Chereads / James Potter and The Court of Owls / Chapter 81 - New Game Plan

Chapter 81 - New Game Plan

James and Mara followed Angus into his library. Angus went over to his desk unlocked it and presented James with the letter. James held up his hand. "I already know what's in it." He said.

Angus stared at James slowly remove his peacemaker from his holster and took out the magazine setting them both aside. Angus reached for a book from the shelf behind him and looked inside to find it empty but for a two 1911 automatic magazines inside. He handed them over to James while he proceeded out of the door.

James pocketed the extra magazine and reloaded the other new magazine into his peacemaker as he turned to Mara he holstered the weapon in his gun belt. "How much do you remember love?" He asked in a quick whisper and glanced at a clock on the wall in the study.

Mara took out her wand. "I remember everything, James. It was Bellatrix. She was the one that killed us." She said.

James nodded. "I know. She left a bloody mess of Dago on the floor of the library before I burned her with lightning and fire. In a few minutes we're going to get an unwelcome company here. We'll deal it and then we have to start upping the security here." He said.

Mara nodded but she stared at him. "What the hell are we going to do about that bitch?" She said.

James shook his head. "We got two years until we possible meet her again but I think we can avoid her this time. We're going to be doing a lot of things differently this time." He said.

"How much of your powers do you have left before we died?" Mara asked.

James shook his head. "Hawks Landing was undone. The project was a failure. I'm back where I started with a little more experience and knowledge not much else. I'm James Potter and nothing else. I plan to keep it that way." He said.

Mara sighed. "Alright what the hell happened? Why did we go back in time? What happened to you and Dad?" She said.

James shook his head. "The magical world wanted us dead so they sent their enforcer to terminate us. Now I don't give damn about a stupid dream I had or the world all I care about now is you, my mother, Dago and my father. The rest of the world can go screw itself." He said.

Mara stared at him. "James!" She said.

James held up a finger. "One second love. I have to take care of something. Dad!" He said called out taking the peace maker in hand as walked to the front door as someone knocked on the door.

Angus came marching down the stairs his face a mask of quiet rage. He aimed his peacemaker at the down as James took a position along side him and Mara to his right side.

"Angus! It's-" The dementor said but stopped when both Angus and James slide back the barrel of their peacemakers. The sound was loud and faint buzz sound of power started to be felt between them as they prepared to go into battle.

"Get the hell out of here Dementor! I'm counting to three. If your still here then kiss you evil sum-ah-bitch goodbye husk." James said.

Angus smiled but kept his eyes on the door. "One, Two-" He said.

The door exploded as scarlet robed dementor stood in the door.

"Eat shit asshole!" Both James and Angus roared at him. They fired their weapons hitting the dementor with fire and lightning magical balls from their peacemakers.

The dark creature took the hits from the peacemakers before it was quickly set on fire and electrified and then burst into ashes. They holstered their peacemakers staring at the wreckage shaking his head Angus sighed. "I'll get to work on this mess James have a talk with your mother about everything." He said.

"Dad. I just need to do one thing first before I talk to mother." James said.

Angus frowned at him but he nodded his head. "Ahead son." He said.

James stepped forward and appeared outside at the border fencing of the ranch. He took out his wand and started writing on the fencing in magical wards and then with a wave of his wand the warding multiplied and spread all over the fencing and started racing down the border until he felt sure the wards were now all over the ranch fencing and bordering lines.

He smiled and then apparition back into the house near the fire place. Mara came near him. He looked at her state of dress and then with a wave of his hand a silk pink dress appeared on her body.

Mara jumped and looked down herself and then she put her fists on her hips and narrowed her eyes on him. "I thought you said you lost of your powers." She said and looked at him cautiously. 

James shook his head. "It's just a simple spell Mara. You ready to go see mother?" He said.

Mara frowned at him looking at his hands and then turned him half around to look under his T-shirt. "The scares on your back are gone." She said.

"Yeah. Of course they are. I haven't gotten them yet. Everything has been reset." James said.

Mare turned him around and lifted up his hands that hand his rings on his fingers. "These haven't been reset and your Dad said you had the peacemaker with you when he came into room to wake you up for your birthday breakfast." She said.

James shrugged. "A few changes here and there however for the most part everything is pretty much the same. You ready to see mother?" He asked.

Mara sighed. "Let's go!" She said and took his arm.

They apparition into Ava's bedroom as she was going over papers. She smiled at the sight of James and then started when she saw the peacemaker at his side. "Did you take that weapon from your father?" She asked.

"No. It's a bit complicated but-" He said.

"You had the peacemaker in your hand and you don't know how it got there." She said with a knowing expression on her face and sad smile on her lips.

James frowned but nodded. "Yes. How did you know?" He said.

Ava relaxed a little and smiled. "Is this the young lady your going to marry?" She said.

Mara smiled. "He already knows we met before." She said.

Ava stared at him and she sighed. "Okay. What did you want to talk about James?" She said.

"I'm not going into politics. I want to work for you and I'm going to learn from Dad how to make weapons or magical items. I've come to the decision that this the best route for me. I know you won't approve of my decision or understand but I know it's the right course for me take." He said.

Ava nodded. "I don't understand or agree but I think you know better." She said.

James smiled coming over and hugged Ava. "It will work out mother. Trust me. I know this is the best route to take." He said.

Ava smiled at him. "You seem several years older then you should. Returned back from a long trip." She said.

James shook his head. "Not really. I've only had a small trip but I learned somethings and so I have to do things differently now. We'll be having the wedding at Dad's ranch. We'll have to secure the ranch more for security purposes. I think we'll meet later today in the evening. We will have to get back to the Ranch." He said.

"Oh. James. I have to warn you about my engagement. It's-" She said.

"-Business. I know. Be careful." He said and reached for Mara's hand and they apparition into Angus' work shop as James' Owl rested on the work desk while Angus looked over a letter he had gotten from their owl.

James pet the owl's head gentle. "You got a job, dad?" He said.

Angus nodded still staring at him. "It sounds like some bullshit to me. You got any advice you can give me?" He said.

James nodded. "Don't over pursue it you're not going to succeed and they'll try to find you out in the country. Kick his ass in Dad and just let it go after you get the word from Cole." He said.

Angus stared at him and nodded his head. "Is he going to be a problem for you?" He said.

James shook his head. "Not at all. In another life he was my teacher. He taught me some important lessons about life and politics. It's alright dad. Go on and do you work. Remember to come home. We'll be waiting for you. Oh don't forget your bag." James said walking over to him. He waved his hand and a bag of beef sandwiches appeared and he put them into Angus's briefcase shackle. He put zipped it up and put it around Angus' neck and smiled at him. "There your ready for action." He said.

Angus pursed his lips tightly but he nodded. "I promise. I'll be back soon." He said apparition away.

Mara looked at James as he leaned against the work desk folding his arms and frowning. "You'll have to tell us what happened eventually. You know that right?" She said.

James nodded. "Yeah. I do. But not right now. We're going to strengthen the protection wards on the ranch and attempt to engineer a hybrid protego spell." He said.

Mara shook her head. "I don't know if we'll have the time. If we had the damn library at least and our research books and papers maybe. What about Dago?" She said.

James was quiet. "I don't know. They're going to find out about him later. Bringing him back on again I don't know if that will good. I don't know if that would wise. The project was a failure and there's no way in hell I'm going to attempt to start it up. Though you are wrong about one though. Close the doors." He said.

Mara frowned as she closed the doors to the barn/weapons smith shop. James took out his wand at the ceiling and building and the inside of the building glowed white for second. He lowered his wand and looked at her. "I need you to create a spell with a password to it in this room that only you will know for the time being." He said calmly.

Mara frowned at him. "What did you do?" She said.

"I made this building invisible to the back sight and any person watching the ranch at this period. No one will be able to see inside or get in here but those I trust. You ready?" He said.

Mara nodded she took out her wand and looked around the space. She walked around trying to find a space while James said nothing just watched her as he leaned against the desk.

"The doorway to the room can be anything that you find will not to be none something someone will look past easily. It has to be big though. You have to imagine a big space." He said.

"How big?" She asked.

"A large library. That can hold many books." He said.

Mara looked back at him. "Why? Why. I thought you didn't want to continue the project." She said.

James shook his head. "It's about protecting ourselves from the world. We need a space to work on defense magic shielding spells!" He said.

Mara frowned. "Did Nick Cole kill you and Angus!" She said.

James stared at her. He said nothing and then started shaking his head.

"James!" Mara said.

"Yes." He said simply and stared at her. "He used some type of spell over Bellatrix and every were-creature he brought on. It didn't take him long to take us out easily. Let it go Mara. That man is a monster. I just happened to make myself a threat to the powerful wizards in charge. I can't fight the world and I have no intention on making my family a target again." He said.

Mara nodded her head looked to an Angus's weapons storage that stood next to his work desk. "Occultatum partum locus!" She said and lowered her wand she tapped the door in odd places and whispered something James couldn't hear she started to open the door but James held up his hand.

He placed his hand on the door closing his eyes and then opened them and stepped away. He waved or her to open it. Mara did and jumped at the sight of Wesley library once again reborn but this time inside Angus's old storage locker.

Mara smiled and looked at James freezing at the sight of his frown. James nodded. "Thank you Mara. You did a good job. It may not be as full as the first one but it will do." She said.

"Do you want to go inside and-" Mara asked but paused as James started shaking his head.

"No." James shook his head. "The last time I was in there Dago was.." He paused and shook his head. "You can use it for research how best to make modified protection spells and then we'll dismantle it."

"James." Mara said.

He shook his head. "No. I don't want to talk about it right now. Dago is still alive and for the time being I want to keep it that way." He said and walked away.

Angus was outside waiting for him. He waved for him to follow him. "Son. You got some time. I want to talk with you for a bit. I got to show you something important before anything else happened." He said.

"Okay." James said and waved for Angus to lead the way.

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