Chereads / My Hero Academia: Restless Gambler / Chapter 31 - Chapter 31: Quirky Mechanic Girl

Chapter 31 - Chapter 31: Quirky Mechanic Girl

'I am free to roam the earth once more!'

I had roared out with jubilation after forcing myself to be discharged from the hospital a day later. Toga was by my side, not eager to leave me alone unless necessary, I had switched out the Rapid Recovery that had run out with my weak Regeneration which I had already used Gene Refinement on since Micro Hydrokinesis and Geyser instantly finished refining after my stunt making them Uncommon+ and Common+ respectively.

Since I had already given it two charges already bringing it to Common+ I just needed 3 more to make it uncommon, though since it was constantly in use it was more like 2.

I was still healing from my injuries but that didn't really matter to me, I could perform at peak performance indefinitely with Battle Continuation regardless of my injuries. Sure it would hurt but I have some spectacular endurance and pain tolerance as we have established.

So I decided to spend my time coming back to UA regardless of my leave(Nezu had given me an entire week of free absence to recover without worry), with my newfound free time I decided to go to one of the training grounds to playtest Scary Monsters. And that's why we were there right now.

"Alright Toga, I got permission from sensei to use the training grounds to my liking to test my abilities. Now, let's do this! Scary Monsters!"

I put my hand on the tree in front of me and willed it to transform into a dinosaur of my choosing, scary monsters was a fully busted ability, I remember how versatile Diego was with it in the manga and it was frankly ridiculous.

He turned lilypads and fleas into dinosaurs! Hell, the stand did not even care whatever you wanted to turn something into as long as it was vaguely a dinosaur in form.

"Uwaah! That's so cool!"

Under my command, I felt my energy drain as the tree rapidly morphed into a "velociraptor" like dinosaur, it stood at 2 meters tall looking almost exactly like the velociraptor I saw in Jurassic Park in general shape with the difference in its skin, its upper body to head had stylized green leaf patterns all over while the lower body had a texture and colour similar to bark, whatever I transform into a dinosaur seemed to influenced by its origin at least in terms of appearance.

Toga looked at the newly created dino with stars in her eyes while it simply stared at her impassively. I was also in awe of the sheer lad I had managed to give birth to. I felt a mental connection to it almost instant, I could sense its general status and intent.

That's pretty fuckin' cool.

"Sit." The dino eagerly followed my command and sat down, not glancing at Toga, I stroked its head which it seemed to receive well, it had the texture of rough leather and not tree leaves so it seemed like the patterns were purely cosmetic.

Also, they were not dinosaur-shaped minions, they were fully aware and independent living dinosaurs. But their demeanour was also different from a regular. But I didn't have the patience to research that stuff, I think I remember there being a whole island or something for research like that? Shaking my head I refocused as Toga cooed at the oversized Velociraptor like it was a tiny dog.

"Hey! Hakari! Can I please pet it, please~?" I shrugged and turned to the creature, if Toga wanted to pet it so be it, I owed her at least that much.

"Hey," I pointed to it, then to Toga "Obey her words as if they were mine understood? She is the top dog just below me so play nice." It nodded its head in understanding.

Though I say that, I knew the Dino did not understand what I say, it didn't understand Japanese after all, or any complex language for that matter, it just understood the intent behind my actions instinctively thanks to Scary Monsters.

So even if I just made growling noises or gestures they would understand what I wanted as long as what I conveyed was something they could understand. Toga squealed and put both of her hands on the dino and petted the confused creature vigorously.

"Oooh, you're so cute~ you are such a little cutie aren't you~? Good bo- ...girl? Hakari-kun, what is it's gender?" I shrugged as a response to Toga's inquiry. Circling around the dino I lifted its tail and looked under.

"Yeah, as I suspected." I crossed my arms and nodded wisely. "I have no idea how to discern the gender of a dinosaur, just assume it's a girl or something." Toga looked undeterred by my statement as she still embraced the lizard.

"Alright then! Good girl! Hakari-kun Hakari-kun, can I please keep her!? I'll take good care of her I promise!" Toga pulled on my shirt with her cutest expression and I felt my resistance crumble. Well, it was just one dinosaur.

"Fine, fine, I had some stuff I needed to do today so you can keep her, it doesn't make me any tired to let her exist after all."

"Yippie~! Thank you Hakari-kun!" Toga jumped for joy, this surely wouldn't go wrong.

Of course, I made sure to warn Toga of several things such as not taking her outside the zone, not letting her scratch or bite anyone(and turn them into a dinosaur, potentially starting a zombie dinosaur apocalypse) and that she would eventually turn back into a tree so that she doesn't get too attached. I should maybe make her a pocket dinosaur to keep as a pet.

After that I let Toga be with her new friend and headed back to the main building to find Nezu and talk to him about my Scary Monsters, and to see if he could do anything about my quirk usage.

To be perfectly honest? I hated Japan and its quirk laws. No sugarcoating that.

If you aren't a registered hero quirk use is illegal in any public setting, no room for debate. You have a quirk that allows you to fly? Better stay on the ground dumbass, because your natural gift of flight is illegal outside and you will get fined for using it.

And god forbid you use your quirk to defend yourself, that's prison time in some cases.

Unlike America, you couldn't just get a general competence exam and get a Quirk License to be able to use your quirk for your job or in general use in public. Using your quirk to defend yourself was fully legal there too. Getting a quirk license was just like a step above getting a driver's license.

I wanted to ask Nezu if I could somehow take a Provisional Hero License exam early or something. Having a license to quirk would be very helpful.

While I was heading toward his office I passed by an unremarkable large metal door and from it, a loud boom rang out as the door burst open and something flew from it.

I had noticed it but decided not to switch to Phase Shift to avoid anything since Dangersense was saying it was barely a threat. I did not need any additional strain on my body right now.

I think I vaguely recall this eve-


My thoughts were cut off by a busty woman flying out of the explosion toward me, with my reaction speeds I managed to reach fast enough to brace myself and catch them but was knocked off my feet regardless and ended up on the floor.

"Cough cough!" We were covered in black smoke as the girl on top of me coughed right onto my face, lovely. I would be more angry if her bumping into me did not end up with us in a rather compromising position.

My face was smothered in her rather generous bust and while trying to catch her my hand ended up grasping her plump ass.

...Lucky Sukebe? Well, it would have been luckier without this concussion but Regeneration will fix that up in no time. I have eaten far worse hits in the last 24 hours.

Tilting my head up from her breasts I took a better look at the woman who was sent barreling toward me. Mei Hatsume. She had a rather busty figure with a large ass and plenty large breasts. She had salmon-coloured hair reaching down to her shoulders, she also wore a black tanktop and workshop overalls that were torn from the explosion.

"Oh my? When did you get there?" She asked while tilting her head, completely ignoring my hand groping her ass for some reason. She seemed rather airheaded, I mean I already knew she was from the anime and that amplified from nothing wrong here I am surprised she is even acknowledging my existence in the first place.

Just to confirm I gave her a cursory squeeze of her immense softness and she didn't exactly react so I decided to finally reply to the woman on top of me and not exactly in the good way.

"Well, ever since you slammed me onto the floor actually. What even blew up to send you this far anyway?" Hearing my words she seemed to gain some awareness about the situation and got off of me and dusted herself off.

"Oh! One of my cute babies blew up on me!" If I was not aware of the context that would sound horrifying. "Don't worry, it happens often. Anyway, I'm Hatsume Mei from class 1-H from the Support Department! Since you are already here do you want to help me test out some of my babies!?" She 'asked' but before I even answered she was already pulling me along by the arm.

Whatever, I probably didn't have anything important to do anyway.


~Kotaro Hakari~

Mei had brought- dragged me into the support department workshop which looked like the mix between a workshop and a robot development laboratory. Inside were numerous gadgets scattered from the explosion. Curious I decided to swap out Dangersense for Tinker Repair & Maintenance and oh boy.

Seeing how many things could be fixed here almost hurt my head, yeah I could see why this place kept exploding. As I was looking around in mild disgust from the feedback from my ability Mei raised some mecha-looking gauntlets toward me.

"Alright, Assistant-kun! I will need you to try on these gauntlets for me! They should enhance your strength by-"

"Yeah, and they will explode 20 seconds after the fact from the faulty wiring of the battery. Like this, you will quickly overheat the battery and make it explode." Mei curiously tilted her head before looking at the gauntlets putting them and quickly removing a panel and looking at the wiring.

"Huh! This is rather surprising! You have rather keen eyes Assistant-kun! Let me fix that real quick before my budget gets cut even more from exploding the workshop again!" Maybe she should work on being a demolitionist instead of an inventor?

"You probably shouldn't wire it like that. You will burn through the part really quickly if you do. You will also short-circuit the board."

Mei gave me a cursory glance before looking at the part I pointed to before making a noise of appreciation.

"Ooh~ you are right Assistant-kun! How are you so precise with these insights of yours all the time hmm? Are you sure you aren't a fellow support department student?" Mei glanced at me with sparkling eyes full of curiosity as I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's one of my quirks, it allows me to see faults and problems in Machinery as well as how to maintain them." Mei quickly shot up from her seat and grabbed my shoulder, shaking me slightly while her eyes glowed bright.

"That's incredible Assistant-kun! You HAVE to help me with my work! We could make so many babies together and my funding would stop getting cut because of the explosions!" Mei got uncomfortably close to my face, literally a centimetre away. As nice as it was to have a pretty girl so close to my face I gently gripped her cheeks and pushed her away from my face. Also, she just skipped over the implication of me having multiple quirks rather quickly.

"Can't really spend so much time in the lab without any benefits y'know? I have important things to do and we barely know each other."

"But you helped me make this baby doesn't that mean something?" Yeah, but like not the right kind of baby I want to make with you.

Seeing my undisturbed face she spoke more frantically.

"Money? How about money? I can pay you a commission for your assistance."

"No thanks, I will be filthy rich soon enough." There was no way a season 1 Endeavor wouldn't shill over millions of dollars to get a leg up and pay for a treatment for Shoto as well. Heroes were incredibly rich after all.

"Then you could even sponsor my projects! Even better!" Was she dropped on her head? Very unaware too considering I was groping her ass even right now.

Maybe she is just stupid, that's probably it.

But hmm...

I have an idea.

"How about this? In exchange for me helping you with your babies, you become one of my girlfriends? To elaborate I am already in a relationship but my other girlfriend won't mind." Mei surely won't either because nothing wrong here should make me having multiple girlfriends more normal, especially with someone... special like Mei.

Why did I want to add her to my harem you may ask? I have 3 main reasons really.

1. Hot girl

2. Smart inventor

3. Gacha Roll

Bite me, I was a completionist at heart. And Mei was plenty fun it seemed like with her mature body and rather... refreshing ...personality.

Mei backed off a little finally as she assumed a thinking position and started talking about loud. Occasionally glancing at me and even squeezing my fairly large bicep. I was flattered?

"Hmm? Handsome, rich, plenty strong enough to help me with tasks and can help me build a lot of babies while having other women to spend time with so that I don't have to provide much? Yes! I will be your girlfriend Assistant Boyfriend-kun!" Boy she was just that simple, wasn't she?

[Feat Achieved! Add Hatsune Mei to your harem...? +1 Gold Gacha Ticket]

Look. The girl even confused my poor system.

Reparations must be taken.

"Alright, then as my girlfriend..."

I quickly closed the distance between us and wrapped my arm around Mei before locking our lips, she looked shocked for a second before allowing me to charge and I took full advantage.

I was the Sex God of this world. Quite literally, no man or woman could match me in bed without a quirk specifically for it.

Lewd sounds filled the room as I claimed Mei's mouth, dominating her tongue as she clumsily tried to reciprocate, her thighs trembled slightly from how lewdly I was molesting her mouth.

My other arm slipped out of the sling it was in and copped a large handful of Mei's plump ass as she blushed. I felt her moan into my mouth before I released her after a full dozen seconds of making out. I didn't want to overwhelm her just yet.

"Haah haaah, that was... really intense Boyfriend Assistant-kun! I c-can't say I truly mind it but I would have preferred a little warning next time. I am not really experienced in these things." Mei actually looked a bit shy at that which surprisingly looked super cute.

"But I did, didn't I?" I tilted my head 'innocently' as Mei made a surprised expression before slamming a fist down on her open palm.

"Ah! Right, you did! I forgot! Sorry Boyfriend Assistant-ku-"

"Hakari. My name's Hakari, just call me Hakari, we are girlfriend and boyfriend now aren't we?" Mei nodded in understanding before regaining her excitement.

"Alright, then Hakari-kun! As my boyfriend help me create more beautiful babies! Come on! Let's get started! Hehehe! I can just imagine the beautiful babies we can make together." Trust me, Mei, if you keep talking like this I will give you an actual baby within the week.

But well, I suppose I could spend some time helping my new girlfriend with her projects. I am many things but a bad boyfriend is one I try not to be.

A/N: Scary Monsters is truly a busted ability for Hakari to have and he hasn't even tested it for real yet. It is also an ability that will surely make them scratch their heads as it brings back the dinosaurs from the primal era effortlessly. I am very excited to show how someone resourceful like Hakari can make use of something broken like Scary Monsters. I am open to any recommendations for potential uses for it though.

Also, you know Hakari had to meet Mei the moment he got a Tinker ability. It's the girl who keeps exploding her workshop and the boy who has the ability to fix basically any machinery. It's a match made in heaven and Mei realized this and quickly accepted Hakari's offer because she is a businesswoman. Nothing Wrong Here also pulled its weight for this too. What did you guys think about Mei by the way? I would love to know. Your comments help inspire and motivate me to write more. 


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