The tranquility of the room shattered as the antique telephone rang, its shrill cry echoing with an urgency that seemed out of place in the modern world. Chief Aomorii, jolted from her thoughts, darted her eyes around the room. Her heart pounded as if she had been transported to a different era entirely. She took a deep breath, grounding herself, and made her way to the heavy wooden table where the phone lay. Lifting the receiver, she said, "Hello." The ringing stopped immediately.

A barrage of frantic words poured through the line. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, rookie," Aomorii interjected, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Take a deep breath. Now, what's this about another sighting?"

Her expression grew somber as the officer's words sank in. A cold shiver crept up her spine, tightening her gut. She sighed heavily. "How many confirmed sightings did you say?" She asked, already dreading the answer.

Another pause followed, during which she absorbed the new information. "I'm on my way," she said flatly, her voice tinged with resignation.

Just then, Orenji, who had been lurking just out of sight, overheard the exchange. His curiosity, though it often bordered on intrusive, had its reasons. The silence was abruptly interrupted by a series of ominous knocks.

"Renji, the door?" His mother's voice cut through his concentration, her intuition pinpointing his presence. Reluctantly, Orenji moved toward the door, but the knocking persisted.

Realizing the sounds were coming from upstairs—specifically from his room—a shiver of unease crept up his spine. Determined, he grabbed the sturdiest weapon he could find—a solid wooden bat—and cautiously made his way up the stairs. Each creak of the steps seemed amplified in the stillness, heightening his growing dread.

At the top of the stairs, he paused, bat poised, straining to detect any sound. A clear, sharp knock emanated from his room—specifically from the window. He felt a chill race down his spine. What sane person would visit at such an hour?

Robbers? Fugitives?

He tried to steady his nerves, summoning every ounce of courage. As he approached the door, he peered through the secret peephole he had fashioned for emergencies. Finding the window empty, he relaxed slightly, the bat heavy but comforting in his grip as he stood in the dim hallway, his heart thudding like a war drum.

He didn't believe in ghosts, but his mind wavered between the possibilities of intruders and phantoms. Exhaling slowly, he scanned the room and strained his ears. Just as he was about to retreat, another resounding knock on the window shattered his composure. Rushing back to the peephole, he saw nothing but emptiness. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he kept his gaze fixed, paralyzed by fear.

Then, as he was about to retreat, he saw a mischievous figure tap on the window and vanish. Without hesitation, he flung the door open and charged in, ready for a confrontation. It was a fight-or-flight moment, and he braced himself for whatever lay beyond.

Instead, he was greeted by a voice filled with surprise and amusement.

"Wow," Yukira said, clapping slowly, her tone a blend of mockery and disbelief as she took in his terrified expression and the bat clutched tightly in his hand. Her quick wit and seductive smirk formed a barrier, shielding her from any genuine emotion.

"Yukira?" He stammered, disbelief lacing his voice. "What are you doing here?" His frustration simmered beneath his words, a stark contrast to Yukira's nonchalant smirk.

"Well, I—"

"Forget it," Orenji cut her off sharply. "Just get in." He threw open the window and ushered her inside, quickly shutting it behind them. She took no offense; after all, he was the man of the house.

"So, what's this all about?" Yukira asked as she entered the room, her vibrant red hair stark against the chaos surrounding her. Her eyes widened at the scene; empty pizza boxes stacked haphazardly, clothes strewn across the bed, and candy wrappers scattered like confetti. A half-finished puzzle lay buried under a thick layer of dust, while books and homework were scattered in a chaotic mess. The room looked like a battlefield of forgotten tasks.

"I've been here all day researching—websites, books, everything I could find," Orenji explained, his words tumbling out in a rapid stream.

"Yeah, I can see that," Yukira replied dryly, her tone laden with disdain as she surveyed the mess. Her observations were interrupted by a loud "Meow!"

The sharp cry of the cat startled her, causing her to stumble back. She glimpsed a flash of black fur as the cat leaped through the air. Panicked, Yukira scrambled away, trying to avoid its sharp claws. "Crap!" She yelled, retreating to a corner. "Get away from me!"

The cat, its green eyes blazing with an almost supernatural intensity, stalked her with deliberate steps. Yukira jumped behind a chair, glaring at the creature. She had never liked cats. Dogs were tolerable, affectionate even, but cats were demanding divas. And this one was enormous, nearly the size of a small dog. It stared at her as if it might cast a spell, intensifying her unease.

"Ah, I see you've met Dante," Orenji said with a grin. He looked refreshingly nonchalant, while Yukira appeared completely out of sorts.

"What do you feed it? Small children?"

He chuckled, kneeling to call the cat over. Dante flicked his tail and hissed. Yukira took another step back. "You're not afraid of cats, are you, Yukira?"

"No," she shuddered. "I just don't like them. They're demanding and spiteful."

Orenji's lips twitched. "Seems like you'd go perfectly together."

"Ha. Funny. Is he yours?"

Orenji shook his head. "Nope, he's a stray. Visits regularly for food but keeps his distance. Even Astra, who's supposed to be the animal whisperer, hasn't gotten close. Dante has issues."

Yukira eyed the cat, clean but clearly unfriendly. The humor struck her. "So, Dante gets fed by the very people he despises. Interesting."

"Yes, I guess it is," Orenji murmured, standing up. "Ow!" He yelped, hopping on one leg.

Yukira looked down to see Dante's teeth clamped onto Orenji's pants. Tiny puncture marks marred the fabric. The cat sneered before releasing him and approaching Yukira. "Dante!" Orenji called, waving the cat away. Dante ignored him and rubbed against Yukira's calf, purring loudly. Yukira's eyes widened in surprise as the cat circled her affectionately.

Orenji stared in disbelief. "I don't believe this. He's never done that before. And he's never bitten."

"It's not my fault—I told you I don't like cats. I didn't tell him to bite you!"

"No, it's deeper than that. Maybe he sees something we've all missed."

Yukira watched the cat with wide eyes. "And you feed this thing so he comes back?" She asked incredulously. "What's wrong with you? He came at you like he smelled a tuna dinner."

"Margherita? Orenji?"

They both recoiled in surprise. His mother stood framed in the doorway, her presence commanding immediate attention. Yukira barely suppressed a flinch at the mention of her middle name, but the way Orenji's mother spoke it with a certain authority made it feel almost enchanting, so she let it pass. Meanwhile, Orenji's gaze flickered to her police uniform peeking out from beneath her trench coat. "What is happening here?" she asked, her voice a mixture of concern and authority.

"I was just introducing Yukira to Dante."

Chief Aomorii gasped. "Why is Dante near Margherita?"

"Yes, that seems to be the question of the day." Yukira replied, her eyes darting between the cat and Chief Aomorii with a hint of apprehension.

"Do you want a repeat of what happened to the neighbor next door?"

Yukira's mouth fell open. "Wait, what?" She took a step back from the cat, eyeing it warily. "What happened to this neighbor next door?"

Orenji smirked. "Let's just say he learned the hard way that Dante doesn't appreciate being mistaken for a throw pillow."

Chief Aomorii continued, "I'm heading to the office soon. Do you need anything?"

"No, thanks. I think I'm good."

"Alright. But just in case, there's some money in the downstairs drawer. It should be enough to get you through the night."

"Okay, Mom," he replied, turning back to his computer. She lingered for a moment, looking at him with a mixture of sadness and concern before quietly closing the door behind her.

"Hey, cut your mom some slack. She works tirelessly to protect others."

"Yeah, I guess," he murmured, his voice barely audible, as he absorbed her words with a subdued sense of resignation.

"So, is this about the Monster case you needed my help with? Because if not, then you're on your own, man."

"Here, just take a look," he urged, gesturing toward the computer screen. Yukira approached, her attention fixed on the screen as Dante's low meow echoed faintly behind her. Despite the hurdles she had encountered since her arrival, she remained resolutely focused on the task.

Leaning in closer, she squinted at the display. "Wait a minute," she said, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Isn't this—"

"The security footage from the day of the incident at the Rscp Foundation? Yes," he confirmed.

"But then, how did you—"

"Hack into their top-notch security servers? I know a guy," he cut in. "Well, not exactly a guy, but you get the idea."

"Okay," she said, her frustration palpable.

"Look at this," he said, pointing to the screen. "This is the moment Dr. Stane enters the holding cell. See him walk in...?"

"Yeah, and...?" Her breath caught, a flicker of tension in her eyes.

"Moments later, that comes out," he said, his voice steady as he indicated the scene. The footage showed Kiel, the monster, erupting from its cell just before the feed abruptly cut off, leaving a trail of chaos in its wake.

"Wait, rewind that," Yukira said, her eyes narrowing as she scrutinized the footage. Orenji complied, the video reversing with a mechanical whir. "Doesn't look so tough," she remarked, though her voice hinted at underlying anxiety.

"Oh, absolutely," Orenji replied with a hint of sarcasm. "You're talking about something that demolished a reinforced wall, shattered steel, and outran a squad of security guards? Who am I to question its toughness?"

"Can you zoom in?" Yukira insisted, her gaze fixed intently on the screen.

"Sure I can, but it's getting blurry. Maybe if I—"

"No time," Yukira snapped, slamming her hand atop the computer.

Orenji's eyes widened in shock. "Oh my God! What the heck, Yukira?! What did you do?!" His fingers flew over the keyboard, his face a mask of frantic panic. "Wait, it worked? Oh my God, it actually worked."

"You're welcome," Yukira replied, her tone a blend of exasperation and triumph.

As the image sharpened, Orenji's demeanor shifted from light-hearted amusement to palpable discomfort. "What's wrong?" Yukira asked, her gaze moving from the screen to his troubled face.

"If you know something, spill. Spill it right now!" Yukira pressed. "Have you seen this before?"

"I wouldn't say I 'know,'" Orenji replied hesitantly. "But I saw him at the park the other day. At the skatepark."

"Great, now we're getting somewhere," Yukira said, her tone sharpening with renewed determination. "Tell me everything you know."