Looting was the quickest it had ever been. Henry even went back to where all his Orc Archer kills had fallen to claim possession of their bows and Arrows. The ones that had been shot into his body were already in his Inventory.
With no serious injuries to be healed and the Knights all being so focused, there was no need to waste any time dilly-dallying.
Watching as his subordinates stood at attention with faces steeled up, Boyle was impressed. He had been stuck with the shaft of the bunch back at the Citadel but to see them all stepping up and proving themselves worthy to have been knighted was very great to see. It was a shame that it had only really come about as a reaction to the deaths of their fellow Knights but at least there was a bright side.
"How much further do you think we'll have to go to meet the Dungeon Boss?" Boyle asked Eloise as he cast his eyes ahead and added,
"How many more hordes will we have to clear?"