Kyle knew that the encounter with the Queen was very dangerous, as she was an Advanced Mage just like her husband and one wrong move could make everything fall apart.
The evidence on his comm was powerful, but he needed the Queen to trust him, at least enough to take the next step.
Taking a deep breath, Kyle removed the [Veil of Silence], allowing his figure to materialize into view. The sudden appearance of Kyle caused the Queen to gasp and her eyes wide with shock.
She instinctively reached for a small bell on the table, but Kyle raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.
"Please, don't panic," he whispered urgently. "I mean you no harm. I have something you might want to see, something about your husband."
Maybe it was because the Queen had examined Kyle and considered him to not be a threat, or it was the mention of the King, but that made her to pause.
"Who are you? How did you get in here?"