Chereads / My Hero Academia: Restless Gambler / Chapter 30 - Chapter 30: Aftermath

Chapter 30 - Chapter 30: Aftermath

~Kotaro Hakari~

"Yo, Nezu-sensei, you look rather good." I raised my working hand toward the principal who had just entered my hospital room looking very weary, at least he seemed better when he saw me still awake.

He hopped over next to my bed and looked at my condition with a relieved smile as All Might greeted him.

"Hakari-kun, I am glad you are in a stable condition. I admit did not expect you to be in such good spirits and health after getting a brief statement from your teacher and the doctors as well as Shoji-kun, I am very glad." I nodded to him.

"Yeah I got lucky, Nomu kicked my ass hard but I managed to develop several quirks thanks to it. Hell, if I didn't get like 3 healing-related things in a row I probably would have died. Thankfully the stimpack and Rapid Recovery put in some real work so I am still here." Nezu looked rather horrified at that and looked at me with a serious face.

"Hakari-kun what are the extent of your injuries." All Might perked up at that too as I put a hand on my chin.

"Let's see, my left arm will still be mostly useless for a few days since it was completely mangled beyond recognition, I can still exert a normal amount of strength with it if I try though. My skeleton below the neck will take a full week to recover completely but I can still perform as average. The gaping holes in my lungs, stomach, intestines and kidney from the grabbing my organs directly were stitched up completely though they still feel very raw." Nezu grabbed the sheets hard and hung his head low.

"I am... truly sorry for what you have suffered through Hakari-kun, right under my eyes too. This is fully the fault of the UA High and I will take full responsibility for this incident. And on behalf of the entirety of UA, I thank you, because thanks to your efforts and sacrifice no other student besides Midoriya-kun were injured beyond minor wounds." I scratched the back of my head, I just didn't like seeing Nezu like this, I genuinely liked the man and seeing him bow his head like that didn't sit right with me.

"Sensei, please raise your head. Frankly, I am disgustingly fitted for survival, as long as I am not dead there is no such thing as a permanent injury for me, hell, my injuries won't even affect my day-to-day life that much I am basically a cockroach. Though I won't say no to some compensation, I could always use some help after all." Me flashing a casual smile with ease seemed to have lifted Nezu's spirits a little as heaved a relieved sigh. People feel better if they can make it up to the other person rather than simply being outright forgiven in most cases.

"I am simply glad you are in a good mood Hakari. Don't worry I will personally make sure you are fine." I nodded to Nezu before adopting a smile of my own.

"Besides, sensei, it wasn't your fault. It was his, that overgrown tumour potato-headed bald bastard. If I ever get my hands on him I'm going to do things to him that would make any villain squeamish." I felt anger boil in my veins just thinking of that fucking bastard before All Might's voice snapped me out of my bloodthirsty trance amplified by Half-Light. Turning to him I noticed the nervous expression on his face.

"Uh, young Hakari, since Sensei is also here could we discuss the matter of what you know?" Nezu also nodded his head and hopped onto a chair before intently looking at me.

"I agree Hakari-kun, while I hate to interrupt your rest I believe you know how important this discussion is. Could you please enlighten us about what exactly you know about this?"

"Well, I know about One for All and All for One first of all, I know enough about it at least. I also know that All for One is alive and he wants my ass badly." Hearing my words All Might's eyes opened wide as if he had seen a nightmare before going into his muscle form without thinking and slamming his fist down on his thigh.


The entire room shook before All Might was able to somewhat compose himself, I also noticed Nezu gripping his pants tightly.

"Hakari-kun, could you please tell me why you sound so sure about this information? I believe your words and I suspected it myself, I just want to know why you think so." In response I summoned the Destiny's Child character card in my hand, both All Might and Nezu's eyes were focused on the translucent golden card.

"This is the limited-time ability I have called Destiny's Child, it allows me to see a potential future or opportunity but I can only use it a handful of times before I cannot anymore. I used to see the future where I hadn't escaped the doctor."

I put on a more serious tone.

"If I hadn't I would have been the monster in the USJ instead of the black one. I saw the doctor discussing with the man who had half of his head blasted off and crudely regrown called All for One, it also showed me relevant information like you and him clashing as well as peeks at both of your abilities. So I know he is alive and he definitely knows about me."

Trying to break the tension Nezu laughed into his fist.

"Those are really some terrific observations, indeed if the one you escaped from really was All for One it makes sense why he would be after you. I must say your abilities truly seem terrifying Hakari-kun, there are very few future-related abilities and most of them are less reliable. I will have to look into the apparent survival of All for One myself also." I ignored All Might having PTSD in the background as I turned to the principal again.

"Actually, Sensei, I would like to ask you for some things. I know All for One is after me, he wants my ability badly, after all, if he got my ability in tandem with his he would practically be a god more than he already is. So I wanted to ask for some more freedom and your help in something."

"And what would that be Hakari-kun? As long as you are asking for reasonable things I can help you with just about anything." I smiled a little, he was truly a reliable guy.

"I need more training, I saw how disgustingly powerful All for One is, that man may as well be the strongest motherfucker there is. I won't get stronger in regular classes and I can easily teach myself most subjects quickly with my teaching mastery. I want to be able to study and train semi-independently so that I can prepare myself for any further attempts on my life and keep people involved safe." Nezu thought to himself for a moment before nodding.

"Mhm, I don't see why not, UA already has unorthodox teaching methods and permission to treat our students in our own way. I will arrange special status for you to be able to avoid basic classes on the condition that your grades are kept above 80%. You could train with off-duty teachers in your free time as well. You are also free to use any of the training grounds UA offers of course. Don't worry about damages they are repaired every weekend" I gave Nezu a big smile as he gave me a thumbs up, I knew he would understand, this would be super convenient for me.

"Alright, the next thing is a quirk I developed, I held out on announcing it before because it would be... controversial and make All for One thirst for my ass even harder. But, I have a quirk called Gene Refinement, it allows me to refine the genetic structure of any living being and improve them. In essence, it allows me to upgrade quirks in a way similar to RPG skill trees, It is completely safe and I have tested it on Toga, it gave her the ability to know the basic information of the people whose blood she drinks."

Seeing Nezu's focused and calculated expression I continued.

"I can't use it for more than once a day and it takes a lot of energy out of me but is very potent, I can only use it on someone after using it again after roughly 2 weeks. Using it requires extended skin-to-skin contact too. I was thinking I could get paid for upgrading the quirks of heroes, not only do I get paid but heroes are stronger since the evil tumour man is starting to make moves."

Nezu nodded with a smile but I could see innumerable amounts of calculations and thoughts racing through his mind.

"I'm glad you decided to share this information with me first Hakari-kun, you were pretty right to feel that you had to hide an ability like that, countless villains would want to get your hands on you, especially him. Are you sure you want to reveal such an ability Hakari-kun?"

"Yes, I am not scared. Villains can come at me however they like, I will always beat them down to the ground. I am not weak, and I will only continue to be stronger as long as I face challenges. That bastard declared war first, I am just following his trend."

"Well, if you are so sure I won't stop you! In fact, I am glad you have such confidence in yourself. After all, it only benefits society if the heroes get an extra edge over the villains, especially with this new "League of Villains" coming out of the woodwork. I will take of the details you need to provide such a business, normally such a thing would be illegal since you would need a heroics license to use your quirk commercially but I will handle so don't worry about it all right?" Nezu said while putting his hand on my head comfortingly, Wasn't he supposed to be the animal here? I appreciated the comforting gesture at least I guess.

"Well then, Hakari-kun, I would say I would be leaving you to rest for now but there are a lot of people who want to meet you since you look healthy enough, you want me to send them in after us?" I nodded, why not, I suspect it was probably Toga and maybe Mina and Kirishima.

Nezu got back on the ground and All Might who still looked like he was contemplating everything about his life joined alongside him.

"Alright Hakari, we will be leaving for now. You gave us plenty of work to do after all. See you later I will stay in contact." All Might spoke after him in a tired tone of voice, looking like had aged 5 years during our conversation "...Yeah, sorry for not saying anything I was in thought, see you later Young Hakari, I have to see young Midoriya now. He'll be relieved to hear that you are ok- fi- well that you are alive at least." Haha, I am still in excruciating pain.

As Nezu and All Might left my room I carefully laid my head down and took a little rest while taking another handful of painkillers and shoving them down my throat. Ahh, this was the life. I can't wait until I recover enough energy to play with Scary Monsters.


~Kotaro Hakari~

As I was leaning back and drinking a 3000-calorie energy drink(for Rapid Recovery) trying desparately not to fall asleep, I heard a knock on my door.

Knock knock.

"Come in, the doors unlocked." The moment the words had left my mouth the door seemed to slam open with the force of a thousand suns.


I was caught by surprise as a yellow blur sprinted from the entrance of the door over to my bed before grabbing the side of my bed. My heart hurt a little at the sight of beady tears streaming down Toga's cheeks, she was heaving breaths, and her hands were also shaking. She was really shaken up by my fight huh? I could see in her hesitant expression that she wanted to hug me but didn't know what to do.

"...You can hug me you know? I am not made of glass-" I was barely able to finish my sentence before Toga climbed onto my bed and wrapped her around my neck and hugged me tightly like a baby koala. She didn't make a peep other than hugging me tightly.


A stray cough attracted my attention to the rest of the class who also came to visit me apparently. Well, some of the class apparently, there were some with minor injuries who were getting treated and students who were too busy talking with their parents after the incident.

"Yo dude, we brought you some gifts. Everyone else also wanted me to tell you our thanks and to get well soon. I didn't think we'd even be able to see you this soon, you were going so hard dude, I thought you would be knocked out for a while now, the teachers at least sounded very grim about your condition, I'm happy you seem fine though." Said Sero who put a basket filled with goods on top of a cabinet, he seemed pretty chill about the situation while Kirishima next to him held his fist and... cried tears of ...manliness?

"Bro(he is saying Aniki here = Respected older brother figure)!" When did he start calling me that again? Makes me feel like I am back in my Yakuza days. "I saw you take that huge bird guy into the air and throw him down like a meteor while destroying everyone! You were like All Might it was so manly! I cannot respect you enough!" Good for you Kirishima, I just hope you can pick better role models next time buddy.

"I brought you a melon." Said Mineta, holding said melon and putting it next to the gift basket. ...Thanks? I guess. It's better than nothing. Why was he even here?

According to them the others were too busy to come since their parents immediately picked them up after the incident, they had wanted to come though. It was nice actually.

Seeing so many people care about me was nice.

You know what? I think after that whole shitshow I deserve a little break.

A/N: The USJ Arc is officially over and Hakari decided to spill the beans to get Nezu's support in his crusade against Competent Tumor Man and co. Spending his time going through classes when he already knows the subjects is a bit meaningless so Hakari decided to dedicate more time to training during those times so he can dedicate more time to his girls in other times. Nezu is the best dad as always.

Hakari will finally start taking shit seriously after this, before this he was pretty directionless and just drifting along, now he has a proper goal and directive to go through as well as a concrete enemy he has to face. The kiddie gloves are off, All for One wants war and Hakari is more than willing to give him one.

What did you guys think about Hakari's new discussion and freedom and what ideas do you have for what could happen in the second season? I would love to hear your guy's thoughts about it. Your comments help inspire and motivate me to write more. 


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