- This… this is Earth! - Lido's voice trembled with shock. He sprang up, unable to contain his surprise. All eyes turned to him, but no one besides Lido understood why this planet caused such a reaction.
The Game God looked at him calmly, as if it were something ordinary.
- This is just a game. You've always participated in such things, haven't you?
Lido looked at him with involuntary trepidation.
- Yes, but… they're alive! These aren't just characters! - his voice shook, revealing an internal conflict. He realized he couldn't just manage people's lives like ordinary game characters.
The Game God, remaining unfazed, replied:
- And what, was it any different before? Haven't you been doing the same thing?
Lido froze, his thoughts drifting back to the past. Hadn't he been the same way? Realizing how little he differed from those now sitting at the table pierced him with a painful pang of conscience.
His former confidence began to crumble like a fragile sandcastle under an oncoming wave. Games had always been his way to escape reality, a world where he could hide behind the mask of a character and not think about consequences. But now, reality had turned into a game, and he had to decide if he was ready to keep going when at stake were not just points and victories, but real fates, lives tied to each of his choices.
The Game God, noticing Lido's surprise and the confused looks of the other participants, smiled as if it were all just a joke. He turned to the others, clearly intending to explain Lido's reaction.
- This world, - he said with a slight smile, - belongs to Lido.
The others quickly understood the source of his unease. In the corners of his mouth, Feraon's cold smirk played as he narrowed his eyes and said:
- Now much becomes clear. I, too, would be somewhat surprised if someone used one of my worlds without my knowledge or permission
The Game God, with a barely noticeable smirk, gestured for Lido to sit down, as if his turmoil were just part of a pre-planned performance, another link in the chain of events he kept under control.
Grizzly, his eyes fixed on the hologram, examined the world with his mind but felt nothing to indicate the presence of a worthy opponent.
- Just ants? - he sneered, doubting the future contenders' significance.
The Game God nodded, smiling mysteriously.
- Yes, but they will become more dangerous than they seem during the game
Grizzly glanced at the hologram again, trying to understand what might be hidden behind the Game God's words. He felt a slight thrill, as if anticipating an upcoming battle.
- Intriguing, - he noted. - Let's see what these "gamers" are capable of
Tridot, with a silent nod, acknowledged that he, too, was tired of predictable games. He had long sought a real challenge, something more than the usual "toys."
The Game God, seeing the interest of those present, continued:
- Each of you will receive a thousand contenders from Lido's world. They will undergo selection, only the strongest will remain. Then, I will place them all over the world, where they will adapt, survive, and fight. You can control them or simply observe
He paused, surveying all the participants.
- I should note, - he added, - that the Crown of Dominion can't be seized alone. But life loves surprises, so let's see what happens.
Faireya pondered this and asked:
- Can we intervene directly?
The Game God shook his head.
- No. But you can bless your contenders, endowing them with special items and skills. The game will balance the power, so even your abilities will be limited
Tridot and Faireya frowned, realizing that their usual trump cards would be useless and every step would require careful planning.
Lido felt growing anxiety. He was the only mortal among them, and unlike the rest, he had no arsenal of weapons and artifacts, no magical scrolls, nor ancient knowledge and skills.
The Almighty could rely on centuries of experience and countless resources at their disposal, whereas Lido essentially had none of that.
Feraon, contemplating what he'd heard, asked:
- And if all my contenders are killed?
- Each will have a couple of summoning attempts, - the Game God explained. - The contenders will be chosen, undergo selection, and I will scatter them throughout the world. This will add an element of randomness.
- So if I lose the first group, it will already be hard to catch up with the others, - Feraon frowned. He would have to learn to manage his subordinates so they wouldn't perish on their first misstep. As an Ideal, he strove for perfection and demanded the same from his subordinates.
While Feraon clarified the game rules with the Game God, Lido suddenly noticed that some gazes from nearby tables lingered on him longer than usual. He was so consumed by the upcoming game that he didn't realize just how full of wonders the surrounding world was.
When he first arrived here, everything seemed blurred and unclear. But now, sitting at the gaming table, he saw the true grandeur: thousands of tables, each with its own game unfolding, while magic and the splendor of the Hall spread everywhere like the breath of eternity.
Amidst this magnificence, thousands of tables with Almighty seemed like tiny islands in an ocean of eternity. They were arranged chaotically, but each table appeared to have its own gravity - an aura that repelled or attracted, creating the feeling that the entire hall was alive with its own purpose. At every table, games and disputes ignited, deals were struck, and fateful bets were placed that could alter the very laws of the universe.
Lido and his companions occupied only one of thousands of tables, yet even here, there was a particular tension. Their table, like a center of gravity, stood out among the rest; around it, magic thickened into a dense fog filled with anticipation and the sense of the inevitable.
The voices of thousands of Almighty blended into a general hum, like the distant sound of the ocean, but at their table, by contrast, there was an almost complete silence - a broken silence, filled with hidden power.
At other tables around them, the Almighty played their own games, made bets, and manipulated universes, as if playing out chess matches where worlds were at stake.
Some laughed, others conversed in languages incomprehensible to mortals, some shaped the fates of forgotten beings. Yet all of them, despite their status and power, occasionally glanced at the Game God's table, as if sensing that something important was beginning here.
While Lido examined the hall from a new perspective, Grizzly, already losing patience, spoke:
- Well, when do we start?
- I've explained the basic rules, - replied the Game God. - You'll discover the rest as the game progresses
- Fine, - said Tridot, agreeing.
Screens appeared in front of each participant, displaying the world that would serve as the game's arena. When the screens began to flicker in front of each participant, Lido noticed that the images of ruined castles and desolate lands looked darker than he'd expected.
Lido tried to calm the trembling in his hands, forcing his mind to switch to the familiar gamer mode. He knew that if he didn't pull himself together now, he'd lose control. His breathing gradually became steady, and a look appeared in his eyes that had led him to victory many times. This was a game, perhaps the most challenging of his life, but he was ready to give it his all as never before.
On the plazas were traces of long-forgotten battles: everywhere lay fragments of statues that once depicted heroes of antiquity, now shattered and lost in the sands of time. Here and there, ancient magical circles shimmered, abandoned and overgrown with strange plants that hung from the collapsed walls, as if nature itself sought to consume the traces of ancient battles. Lido saw that the world wasn't empty, but was full of secrets and mysteries hidden in every crack and ruin.
- Phew
Before the start, Lido composed himself, forcing his mind to switch to the familiar gamer mode. He reminded himself that the only way to save as many as possible was to play like never before and win like never before.
Each of them possessed a floating island where summoning and selecting contenders took place before sending them into the main world. These islands resembled ghostly ruins with shattered fortresses, like shadows of the past.
Stone walls with dents, empty plazas overgrown with grass, the wind whistling hollowly through empty windows - everything around created a sense of unease and mystery, as if every element of these places held the echo of long-forgotten battles. In the center of each island was a vast plaza intended for the upcoming trials.
- Let's begin the summoning, - the Game God announced, and the screens began to flicker, heralding the start of the game.
Suddenly, the plaza of each island lit up with bright white light, blinding everything around. Out of this light, figures of people began to materialize. These were not just random passersby but the elite among players: cyber athletes, professional gamers who had dedicated their lives to the virtual world.
- Where are we? - a worried voice echoed. Someone brushed light from their eyes and began to look around, trying to understand what was happening.
- What's going on? - asked another, glancing around.
- Is this some kind of joke? - another person nervously clenched his fists, as if that could bring back control, and scanned the unfamiliar surroundings.
A girl holding a phone in her hand helplessly looked at the screen - none of the networks worked. No connection, no way to exit the game.
- Is this a prank? - someone muttered nearby, but fear tinged their voice.
The players barely had time to recover from the shock when suddenly the Game God, observing everything from above, waved his hand. The white light suddenly condensed around the players and, like a wave, poured inward, consuming every cell of their bodies.
As the light poured over them, the players felt their bodies start to transform, each cell shifting and reforming with excruciating intensity. Words stuck in many throats as they felt themselves being reshaped.
Their ordinary clothing faded away, replaced by armor, robes, and leather gear - the distinct garb of their favorite game characters. Muscles, bones, even their internal structures changed, as if they were being reborn painfully into new forms.
- What's happening to me?! - one of the players cried out in panic, horrified as his body was reshaped before his own eyes.
- It hurts! What the… - another player doubled over, barely enduring the agony, as his bones and muscles seemed to compress under an invisible force, reshaping his body into something new.
When the transformation was finally complete, each of them felt a rush of power. Fenri felt a fierce, magical energy ignite in his veins, pulsing like living fire. He clenched his fists, not yet fully understanding how to wield this power, but sensing its readiness to burst forth.
Isabelle, now wearing light armor, instinctively grabbed the daggers at her belt. Her body moved smoothly, her muscles seemed to know their task, as if years of training had become second nature.
William, suddenly feeling the weight of a massive sword, experienced both exhilaration and calm. Taking a deep breath, he struggled to keep his composure, as he always did in critical moments.
Gizard, gripping his two-handed axe, felt his strength double. Every muscle was under his command, and he sensed himself becoming the warrior-giant he had crafted in the game.
With each passing moment, their former lives seemed to slip further away, and they became someone new, terrifyingly different. Those who had played as characters of the opposite gender felt strange, unfamiliar sensations.
One of the players, used to his beard, was horrified to find long golden locks instead, and a body that was unmistakably female. The sudden change in gender was accompanied by strange sensations, as if his bones and muscles were being entirely restructured.
- Oh god… am I a woman now? - someone's voice cracked with panic and surprise.
- I… I became a woman?! - another player, examining their altered body, stood in shock, bewildered by the unexpected feelings.
Each of them felt the new reality unfold before them: magic coursed through their veins like scorching fire, weapons weighed in their hands like part of their own bodies. Everything felt real down to the smallest detail, and even the slightest shifts felt as though they were genuinely happening.
- Where did I get this sword? - someone, bewildered by their weapon, tried to comprehend what was going on. - This can't be real, can it?
Isabelle, noticing Fenri, quickly approached him, her eyes gleaming with worry, her breathing heavy with tension. She carefully looked him over, her gaze swiftly scanning his face, checking for injuries or signs of weakness.
Assured he was alright, she spoke in a low, tense voice, trying to mask her own fear. She knew that in a situation like this, she couldn't allow herself to panic, even though everything inside her screamed with dread.
- Fenri, what's going on? - her voice was tense but determined.
- I don't know, Isabelle, - he replied, attempting to suppress his inner panic. - This is either a nightmare or something even worse
- Stay close, - she said firmly. - Maybe we'll find more people we know. There are a lot of people in the crowd
Fenri nodded, his eyes shining with resolve, though inside he was consumed by uncertainty. He knew he could trust Isabelle - she was his partner not only in the game but also in real life.
Their work together in the beta-testing department had taught them the value of mutual support, and now, amid this chaos, their connection became vital. Memories of their past experiences helped him manage his fear, and he knew that with her, they could withstand any blow.
Suddenly, the plaza filled with screams and frantic voices. Panic washed over the players, many of whom were experiencing pain and fear so acutely for the first time. They tried to escape, find a "pause" button or a command to exit, but all commands were ignored. The reality felt unyielding and disturbingly solid.
- Why can't I wake up?! - someone, clutching their head, desperately tried to understand what was happening. Around him were only blank stares of other players and the ruined walls of the fortress.
Only a few attempted to maintain their composure. Among them was William, who, despite his inner fear and doubts, tried to stay calm. He knew that if he didn't take control now, they would all be doomed. Every gaze turned towards him gave him strength, and he resolved to act.
William stepped forward, his voice slicing through the noise and screams, drawing attention:
- Hey! We need to get it together! Panicking won't save us!
Several people turned to look at him, a spark of hope flickering in their eyes. William tightened his grip on his sword, feeling panic surge within him but striving to stay strong and determined. He knew that, like everyone else, he was on the edge, but he also understood that if he didn't take charge, they were as good as lost.
He decided to take the people under his wing to survive himself, and suppressing his fear, he began assembling the first team - those who, despite the terror, could still act and keep calm.
Gizard, in another part of the plaza, began noticing people around him who were overwhelmed by panic and seeking some form of support. He wasn't sure he could lead in this situation, but he knew that without organization, they were doomed.
He decided to take on the role of commander, gathering those who, like him, were used to hard decisions and were unafraid to act. These players intuitively flocked to Gizard, seeing a chance for survival in his confidence. Thus, another team formed, one with harsh discipline and a readiness to go to the end.
Elsewhere on the plaza stood Fenri. Looking around, he spotted a group of mages who, like him, were only beginning to understand their powers. He chose to join them, realizing that in this chaos, solitude was certain death.
For now, he was just one of them, as frightened and lost as they were, but desperately in need of support. Their goal was simple and clear - to survive, and that was the one thing holding them together. It was now necessary to unite efforts and try to find some semblance of stability amidst this frightening unknown.
Besides that, on the plaza remained lone fighters - those with the power of a small team and who preferred to act alone. Among them was Isabelle, who had always been a loner by nature. Although she temporarily chose to leave Fenri's side to continue operating solo, she remained nearby, ready to help if necessary.
Her assured movements set her apart from the crowd. She knew what to do, and her experience allowed her to navigate alone with ease. Every step she took was precise and deliberate, and her eyes held a look of determination. She was prepared for any trial, and nothing could shake her.
Someone, losing balance, fell to his knees, struggling with the weight of his armor. A former e-sportsman, unaccustomed to real weapons, barely held onto his sword.
- This… this isn't just a dream! This is real! - exclaimed one of the gamers, his voice shaking with fear and excitement.
When the transformation ended, a sharp, piercing pain shot through their heads. It was as though streams of knowledge, memories, and skills filled the mind of each of them, as if all their initial abilities and magical knowledge were instantly alive inside.
- Ugh… my head!
- What was that?
Mages, regaining composure, immediately tried their powers - many managed, on the first attempt, to gather mana and cast a simple spell. One of them, seeing a fiery spear ignite in his hands, couldn't contain his excitement:
- Look, I can cast spells!
The swordsmen smirked, executing a few strikes and relishing the weight and power of the weapon that now felt like an extension of their body. The gamers' bodies were adapting to new knowledge, as though their memory was awakening on its own.
- This is just a game, right? - one of the players muttered uncertainly, trying to convince himself.
- So there has to be a way out
But all they saw around them were ruined walls and a vast plaza. No interfaces, no pause or exit buttons. A chill of terror crept down their spines, freezing every movement.
- Hey! Can anyone hear me? Is this a prank?! - a voice called out in the dim light, but only the hollow echo from the fortress walls responded.
Suddenly, a holographic message flickered before all the players:
Welcome to the Game
Fight or Die
Capture the Crown of Dominion or fade into oblivion
The crowd of players froze in horror. Some turned pale, others stood still, afraid to take a step. William frowned, feeling anger rising in him, while Gizard only tightened his grip on his axe, containing his mounting tension. Isabelle exchanged a glance with Fenri; her eyes, filled with fear and resolve, sought support in his.
- Fight or die… - someone mentally repeated, clenching their fists. He tried to convince himself that all this was artificial, that this was just a game. But every touch of cold steel to his sword, every heartbeat, every breath felt painfully real.
- Capture the Crown of Dominion? - a girl in light armor felt her throat dry up. She always played as a warrior, but now this "game" felt more like a deadly reality than a pastime.
- No… this can't be… I don't believe it! - shouted one of the gamers, desperately looking around for a way out, but only endless space and other lost players surrounded him.
- God save us! - a voice, breaking from terror, echoed against the stone walls.
- We need to test what happens if someone dies! - yelled a young man with a wild look in his eyes, clutching his sword.
- Stop! What are you doing?! - a girl next to him instinctively grabbed his arm.
- This isn't a game! It's too real!
Panic engulfed the players like a wave. Some screamed, others prayed, and some had already started fighting those nearby, hoping that pain and fear would vanish if they prevailed in the chaos.
- Calm down! - William's voice cut through the noise and screams, drawing attention.
- We need to stick together, or we'll be destroyed!
Suddenly, another message appeared before them:
Round 1. Selection
Fight or Die
Glory or Death
- Let the selection begin! - Game God's voice echoed off the ruined walls.
Many won't care about the characters, as it sounds too unrealistic. Maybe it's not true, but that doesn't prevent us from staying human and acting with integrity, even in games.
Why make games so complex? We created them for entertainment, right? Then the Game God will show you what it's like to be the one who is controlled. Maybe you'll understand: every choice is not just a path to victory but a reflection of who you are.