Chereads / My Hero Academia: Restless Gambler / Chapter 48 - Chapter 47: Love Illumination

Chapter 48 - Chapter 47: Love Illumination

~Hakari Kotaro~

Why do I do this to myself?

How did I manage to push myself to almost death exhaustion in a friendly competition? Nearly dying during a competition was Deku's job, not mine.

My eyes slowly fluttered open to see the infirmary and the sunlight from the window shining on me. Huh, they actually listened to my ramblings. That must be why I am feeling refreshed now, most likely thanks to Photosynthesis. I was so grateful for that ability. Recovery without spending energy was a blessing.

Glancing to the side I could also see Tsuyu on the chair next to me, sitting on it like a frog, forgetting she was wearing a skirt so she was also flashing her dark green panties to me but I would keep silent about that. She was scrolling through her phone. Was she waiting for me to get up? How long was I out for?

"Hey Tsuyu-chan, how long was my nap?" It would suck if I was out for several hours or something but I wouldn't be surprised. Tsuyu raised her head and tilted it seeing I was awake.

"Oh, you're awake Hakari-kun? It's barely been half an hour, I was just killing time scrolling Hwitter-ribbit." Only half an hour? Whew, Noctis and Battle Continuation must have been working overtime to get me up that fast.

Well then, I was in a room alone with the Frog Girl. Time to put the moves on, and as Toga would put it. Keep advancing my harem quest.

Man, that sounds really scummy. But also in line for me I guess.

I don't know what Nezu saw in someone like me but was what I was doing truly wrong now that I think about it? Society says you shouldn't have more than one lover but if all parties are fine with it then what is the problem? It's not like I am doing this behind my other girlfriends' backs or anything. They understand and accept it.

Indeed, if anything I am an example of brilliant morality. What I was doing was strictly beneficial to all parties. Indeed, no need to lose sleep over it. Maybe this is why Nezu believes in me.

Yes, my harem quest is just.

"Are you okay Hakari-kun-ribbit? You have been spacing out for a few minutes now."

"Yeah, I'm fine, just internal monologue." Then an idea came to my head as I smirked at her. "Why? You worried about me? I didn't take you for the type to keep watch over me as I slept. I'm flattered." Tsuyu blushed and averted her eyes.

I would have sounded like a moron if Tsuyu was not romantically interested in me but thankfully she was. Hormones are strong and Nothing's Wrong Here usually makes them not feel like repressing their feeling towards me of course the main factor of all was because my mother blessed me with some good looks.

"Well, you make it hard not to care for you after you collapsed like that Hakari-kun. I am sure Momo-chan would have done the same-ribbit." I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders, giving Tsuyu a smile that made her blush a bit more.

"Still, I'm glad you stayed with me Tsuyu-chan, having a cute girl watch over me helps recover my energy way faster, that's probably why I woke up so fast." Tsuyu blushed even harder at that, refusing to even look me in the eyes.

"You really say the first things that come to your mind don't you Hakari-kun?"

"Guilty as charged, I just speak my mind is all." True, I was trying to get into Tsuyu's panties but at the same time I wasn't being someone who I wasn't, I am honest with my intentions.

Lying to yourself is bad for your soul.

"Do you flirt like this with every girl you come across perhaps Hakari-kun?" I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"Nope, only the especially cute ones. I have high standards you know?" Tsuyu was still blushing but nodded.

"And here I thought I was too honest Hakari-kun-ribbit. But I do appreciate your honesty, being called cute is also nice too." She scratched her cheek while saying that.

Well, to me Tsuyu certainly was adorable. Especially when she was blushing.


~Kotaro Hakari~

I hung out with Tsuyu for a while longer before she had to leave and I had to also discharge myself from the medical bay. I felt like I have gotten a lot closer with Tsuyu and I am comfortable talking with her but I don't know how much romantic interest she has in me which is a bit of a problem. That girl was hard to read.

She was hard to gauge since she was rather oblivious to social clues and blunt. Besides, she didn't exactly have a reason to have a serious crush on me other than me being handsome and nice. Well, I won't lose sleep over it, I will have Tsuyu someday.

Anyway, considering tomorrow is the tournament arc I suppose I should lend a hand to Toru, she made it through round two somehow but I don't fancy her chances in the tournament if she has to strip down in front of everyone to fight every time.

While that does sound hot I don't want one of my girlfriends to have to go full naked in front of a crowd. Would be a pretty shitty boyfriend if I was complacent about that when I could help.

Well, I couldn't but I knew someone who could. It's about time I gave Mei a visit, I occasionally popped over to help with her work as promised so she does owe me quite a bit.

I texted Toru to meet me over at the Support Workshop after making sure she was free. After I met up with the still awkward Toru, we entered the workshop to see Mei hunched over the table while inspecting a high-tech-looking gauntlet, seeing us enter Mei waved us over.

"Welcome boyfriend-kun! And the other person he brought along with him! What are you here for?" I quickly introduced both of them, Mei as one of my girlfriends while Toru...

...I don't know if Toru ever agreed to become my girlfriend but she did suck my dick. Maybe I should clarify that with her sometime. At least they seemed to get along well.

After the introductions were done I breached the topic we were here for.

"Hey, Mei, I was wondering if you could design a suit that could accommodate Toru's quirk? She has invisibility but removing clothes is not easy or convenient." Mei gained a thoughtful look.

"Hmm, I should be able to but I would have to know about the specifics of her quirk first. Can you tell me a little more Hagakure-chan?" Mei had her inventor face on as Toru's face lit up with hope.

"It's really possible!? Awesome! Alright so..." After getting a brief description of her quirks workings Mei nodded.

"Well, I can make a skintight bodysuit with her cells weaved into it to get her quirk to recognize it as a part of her body but the bioprinter is really expensive to operate and Power-sensei already cut my budget so I may not be able to afford it..."

"Oh... well, guess I'm just gonna have to go nude." Toru tried to say with a disappointed voice but I heard the slight tinge of excitement behind it that even she probably did not know. Unfortunately for you Toru, I was not letting you go out naked.

So I'd have to resort to using my special ability.

I pulled out my phone and entered the contacts and started texting.

And after two minutes I was done.

"Alright Mei-chan, I secured funding for you. Nezu agreed to quintuple your original funding after I asked." Mei quickly grabbed my shoulders and shook me wildly with strength unbefitting her frame.

"Really!? You really did!? I cannot thank you enough Boyfriend-kun! This will help me in making so many babies. You truly are the most capable boyfriend I could have asked for." Apparently, the way into Mei's heart was my own wallet, or Nezu's I guess. Didn't even need to convince him that hard, apparently, Mei was already a very promising student so he did not have any hangups about bankrolling her.

"Of course, I'll get to work on making Hagakure-chan's suit now that Boyfriend-kun has secured the funding! Any designs in mind Hagakure-chan?"

"Oh! Oh! I have a design in mind! I always wanted a costume but I could never get a proper one. I'd like the main colours to be pink and..." As Toru and Mei brainstormed I pulled up my phone and sat down while I waited for them to finish.

After they were done deciding the scheme of the suit Mei got to work right after, she assured me that it would be done by tomorrow and she wasn't the lying type. At least she knew better than to lie to me.

Making a costume in that short of an order was insane work, no wonder Nezu was that fine with quintupling her doubloon funding. Although I am quite sure Mei would find some way to blow up the funding, quite literally if I wasn't there with my Tinker power.

There was a reason her funding kept getting cut.

I thought about asking for a costume upgrade myself but decided against it, I didn't really need any tools when I had tough claws and the swiss army knife that was Scary Monsters. After leaving the design in Mei's hands we left her to work on Toru's suit while we went and hung out getting ice cream from a van at the upper part of UA Academy overlooking the festival grounds, there were plenty of couples about sightgazing.

Toru subtly and not so subtly glanced at my face and blushed a few times, seemingly trying to make up her mind. As we sat on the benches and watched people frolicked about in the festival Toru seemed to make up her mind as she turned to me.

"Hey... Hakari-kun, thank you." She said in an unusually sombre and emotional tone.

"What for?"

"What not for? Nobody has really paid this much attention to me before other than my parents. You helped me finally be able to be seen again, you helped me train, you helped me with the obstacle course and even now you go out of your way to help me with my problems without asking for anything from me. I don't even know how to thank you for all of this." She slightly curled into herself and I didn't know what to say so I just said what I thought.

"You said without asking for anything, that's not true, I get to see your smile which is more to me than money or favours. It's just in my nature to help pretty girls when I see them unhappy. So don't worry about it." Toru laid her head on my shoulder, I couldn't see her expression since I decided to spare her and avert my eyes, just watching the sunset instead.

"Just your nature huh? Hey Hakari-kun, you said I'm pretty right? And you like me?"

"Yep, probably the prettiest." I nodded as Toru snorted and bumped my side with her elbow.

"Shameless charmer." Her voice regained the tone of heavy emotion again. "Hakari-kun? I-I think I like you, like... a lot."

I couldn't help myself. Besides, this mood was too serious for me.

"Are you sure? I couldn't figure it out at the cafe- Ow!" Toru pinched my side quite painfully the moment the words left my mouth.

"H-hey! I am pouring my heart here alright? Don't make fun of me. But yeah. I know you have other girlfriends like Himiko and Mei but... do you think I could also become your girlfriend? I-I said I liked you and I meant it and I don't want our relationship to be uncertain. I want to be with you." Toru nervously rambled before I held her hand to calm her down and chuckled.

"I think I made myself pretty clear about how I like you Toru so of course. I'd love to become your boyfriend if you'll settle for a scoundrel like me." Toru smiled brightly with a red blush dyeing her face and slight tears in the corner of her eyes, she was beautiful, I lightly grasped her and kissed her on the lips.

It was a quick one, a very chaste kiss, but Toru looked really satisfied with it.

"I'm so glad~ I thought my heart would explode. Still, I'm glad I confessed, this is really nice Hakari-kun."

Toru heaved a sigh of relief and snuggled up to me as we watched the sunset as I relaxed too and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

It was nice.


Feat Achieved! Have Toru confess to you

+1x Silver Random Gacha Ticket


A/N: You thought this would be a Tsuyu chapter but it was me! Toru! Tsuyu needs much more time to get into a relationship with since she is a normal girl that doesn't have anything for Hakari to fix or any niches she has that Hakari fills. And Mei makes another appearance to fix Toru's exhibitionism.

Her aside, what did you guys think about the Toru scenes this chapter? I like lewds and harem but I also prefer writing romances to my harem, without romance or development they just feel soulless. So, did you guys like Toru's confession and her relationship with Hakari? What did you think about it? I would love to know.


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