It's been months since they moved into their new apartment, the investigation of Harris's disappearance had come to a halt and the girls have been living a peaceful life. One afternoon, with nothing to do on her day off, Emily decided to clean Morgan's wardrobe while Morgan was at work.

Emily's fingers brushed against something unusual while rummaging through the back of Morgan's wardrobe. She pulled out an old leather-bound book, its cover cracked and worn, suggesting it had been forgotten for many years. The book looked strangely out of place, and Emily's curiosity was immediately piqued. She set the napkin aside and settled onto the edge of the bed, her heart pounding with anticipation and apprehension.

Opening the book, Emily was met with Morgan's distinctive handwriting, each page filled with an array of meticulously penned thoughts and musings. As Emily delved deeper into the book, her initial intrigue swiftly morphed into horror. The pages revealed a chilling catalogue of devious and grotesque plans, the kind of dark fantasies that Emily could never have imagined coming from someone she thought she knew so well.

The details were disturbing—each entry more unsettling than the last, painting a portrait of a side of Morgan that Emily had never seen. As she turned to the final pages, where Morgan had penned a heartfelt confession of her feelings, Emily's breath caught in her throat. Her eyes filled with tears, and one dropped onto the book, marring the confession with its silent testimony of her shock and dismay.

Overwhelmed and unable to process the disturbing revelations, Emily quickly closed the book and returned it to its hiding place. She felt an urgent need to escape, a visceral reaction to the fear and betrayal she felt. With trembling hands, she hastily packed her bag, her mind racing with thoughts of leaving before Morgan returned.

Just as she was about to finish packing, she heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps approaching, accompanied by the clinking of keys being dropped onto the living room table. Emily's heart dropped as she recognized Morgan's voice calling out, "Emily, I'm home." The reality of the situation hit her like a wave, and she was left paralyzed with fear, caught in the limbo between her desperate need to flee and the inevitability of facing Morgan.

Emily took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves as she walked toward the living room. She needed to act natural, despite the whirlwind of thoughts racing through her mind. As she stepped into the room, she saw Morgan lounging on the sofa. "Hey," Emily said, her voice faltering as she tried to sound casual.

"Hi," Morgan replied with a warm smile that seemed completely at odds with the dark thoughts Emily had been grappling with. Emily's heart raced as she struggled to reconcile the person in front of her with the sinister actions described in the book she'd just read. Could this really be the same person? Maybe she was overreacting, or perhaps it was all just a cruel joke. It might be best to clear up any confusion with Morgan.

As Emily hesitated, trying to find the right words, Morgan's smile faltered, and she eyed Emily with a concerned frown. "Are you okay? You're acting a bit weird," Morgan said, reaching out to place a hand on Emily's forehead. The sudden touch made Emily flinch, her body involuntarily shivering at the contact.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Emily managed to say, though her voice cracked under the strain of her emotions.

"You don't sound fine. You're shivering," Morgan observed, her gaze sharp. She moved closer, her proximity making Emily take a step back.

Morgan's frown deepened, and she placed her hands on her hips. "Emily, what's going on? You seem off."

Emily took a deep breath, trying to muster the courage to confront Morgan. "Morgan, I need you to tell me the truth," she said, her voice trembling.

Morgan raised an eyebrow, her expression guarded. "Sure, have I ever lied to you before?"

Emily's eyes darted nervously. "That day when the waiter was murdered—how did you get burned?"

Morgan's demeanor shifted as her eyes narrowed. "I told you, it was an accident in the kitchen. Are you doubting me?" Her tone was defensive, and her eyes held a cold glint.

Emily's heart pounded. She avoided Morgan's gaze, her voice barely above a whisper. "No, no, of course not. I just... I need to know. Morgan, did you really kill those people?"

The room seemed to grow colder as Morgan's face turned icy. "What do you mean, Emily?" she asked, her voice now laced with a chilling edge. She took a step closer, causing Emily to retreat further.

Emily's back hit the wall, and she swallowed hard. "Did you see the book?" Morgan asked, her frustration now palpable. "So you did kill them?" Emily asked, her shock and fear evident in her wide eyes.

Morgan's expression remained stern and unyielding. The air between them crackled with tension, and Emily could only wait for Morgan's response, her mind racing with the implications of her words.

"Yes, I did," Morgan said, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she watched a single tear trickle down Emily's face. "But I did it for you, for us, for our love."

Emily's eyes widened with a mixture of disbelief and anguish. "That's not love, Morgan. That's obsession. You've killed people—my boyfriend, that poor waiter. You've torn apart everything I held dear."

Morgan's heart ached as she reached out, her hands trembling uncontrollably. "Please, don't cry," she pleaded, her voice cracking under the weight of her sorrow. "I was trying to protect us. I thought that if I removed the threats, we could be together safely."

She moved closer, attempting to embrace Emily, but Emily recoiled, pushing Morgan away with all the strength she could muster. "Don't touch me!" Emily screamed, her voice filled with raw terror. "You're scaring me. I can't be around you. I need to get away from you."

Morgan's face contorted with pain as she took a tentative step forward, her desperation palpable. "I did everything because I love you, Emily. Every action, every decision—it was all for us, for our future together."

Emily's voice was a choked sob as she shook her head vehemently. "No, that's not love. You're obsessed, Morgan. You're a killer. This isn't the future I wanted. It's a nightmare. I don't want to be part of your twisted reality. Stay away from me, or I'll have to go to the police."

Morgan's hands were trembling as she extended them towards Emily once more, her voice barely audible. "Emily, please, try to understand. I did everything out of love. I thought I was making things safer for us, that it would bring us closer."

Emily's body shook as she took another step back, her eyes filled with both fear and sadness. "You've crossed every boundary, every line. You've become someone I don't even recognize. I don't want to be near you. I can't look at you without feeling horrified. Leave me alone, Morgan."

Morgan's eyes filled with deep, unspoken sorrow as she tried to reason with Emily. "I thought I was doing the right thing. I was only trying to protect our love, to ensure we could have a future together without any threats."

Emily's voice was a mix of heartbreak and anger. "You've made everything into a living hell. I'm terrified of what you're capable of. Just go away. I never want to see you again."

Morgan's shoulders sagged, her heart breaking with each word Emily spoke. "Emily, please, don't turn your back on me. I did everything because I love you."

Emily turned away, tears streaming down her face, her voice a desperate plea. "I can't do this anymore. I can't be with you. Just go."

Double update cause y'all deserve it