The warriors, both human and demon, stopped dead in their tracks, startled by the sudden appearance of the wizard and the
the sudden appearance of the wizard and the roar caused by the spell. The protagonist took advantage of the moment of
bewilderment to speak in a resonant and authoritative voice:
"Foolish humans and demons!"
He exclaimed, projecting his voice across the valley. "Why do you insist on
each other, motivated only by your greed and hatred? Do you not see the destruction that their
see the destruction your war is causing? This is your punishment for shedding
innocent blood for no reason."
With a dramatic gesture, the protagonist summoned
several monsters, using his skill masterfully. Creatures of
formidable and fearsome looking creatures began to emerge from dark portals,
surrounding the battlefield and creating a living barrier between the humans and the demons.
the demons. These creatures, though intimidating, did not attack, but instead stood in a defensive
defensive posture, preventing both factions from continuing their fight.
their fight.
The presence of the monsters and the protagonist's
of the protagonist's magical power left everyone stunned and fearful. Humans
and demons, bewildered by the interruption and the appearance of this new threat, began to reconsider their
threat, began to reconsider their actions. The protagonist, still floating
in the air and maintaining his appearance of an evil wizard, continued:
"Stop this madness right now! If
really wish to survive and find peace, you must listen to me and abandon this senseless war!
this senseless war
At that moment, all the monsters began
vanish, vanishing into the dark portals from whence they had come.
The protagonist, still hovering in the air, looked at the humans and demons and
spoke firmly.
"This is just a warning," he said,
his voice echoing through the valley. "If I ever find them fighting again, it won't be just a warning.
again, it won't be just a warning. The next time, it will be much worse, and this what you
you saw today is not even a small part of my true power."
The combatants, humans and demons alike,
stood still, shocked by the monsters' disappearance and the protagonist's words.
words of the protagonist. He continued, making sure they understood the
seriousness of his message:
"What you have just seen is just a small
sample of what I can do. If you continue with this senseless war, you will face much more serious consequences.
much more serious consequences. You have to choose peace over war.
Now, get out of here and take this message to your leaders: violence and hatred will not be tolerated.
hatred will not be tolerated."
With those words, the protagonist slowly descended
slowly to the ground. The tension in the air began to dissipate, and the fighters began to retreat.
The tension in the air began to dissipate, and the fighters began to back away, still in awe of what they had just witnessed.
they had just witnessed. The figure of the evil wizard that he had transformed into
gradually disappeared, revealing his original form, but maintaining a firm and determined stance.
maintaining a firm and resolute stance.
The humans and demons, still in awe,
began to retreat from the battlefield, muttering among themselves and sharing the fear and respect
sharing the fear and respect they now felt for the stranger who had interrupted their fight.
interrupted their fight. The protagonist had taken the first step towards peace,
leaving a strong impression on all present.
After his impressive display of power, the
power, the protagonist could be seen visibly tired. It was the first time
he had used magic, and not just any magic, but spells of the seventh rank.
rank. This exertion had drained his energies considerably. In that
world, the most powerful magic known was of the ninth rank, and to reach even the seventh rank was a monumental
even seventh rank was already a monumental feat.