Chereads / DxD: The Kyubi Jinchūriki / Chapter 134 - Chapter 134: Realized

Chapter 134 - Chapter 134: Realized

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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The knight was a relatively new member of Riser's peerage. Riser had 'traded' for her just over six months ago.

She's only participated in two of his Rating Games. One was one of the two matches Riser threw, and the other only had Karlamine quickly defeat two pawns and a knight.

They had been quick victories. Showing she was good, but not giving an accurate assessment of her skills.

She was clearly showing now though that Riser hadn't chosen her for nothing.

Naruto needed to separate them. Karlamine would be a difficult opponent, but Naruto was certain he could defeat her.

He would need to be able to concentrate on her though. Siris was the easier target, which meant he should eliminate her first.

That way he can concentrate solely on Karlamine.

Naruto darted forward. Karlamine charged forward to meet him. Naruto deflected her overhead strike with his hand.

Karlamine immediately tensed to dodge a counterattack, but Naruto didn't try and attack her. Instead he bypassed her entirely.

Karlamine spun to try and chase him, but only found herself defending against a clone again. With Karlamine occupied, Naruto had a clear shot at his real target. Siris.

The other knight didn't back down. He could give her that. She just tried to decapitate Naruto with a horizontal attack.

Naruto easily ducked to make it pass over his head. The strike sent a shockwave that threw dust into the air behind Naruto, the work of the wind flowing along her sword.

Naruto thought it was inferior to cutting type wind, but to each their own. Naruto quickly sidestepped when Siris flowed into an overhand strike.

The blade dug deeply into the ground, and Naruto quickly placed a foot on it to keep it there. Pulling a fist back, Naruto sent a punch to her face. She leaned dangerously far back to dodge.

Naruto grinned as he used his other hand to swipe at her wrists.

The unexpected attack forced her to let go of her sword, leaving her in the precarious state of leaning far backwards with no handhold to keep her up.

Naruto only hastened her fall backwards by dropping into a crouch and spinning to kick her legs out from under her.

Her back hit the ground, and Naruto did a move similar to break dancing to allow him to aim an axe kick at her face.

Siris managed to roll out of the way, Naruto's heel digging into the ground instead.

The knight jumped to her feet and desperately moved towards her sword. Grabbing the hilt, she lifted it and turned to face Naruto.

Naruto had already prepped his next attack. Rushing through three hand seals, Naruto cocked a fist back. Wind swirled around his fist. Naruto let the attack loose as he called out, "Fuuton: Senpuuken."

Siris tried to block with her sword, but it didn't make much difference. Naruto's raw strength sent her flying backwards, and the wind technique released a whirlwind from Naruto's fist as well.

The whirlwind kept drilling into her blade, increasing the speed by which she was flying backwards.

It was only after her back collided harshly with the barrier that she came to a stop. She slid down the barrier slowly, stunned by the violent impact.

Naruto didn't get to finish her as the memory of his clone entered his mind.

Turning, Naruto was forced to defend as Karlamine attacked him.

Both hands were occupied blocking her rapid strikes. All that sparring with Yuuto was coming in handy here.

Naruto knew how to minimize his movements to deal with opponents far faster than him.

Karlamine was forced to accept a frontal attack wouldn't work.

Striking out at Naruto's legs to put him off balance, she then used her speed to circle around to Naruto's back.

Naruto predicted her intent, and didn't bother trying to turn to face her.

She had too much of a speed advantage. Instead he bent his legs and took a great leap.

Karlamine's strike that had meant to cleave open his back hit open air as Naruto back flipped over her.

Naruto actually sent her a grin in midair, seeing her shocked expression perfectly. She clearly hadn't expected such an acrobatic maneuver.

Naruto may prefer to deflect attacks instead of jumping all over the place, but he can be nimble when he wants to be.

Capitalizing on her shock, Naruto concentrated wind chakra around his hands. No hand seals were used. Speed was needed here, not power. As soon as his feet hit the ground, Naruto clapped his hands together before thrusting them towards Karlamine's back. "Fuuton: Repuushou."

The simple C-ranked wind technique wasn't nearly powerful enough to truly hurt Karlamine. It was however fast enough to hit before she could turn around, and it had enough force to send her rolling forward. A simple move to buy some time.

By the time Karlamine regained her feet and turned around, Naruto had ran through five hand seals. Taking a deep breath, Naruto called out, "Fuuton: Renkuudan."

Naruto then shot out half a dozen balls of compressed air at the knight. Karlamine reacted instantly.

Zigzagging, she used her great speed to dodge between the attacks.

She even demonstrated the uselessness of the technique by slicing clean through the last one with her blade.

The missed attacks hit the ground, exploding to leave small holes in the ground.

Reaching Naruto, Karlamine took a weird stance where her center of balance was greatly lowered. She then discarded her cutting attacks in favor of thrusts.

All of which were aimed at Naruto's legs. Naruto was quickly put off balance at the attack, Yuuto having never done such a thing. Seems Karlamine knows some unusual methods of attacks.

This seems to be a modified form of fencing. The low area of attack made it difficult for Naruto to deflect the thrusts with his hands.

Quickly gaining two cuts on his legs, Naruto realized he had to break away. Tensing his legs, Naruto jumped over her with a flip.

Unfortunately, the maneuver failed this time to position Naruto at her back as Karlamine spun right away with a fancy flourish of her sword.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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