Chereads / My Hero Academia: Restless Gambler / Chapter 42 - Chapter 41: Bloody Replication

Chapter 42 - Chapter 41: Bloody Replication

~Kotaro Hakari~

I woke up with a naked Setsuna in my arms, a very great way to start my morning if you were to ask me.

After we woke up, me and Setsuna had breakfast and travelled to school together. I thought it would have been a rather awkward morning after, god knows I have had my fair share of those, but Setsuna was unexpectedly chill for someone who went from virgin to getting railed and nailed to her bed in one night.

Yes, she was slightly bashful but she got over that quite quickly, settling back into her usual teasing and being more comfortable around me. Casually joking and touching me, she seemed like the type to enjoy physical contact.

She decided to hold off on coming to school together just yet, apparently, her class had a serious case of inferiority complex due to their lack of skill at being unable to make it to Class 1-A, the better class, because it was the class I was in.

But I was convinced it was less because of that and more because Setsuna wanted to prank her classmates with my existence. I noticed her taking pictures of us together and then cropping out or editing my face out of the pictures.

She was up to mischief, tomfoolery, silly stuff even. And I was rather eager to see it.

I spent the majority of the day doing some last-minute training with my gals, giving them tips and tricks to survive the sports festival. Since it was going start the next Monday.

You could already see the festival getting prepped outside if you paid attention, the teachers were undoubtedly busy preparing it, at least from what I heard about it from Midnight. Apparently, she wasn't going to be making it to home today which was unfortunate.

I also took the opportunity to get some blood from Toga to initiate my hijinks, I knew Toga was into biting already, I mean really into it, she has bitten an inch or two deep into my flesh during sex before. She likes me biting her too but uh...

Yeah, I was not into biting her enough to draw blood, even though she really wanted me to. Well, I did so today, by hugging her behind and biting her shoulder just enough to draw some blood like she told me about in her fantasies.

...Safe to say she skipped the next class and opted to drag me into the nearest closet.

But hey, I got the blood, I have Bloodly Imitation in my 4th slot that currently has 20ml of Toga's blood. The next time I met Nezu, which was shortly after, he gave me a weird look but chatted with me normally regardless.

...He definitely knew we fucked for 4 rounds in the closet. But since he didn't say anything about it I am taking it as his tacit approval that I can mess around in school without being seen unless said otherwise.

Anyway, after the school day, Toga and I retired to our penthouse, but before we went to our room I called Toga to the living room to display my new ability.

"So? What do you wanna show me Hakari-kun?" Toga tilted her while sitting cross-legged on the couch in front of me. I lightly smiled and crossed my arms.

"Check this out." I pulled on my new power as a wave of amorphous substance like mud covered me before I slipped out of it looking exactly like Toga, even wearing the same clothes as her. Toga looked completely shocked and walked over to me in a daze, poking her finger into my cheek. That feels funny.

"Hakari-kun...? Did you get a transformation ability? Wait..." Toga looked all over me, handling my arms and comparing the consistency to her own with unusual amounts of focus I saw on her only when studying.

"That mud-like substance... you drew blood from me today..." Toga pieced it together rather quickly, her eyes went wide like an owl while I smiled smugly.

Being in Toga's body felt weird, like wearing a shirt that was just a touch too tight for you. The slight sense of discomfort and the body dysmorphia are very real. I probably wouldn't ever use this kind of power, I didn't exactly care for espionage or stealth in general.

When you offer me a toolbox, more often than not I am going to pick up the hammer over the scalpel.

"Yup, you guessed it correctly~" It wasn't all that hard to copy Toga's inflection and speech patterns with my acting skills. Toga looked at me with absolutely starstruck eyes before lunging forward and hugging me.

"I can't believe it, what are the chances!? You really got my power? We are like sisters now! As weird as that sounds!" Hugging Toga while being the exact same size was nice, I usually stood an entire head over her. This felt warmer and closer.

Although our breasts pressing up against each other felt really weird. Yeah, not feeling my boy swinging down there felt very weird too. I am just not cut out for this kind of ability.

"Well, this kind of ability is not really cut out for me~" Oh wait, wrong inflection. "*Cough* I meant, I can't work with this ability since stealth isn't my forte. I thought why not give it to you? You know, double up?" Toga gave me a quizzical look while tilting her head.

"Wait, you can give away abilities Hakari-kun? Your abilities really get more insane by the second. But, doubling up works?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Probably, when I get duplicates they just merge together and get stronger, why shouldn't it work on you? And if something goes wrong, my cooldown for using Gene Refinement on you is over so I can go in and do a little snip snip." Hearing my own vocalization with Toga's voice still took me out, I don't think I have ever heard Toga convey this little emotion in her voice.

Toga nodded without hesitation, and I poked her cheek while channelling power bestowal. I pushed Bloody Imitation toward Toga, and the moment I did, her eyes lit up.

"Whoah! I feel really tingly, like my quirk drank 10 litres of caffeine. I even feel like I can do something new with my ability." I watched in caution, thankfully Toga was not turning into a Nomu, I watched as she used Bloody Imitation to turn into me, making me realize, quite humorously that I had turned from Toga back to my original self and Toga had transformed into me.

Toga's lips, while in my body turned into a smile as... her eyes lit up with yellow light and her form blurred, appearing behind me so fast it looked like her form distorted. My eyes widened, a smile crawling up to my face.

'That was Phase Shift!'

"Toga, you can use my abilities?" Toga jumped for joy while turning on Defensive Form, I tried to ignore her using my body to jump with her knees together.

"I know right!? It was like discovering a third arm you never used, I feel like I can use the quirks of whoever I transform into! It's amazing!" Toga excitedly rambled while I looked at her thoughtfully.

"What about my other ones? Can you use all of them? Or is it only phase shift?"

Together with Toga, we ran some tests. Apparently, so far, she can only use my first ability, or more accurately what was in my first ability slot when she drank my blood. Perhaps with more practice, she could access my ability slots but we didn't know that yet.

Regardless, her ability just went from good for espionage to straight-up great tier. And when I checked the ability storage I had I saw that Bloody Imitation was not only greyed out, but it had also evolved.

[Elite - Bloody Replication]

|Rarity: Elite| |Class: Breaker, Stranger, Trump|

Allows you to transform into another person by consuming their blood, the transformation exactly copies the physical abilities of the target including their ability as well as how to use it and basic information about the target. The duration of the transformation is equal to (ml of blood consumed x 1 minute)

Yeah, that was strong. Not epic level strong due to the level of preparation and the time limit but with good allies it is incredibly good. Especially with me around that she can use as a blood bank and for access to 20 different abilities.

As we were brainstorming about what abilities she could take from me, a brilliant idea came to my mind.

What if Toga could use Gene Refinement on me?

But... it did not go according to plan. She just couldn't use Gene Refinment, we ran another to test Scary Monsters too and I came to the conclusion that Bloody Replication couldn't copy any ability above its rank. Not a huge restriction considering how few Epic Rarity abilities there were in this world. Only around 10 if I remember correctly. Hell, only All Might in the Japan hero rankings had an Epic or above quirk. Even Endeavor's hell flames was just an Elite rarity ability trained to its absolute limit.

Though considering the ability doesn't mention such a limit maybe it's a limit of Toga rather than the quirk? Would I be able to replicate an Epic rarity quirk? Though there wasn't an option of me taking Bloody Replication back from Toga since they were fused.

Taking it back would mean leaving Toga quirkless which wasn't something I wasn't willing to do.

Speaking of quirks, Toga with Phase Shift and Offensive Form was to be feared. Give her a single decent knife and even I couldn't ensure my safety against her. She will de-bone you in the time it takes for you to blink

We spent the rest of the night resting and testing, sparring with each other in the gym under the house. After that, we decided to spend the weekend unwinding.

We went out together with Mina, Toru, Ochako and even Setsuna tagged along. We got a bit closer together but nothing more than that happened since everyone was training for the Festival.

So was I, it was just that my preparations were slightly different.

I had raised Regeneration and Chlorophyll to Uncommon+ and was two-thirds of the way to getting Regeneration to Rare. Sure, I was already more than confident in my ability to win the sports festival but no kill like overkill right?

And so, it became the time to start the sports festival in the earnest.


~Kotaro Hakari~

"So this is the sports festival huh? I'm so pumped! I went to the last one with my mom before, so being here as one of the students feels really exciting. I wonder what events are going to be held this year." Mina hopped around in excitement as we came to school today, like the usual Japanese Sports Festival in anime the school was packed. I could her the other classmates chatting too while I looked around in wonder.

Food Stalls and attractions ran by students were everywhere, there were a lot of people, I mean a lot. News broadcasters, streamers, Pro Heroes and sidekicks, basically everyone was here.

UA Festival was not the average school festival, this event was almost basically on the level of the goddamn Olympics, people come here to gawk at the UA Students, the next generation of top heroes and engage in the festivities. When I asked Nezu he told me that the Sports Festival was one of the main things that UA got funds from and I could easily see it.

Tens of hundreds of brands forked over their banking information to place banners and advertise here, makes sense considering the UA Stadium could seat well over 50 thousand people and last I checked, the tickets were sold out.

So yeah, this place was the Hero/Quirk Olympics crossed with a School Festival. This place was the place for students to shine, this was the event that made their hero careers.

The Festival would last 5 days, a little different from what I remembered but then again I wasn't a remembering man and last I checked Bakugou still had something in his pants. So I wasn't expecting my knowledge to be accurate anyway.

UA really did not cut any corners for this stuff, and considering just how big this was, no wonder UA could build mock cities and repair them every half a week. Shit, they probably have a hell ton left over after that. This festival probably made at least several tens of billions of Yen.

I cracked my neck in excitement.

This was going to be fun.


New Quest [UA Sports Festival]

[UA Sports Festival]

Description: It's time for the Grand UA Sports Festival! The main stage for the hero wannabe, where you put on a show for the heroes to get into their internships, or in your case, heroines. Take the spotlight and prove your nettle against everyone elses.


Rank Number 3 at the end of the School Festival

Reward: Advantage Gold Ability Gacha Ticket


Rank Number 2 at the end of the School Festival

Reward: Diamond Ability Gacha Ticket


Rank Number 1 at the end of the School Festival

Reward: Advantage Diamond Ability Gacha Ticket

Extra Task: Finish all events as the first place

Reward: Diamond Ability Gacha Ticket


A/N: Toga gets her big upgrade, and the more attentive among you may have noticed that her ability is slightly different than in canon, this is because it fused with Hakari's more straightforward version by the gacha. Essentially the version she has is what Hakari would have gotten if he used Gene Refinement to bring it to Elite Level.

Also, the Sports Festival is here. I don't understand how Horkoshi thought a sports festival that lasts a day and the students having to do a 1- Marathon 2- Cavalry Battle and 3- 4 separate battles in a tournament in a single day with barely any rest in between would work. Tournaments do not work like that so I changed it up a little bit. Hope you guys like it. And look forward to Hakari breaking the entire Tournament.


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