding something that I was genuinely talented at, so I ended up just doing commissioned furry art to make ends meat...
Anyway! During my fall, information started flowing through my mind, mostly about who and what I was, along with a few tidbits about the world around me. Though it came to an abrupt end when I landed on a soft bed of flowers layering the ground, so abrupt in fact that I felt like I was missing key information about the wider world.
So, let me re-introduce myself, I'm Floros God of Roses and Masks, Son of Demeter and Mof. What did that mean exactly? According to the knowledge, it means I'm as special as the leaves on a tree, so kind of special, but not really.
'How in the actual fuck did she manage to give birth to 238 kids on the same day?' I thought, looking around at the confused and curious-looking kids wobbling up from where they landed.
The answer almost immediately made itself known in my mind. Looking up, I see a gargantuan tree in the middle of the meadow, with the occasional falling kid here and there.
'...' I pause momentarily, trying to poke and prod more information out of my mind.
"No way, that can't be right..." I mutter confused.Â
Apparently, Demeter was some kind of massive nympho that fucked every guy she met, which was really disorienting when compared to what I knew from her mythological counterpart. She really put new meaning in 'Every pole is a goal.'
"Something ain't right here," I said, looking at kids glancing around in awe and curiosity, I noticed a few looking more certain than others (they were also the kids that looked slightly older) looking at those farther from the center of the big tree with some level of disdain.
'Oh shit!' I thought in surprise, staring wide-eyed at the floating screen in front of me. My already disorienting situation landed another blow to my confused mind. 'I didn't even meet a ROB!? How the hell did I get a system?'
[Calculating situation...]
[Congratulations host, you have been born via the union between Major Goddess fertility and agriculture, Demeter, and Median God of Faces, Mof. You have been given a trial version of The System by CHAOS such as all children of CHAOS have the right to. To gain access to the full version you must survive the 1st quest.]
Before I could continue to formulate my thoughts, One of the confident, bordering on arrogant, girls spoke up in a loud squeaky voice, trying and failing to sound intimidating in my ears.
"Alright!! listen up you Petty and Lesser weedlings! I am Despoina! Daughter of Demeter and Poseidon! Goddess of mystery, and that makes me a Minor Goddess! Far more important than you Petty and lesser's!" She bragged, smirking at the mix of awed and disgruntled looks sent her way.
'Petty -> Lesser -> Minor -> Median?? -> Major??' I organized the new information for a second, and I realized, with the help of my 'knowledge' that I fall under the 'Petty' category. 'Hmn... well, God of roses doesn't inspire much confidence.' I thought, taking a glace at the stats the system presented after introducing itself.
[ Name: Floros
Title: ---
Power: 7
Race: Petty God
Divinity: Roses 1% (more) Masks 1% (more)
God points: 10
[Skills]x [Quest]x [Rank up]x [Map]x
"According to Mother, we have all been placed here to either grow!" She continued, taking my attention away from making heads or tails of what the numbers meant.
"Or wilt!!" To enhance the impact, of her speech, she stomped on the ground, creating a small shockwave that traveled past us.
"I shall strive to become a Median Goddess by the time the decade reaches it's end!... But you all on the other hand?" she questioned eyeing us intensely, the smirk on her face slowly growing.
"You lot that share very similar divinities? You weedlings that shall be cannibalizing each other in order to grow from a 'Petty' to a mere 'Lesser' deity?" She paused, smiling from ear to ear before bursting out in laughter, causing a wave of an uncomfortable and suffocating energy to permeate the air."Hahahahah!!!"
Finally calming down a bit, now a sizable distance between her and one of our next closest siblings. The implications of her words distract me from the dinging system.
"Well, it's either you survive here to thrive out there, or Run from here and test your luck as an unrecorded deity, and most definitely die and be canalized by some other deity. So what's it going to be galls? Are you going to stay and help nourish your siblings? Or run to nourish a stranger?" By this point, the rest of us were looking at our closest siblings warily.
A moment of silence passed, and most of us to uncertain about the situation to make the first move. Deciding to risk a glance at the system, my pupils dilate at the implication in correlation with Despoina's words.
[Quest auto-accepted]
[Survive and thrive: Either escape the meadow or present a show of dominance to dissuade further action from your siblings.Â
Note: The more similar your divinity is to that of the absorbed divine essence, the boost and synchronization will be faster, smoother, and more substantial than if you absorbed a completely unrelated divinity. Good luck!]
'...This is pretty bad, isn't it.'