When does a child become a man or woman? is that a tough question? surely looking at it a certain way shows it's not much of a question at all, simply put when a child grows up is when they are an adult, legally humans become adults at eighteen most commonly but when do they really ever grow into adulthood if at all?
The child has always been an extra ordinary one, an extraordinarily odd one. no name, no face, no soul and certainly no place to call his own. to grow up in a world that you do not belong with no notable features or connections. where does one even begin to start a story about such an existence or lack thereof.
This poor child with no name started becoming depressingly aware of their pitiful existence in their early years before puberty, maybe it was a hormonal thing that caused such a shockingly sad response because regardless of how a child may be, to so easily accept the pitifulness of their existence should never be the case but nonetheless was so for this sad child.
The child was sensitive to any and everything, fear all of anything and ran from it all from the start
So much yet so little happened, to feel so many things whilst simultaneously having no feelings to their name, the child went through so many years aimlessly and before anyone knew it the child had become a grown child.
Just days from his twenty first birthday the man was still merely a child, despite physical age he could hardly be considered a man.
Now if I were to tell this tale it'd most certainly have to be in retrospect and lacking any sense on chronological order, we'll start from just a year back.
The man had just had his 20th birthday and had been neither in school nor work for 2 years by that point in time. Still no friends nor lover, no purpose nor meaning, just drifting on and on and on aimlessly.
He had been struggling with a great depression, on and off certain medications and even had spells of certain ideations and even had hallucinations. It had gotten so unbearable that he had completely checked out mentally and emotionally.
The man did have people he considered friends even if it may not have been mutual and had slowly gotten close to several people, albeit odd connections they were at least something.
Days, weeks, months went by. Stagnant and progress-less.
In no time the 4-year mark of being utterly worthless had passed, the man hardly had a passion let alone contributing to society.
So completely helpless and hopeless.
Although, the connections that he had were slowly becoming more genuine he was still in such poor shape emotionally and lacked any real maturity or experience in life despite his age.
Then he had a bit of a breakthrough.