Chereads / My Hero Academia: Restless Gambler / Chapter 39 - Chapter 38: Prehistoric Charm

Chapter 39 - Chapter 38: Prehistoric Charm

A/N: Hey guys, sorry but there will be no Tuesday chapter this week since I will be busy during the new years, but to not leave you guys dry I thought I should drop this chapter. Enjoy the chapter and happy early New Years in advance.

~Kotaro Hakari~

I basked in the afterglow of my absolute achievement. I was in bed with my sexy heroine teacher and Toga, both of them naked and my cum still very inside of them, I knew this because I apparently had Micro Hydrokinesis slotted in right now.

Sure, I have had encounters like this, like with my boss's wife and daughter but this felt... different. More fulfilling perhaps?

Before, most of my sexual encounters were done to just fill the emptiness in my heart. I felt attraction to the women in my life, sure. Even affection too. But this just... felt different.

More satisfying. As if I was actually moving through my life instead of running in place forever.

Waiting for the two to wake up I opened the gacha and rolled the tickets in my storage, the Gold Random one from handing Bro's ass to him and the Silver Skill one from having a threesome.

I figure I am probably not going to get as lucky as I am right now for quite some time so let's roll 'em.

Silver first.


Rolling Silver Skill Gacha Ticket...

A Common Skill!

[Cooking - Minor]

|Rarity: Common|

You are a novice in the culinary arts. You can cook most simple dishes with relative ease, and they will taste good too.


Damn. Well, on the bright side maybe I can help Toga cook in the kitchen sometime. Anyway, hopefully, that roll sucked up all of my bad luck because it was time to roll the golden ticket.


Rolling Gold Random Gacha Ticket...

An Uncommon Ability!

[Uncommon - Chlorophyll]

|Rarity: Uncommon| |Class: Passive, Recovery|

You are able to absorb and process sunlight into energy you can harness, whether that be to augment your natural recovery or restore your stamina or energy. Under sunlight, all cooldowns decrease 33% faster.


Huh, it's a below-average roll but Cho- cohlo- fuckin-. Phyll sounded like a rather useful ability to have. More recovery was always welcome and my energy reserves filling up faster was something I really needed right now considering how many power sinks of abilities I had.

As I looked over my current list of abilities and thought of power combinations I could throw together I noticed both girls rousing from their sleep at the same time. Midnight rose first, lifting her torso off the bed as the blanket fell from her body, revealing her amazing breasts once more. Midnight stretched like a cat after waking up while I watched quietly.

"Mmh~ good morning handsome. What time is it?" Midnight sleepily asked while I used my proficiency in micro hydrokinesis to float my phone over with a hand of water and check my phone.

"6:40, we've got plenty of time before we head out. Good morning Nemuri." Nemuri let out a relieved smile at that and plopped back down to bed.

"Ah~ I'm so relieved, I don't think I can even stand up properly right now." True, we did go incredibly hard last night, speaking of night, Toga finally woke up for real too, clinging to me even harder now that she was awake.

"Good morning Hakari-kun, Kayama-sensei..." Toga said in a cute sleepy voice, sounding like an exhausted koala, I was surprised she even woke up to be honest, that was our longest session ever I am pretty sure. Nemuri looked at Toga with conflicted eyes.

"Compared to yesterday she really does look docile like this, her sheer stamina is better than most pros I have seen." True, Toga even managed out freak Nemuri which was a feat I am sure would have given her a golden ticket.

"Oh my Hakari-kun~ already?" Nemuri looked at the tent I was pitching just from seeing her. Yeah, the lust curse made it basically impossible for me to not get an erection the moment my neurons get activated. Which would be very annoying and inconvenient if it were somebody else under the same circumstances.

Thankfully I wasn't someone else.

"Already so energetic in the morning~? Let me take care of that for you Hakari-kun, we have plenty of time after all." My member twitched in anticipation while Toga grumbled.

"...Do it quietly, I'm getting my beauty schlee~..." Toga's words wandered off and she started dozing off again. She was truly a simple creature.


~Hakari Kotaro~

After Nemuri... relieved me, we had to prepare and get to school, Nemuri took on today's breakfast duty as Toga was still completely spent after yesterday's strenuous exercise. She wanted to skip school but Nemuri didn't allow her to. Unlike how she presented herself with her uniform Nemuri was actually a pretty good teacher.

Currently, there were classes going on but I had skipped them to go to a training ground to figure out Scary Monsters and more uses for it. Since right now? My use for it was pretty underwhelming. I was turning myself into a hybrid without putting in any further input and most of the dinos I turned just became raptors by default since that was what usually came to my mind when I thought dino.

I wanted to experiment with stuff like flight, horns, sharp-scale armour, etc. But the problem was that I knew little to nothing about Dinosaurs. I think they were birds or something.

"Hup!" I pushed against the Triceratops charging toward me, gripping its brutal horns and trying to push it back was an exercise I came up with, I had to uproot a few trees and tie them together to make such a large fellow though.

And he had insane strength, I could feel the veins on my neck popping up when my feet dug into the ground, I was transformed to the max, the skin around my jaw was cracked, and my reptilian eyes glowed as I used Offensive Form in conjunction with Scary Monsters form to push back against the prehistoric beast. Playing wrestling with a beast like this was seriously straining. I was stalling around 20 - 30 tons of force being pushed against me after all.

As I was doing so I heard a loud voice ring out throughout the entire training ground.

"No freaking way!!!"

I tapped the horn on the Triceratops twice to signal a time-out as the creature went from an intimidating monster to leisurely hobbling over to the lake and taking a big gulp while I quickly traversed the terrain to find where the girl who screamed should be.

Quickly I reached the scene only to find a girl with seaweed-coloured hair with a very aesthetically pleasing figure absolutely gushing over one of my raptors who looked as awkward as a raptor could be. Its eyes pleaded to me to get it out of the situation but I simply ignored it.

"Whoa! That's a raptor! A real raptor! No friggin' way! And it's docile, can I touch it? Will it bite? I mean I should be fine even if it does right?" She looked incredibly excited, jumping on her feet and even wondered out loud while the Raptor looked like it wanted to be anywhere else but in front of her at the moment.

"Yes? Can I help you?" She jumped and turned to me, her eyes widened the moment she saw my tail, and her eyes almost had cartoonish-looking stars in them. She skipped toward me in childish excitement.

"You have a tail! Oh! Are these Dinosaurs your quirk? Please tell me they are, I wanna pet them so bad!" I nodded while giving her a once-over. She was of average height, around Toga's, she had dark moss green hair and eyes, with her hair reaching down to just below her shoulders in slight waves. Her body was very athletic but still had a sizeable bust and ass.

"Yes? They are my quirk, at least a part of it. Also, I didn't catch your name." I said tilting my head as she nodded her head and smiled at me, showing me her sharp teeth like that of a shark.

"Right, I got a lil' bit too excited there, not every day you see a Dinosaur in the flesh. My names Setsuna Tokage, from 1-B, what's your name handsome? You can just call me Setsuna, it's fine." She said while leaning forward a little with a teasing smile. So she was the flirty type eh? I can certainly appreciate a bit of flirting.

"Nice to you Setsuna-chan, I am Kotaro Hakari from class 1-A, so..." I looked at her who was glancing between my tail and the raptor rapidly with barely contained glee like a kid at Disney park. "...You like dinosaurs?" She nodded.

"Yep! I love em', so you are Hakari-kun right? The guy from 1-A whose quirk is to have more quirks? I half thought they were joking or something but seeing it in action is wild. So, can I pet 'em!? Please?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Sure, I dont mind, they obey all of my commands so they won't hurt you." Setsuna cheered and immediately hugged the raptor around its neck, turning to me for approval I could almost hear her request of 'can I ride it?' and when I nodded she cheered again and quickly hopped on its back with surprising agility, thinking why not I turned a tree next to me into a raptor and got on it too, now being next to her side by side while she looked at me in amazement.

"Whoa! You just created one, that's super cool dude! How does your quirk work, or uh, I guess how does this one work? You having so many quirks is so wild." Setsuna asked while acting like a giddy kid, stroking the neck of the raptor who still hadn't budged a meter since she got on it, much to her chagrin.

Rubbing my chin I gave her a quick rundown on Scary Monsters and she looked at me with eyes full of wonder and excitement, like I had just told a 7-year-old me I knew Voltron personally and could help meet him if he just jumped into my van.

"Your quirk is so busted dude! You can make any dinosaur and transform into them? I wish I had that, that's like top 10 pro-level stuff, I am so jealous for real." I chuckled at the mock envy in her voice, then had an idea.

Setsuna knew a lot about dinosaurs and my problem with Scary Monsters was that I only watched Jurassic Park that one time and that was just about all I knew about Dino's.

"Say, Setsuna-chan, you like Dinosaurs a lot right? So you must know a lot about them?" Setsuna nodded her head and looked at me as if saying 'yeah, so?' "Although I have my quirk I don't know a lot about Dinosaurs, what would you think about helping me stress test my ability?" Setsuna nodded so fast I feared she might sprain her neck.

"Hell yeah! Do you really think I would miss a chance to see you create even more dinosaurs? No chance in hell I am missing that prettyboy! I have so many ideas on what you could do with your powers, can you make any dinosaur? What counts as a dinosaur? Your power is so fascinating."

Well, she certainly had her colourful opinions about my power huh? She seems to really like dinosaurs, it's cute.

I hopped off the raptor I was currently on and Setsuna followed after me with an excited bounce to her step.

"Man, I still can't believe I get to touch and play with real dinosaurs, this s so darn awesome. So, thank you Hakari-kun, really, this day has been amazing, you are a pretty cool guy. Handsome too~" Setsuna said, leaning over to me and lightly brushing up against my arm. But before I shot back at her she spoke again.

"By the way, since I am helping you, could you do me a little favour Hakari-kun?" Setsuna's eyes twinkled with mischief, I knew that kind of look, that was never a good look.

"What is it? Since you are helping me n' all I don't mind as long as it's reasonable." Setsuna grinned.

"Could I pet your tail? It looks so darn cute!" I narrowed my eyes and backed off reflexively as my tail curled up defensively.

Why is it always the tail...?!

A/N: Girls love tails.

Hakari's luck has not been as great recently, oof, two below-average rolls. The abilities themselves are not bad but he needs every tool he can get his hands on considering how fast shit will start going downhill after the festival. At least Hakari's lucky morning life makes up for it. The first month in school and he is already living and sleeping with his teacher.

Also, you guys knew Setsuna had to appear when Hakari got scary monsters. She was a dinosaur enthusiast girl and he was a boy who never really gave a damn about dinosaurs, one knows about dinosaurs and one can make them. It fits. Setsuna will get her proper full chapter next one, so stay tuned fo the flirtatious kinky dinosaur girl. What did you guys think about her character in this chapter? I would love to know.


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