James studied the wards in the walls of his father's workshop. He frowned at wards language as he attempted figure out and memories them and the structure of them. He traced them with his finger feeling texture of the rough craving of the magical words in the wood paneling and walls.
"Son I really think you should go with your mother to the wand shop." Angus said.
James shook his head. "No time. I'm getting married today and I don't want to leave home just yet until figure out somethings. Do you have any spare wands or weapons I can use here?" He asked.
Angus shook his head. "No. I can make something up though that can hold you down until you get another wand. What happened to your last one."
"I don't know. I think Grandpa Harry took it or the wand just left me." James said.
Angus grunted. "So you'll have to get a new one."
James nodded. "Sure. When you were fourteen and got surrendered by that gang of wizards that tried to kill you why didn't you use your wand to defend yourself?"
Angus frowned and was silent for few moments and then he nodded. "They got the drop on me and I couldn't get the drop on me. I had to use what could because by then things were happening to fast for me to react to."
James looked back at him. Angus was studying him now. "When you had that final duel with Max you loss and your wand was destroyed."
"Yeah." Angus said.
"You didn't seemed that bothered about losing your wand. I mean most wizards are linked to their wand like a second arm or something that is apart of them." James said.
Angus smiled. "Yeah well it's only natural. Wand channeling of magic is the modern magic. There is nothing strange about using a wand when you have magic."
James stared at him. "So were you ever good with a wand?"
Angus snorted and grinned. "That is question no one has ever asked me."
"Do you intend on answering it then?" James asked.
"No." Angus said and paused. "I was never truly great at using a wand. You are though."
James narrowed his gaze at him. "Am I better then my mother?"
"No." Angus said simple.
"You've seen Mara use martial and apparition magic?"
Angus nodded. "I have. She's pretty strong just like your mother. I know why you chose her." He said.
"Am I better then or equal to Mara in wand craft and will I ever be?" James asked.
"No. You never will better then Mara. She is a genius. She's just stronger then you are in modern western wizard magic. Though your better then her in apparition and you have the edge over her in using wusixa with forty years of practice in you will become a great master and true dragon. You will pass on your knowledge you son and so on." Angus said.
"Yet you still want me to use a wand for the sake of making mother and Mara feel better? Why?"
Angus nodded his head "Sure. Son. We are survivors and magi. You don't need a wand. They won't accept you know what the hell your doing. That's not your problem. Your problem is keeping them feeling safe and then doing whatever the hell you have to win."
James nodded his head. "I will go with mother to obtain a wand but I need to ask you a favor."
Angus shook his head. "Everything I have is yours. You don't need to ask for any favor from me, son. What do you need? A sword. A staff."
James stared to speak and then the image of River Song appeared in his head holding her magi staff. "Can you make me staff?"
Angus nodded his head slowly studying James closely. "I can but you might want to use it sparingly in public and around your mother."
James nodded. "Okay. Three items then. A staff and two rings." He said holding up three fingers.
A wolfish grin spread across Angus' lips. "Oh. So you figured it out huh?"
James nodded. "I figured wusixa channeled their magic through the rings. I just haven't had the time to ask you about it with all the rushing around and battles. Do you have any spare rings."
Angus reached inside his jacket pocket removing a small poach. He held it up and threw it toward him casually.
James rose up and caught it in his hand. He felt two rings inside the small pouch. He quickly opened the pouch and emptied out the rings into his palm. He held four rings. Three silver rings. One gold.
"Try them on." Angus said. "I got them made for you. Go ahead."
James smiled and begin to slip on two silver fingers onto his left index finger and ring finger. He then slipped on the remaining gold and silver rings onto his other hand. He folded his fingers and made a fist. A tingling feeling was in his fingers.
"Do you feel it?" Angus asked.
James held up his hand making a sign and he made a hand sign that he remembered Angus making at one time. A aqua blue circle appeared in front of him for a few seconds and then disappeared.
"Damn it." James said on grimace and wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.
Angus nodded. "That's alright. It's your first go of it. You'll figure it out as you go along." He said and then turned to a tall storage locker that sat beside his work desk. He got out keys to the lock and pushed a key inside the lock and opened it up.
"Alight son. Let's get to it. I got a selection for you to borrow until I've made you something you can use for the time being. Have a look." Angus said motioning James over with a look and a nod of his head.
James walked over toward the other side of the desk to look inside an assortment supply of peacemakers, staffs, swords, a shield, knifes and a blue blade machete.
"Dad. What is all this stuff?" James asked.
Angus frowned and looking over his weapons. "Looks like a bunch weapons I made, son. What you don't see anything you can use for the time being until I made you something?" He asked.
"It's not that. I thought you only made swords and did wand repair. What's all this stuff?" James asked.
Angus shrugged. "I specialize in swords and wand repair but I'm still a weapons smith. Have a look see at what strikes your interest." He said.
James eyes traveled over the weapons that hung on the racks. His gaze locked on a simple grey staff. "Can I have a look at the grey staff?"
Angus wordlessly picked up the grey staff and handed it to him. James took in his hand and tested the weight of it.
James spun the staff in his hand. It felt right to his touch. It wasn't like his wand but it would do. He grimaced at the weight. He noticed the difference immediately between a wand and staff.
"It's slow. I won't be able to perform the same spells I want at the same speed as my wand." James said with a frown. He looked inside the storage case filled with weapons and his gaze locked on a similar peacemaker that was a copy of Angus' peacemaker.
The peacemaker started to move as it James stared at it and then he reached out his hand. The peacemaker jerked out of the hock in the locker and flew into his hand.
Angus quickly snacked the peacemaker out of his hand and put it back into the case closing the locker and locking it. He turned to see James studying him with a raised eye brow.
"So there is a reason both you and mother don't want me to have a peacemaker?" James said.
Angus said nothing. He folded his arms and leaned his back against the closed storage locker.
Thunder bolts crackled in the sky above their heads. James stared at Angus. "You will never allow me to take a peacemaker. Correct?"
"Yeah. But like you said you wanted to gain the power to become a great wizard. I promised you I would help you with that and I'll keep my word. But, I won't ever give you peacemaker I made. You got the talent enough to be a good western wizard." Angus said.
Thunder boomed loudly in the skies above in rapid succession. James nodded. "Alright. I'll find my own way." He said before turning and leaping changing into raven and taking flight up toward Hawks Landing.
James flew upward flapping his wings and dodging past lightning and thunder strikes that were shot at him until he finally went into an apparition double kicking the dark wizard in the chest and sending him into an apparition.
James stood on grey platform his staff was in front of him as he used it to block and hit the lightning attacks him. He looked up at his attack to see it was the wusixa master that had contended with father. James stared at the man. Angus appeared beside him blocking the lightning attacks.
"He's not here for me dad. He wants you. This is your domain. You have to face him. He won't be convinced your better then him until you've defeated him completely." James said.
"Damn him. Fine. When I get back we're going to talk about-"
"-No we won't." James said cutting him off. "This isn't my time. This is your time. I told you dad. I trust you completely. So we will not discuss it any further. Go."
Angus was quiet but he nodded and disappeared reappearing in the skies and the duel began between the dragon of the west and dragon of the wusixa. A small smile spread over James as he leaned against his staff and watched his father duel in the skies.