In the year 2042, the world stood on the brink of chaos. A fierce war erupted between the English and the Russians, both vying for dominance in a bid to challenge the United States' position as the world's superpower. What began as political maneuvering quickly escalated into a devastating conflict, fueled by greed, ambition, and a thirst for power.
On a fateful day, August 2nd, at noon, tragedy struck the heart of England. The royal family, save for the queen who had foreseen the danger and gone into hiding, was ruthlessly gunned down, sending shockwaves of grief and despair across the nation. In her anguish, the queen sought solace and solidarity, forging alliances with Asian countries and former British colonies, including Nigeria, where they established their stronghold to strategize and plan their retaliation.
But the Russians, emboldened by their superior military might, struck a fatal blow. A bomb decimated the heart of London, leaving devastation and death in its wake. Enraged yet undeterred, the queen marshaled her forces and launched a counterattack. Thus began a deadly cycle of retaliation, with bombs raining down on nations, leaving trails of destruction and despair in their wake.
As the conflict escalated, the once-mighty nations turned on each other, plunging the world into the abyss of the Third World War. For seven long years, the planet groaned under the weight of destruction, as bombs continued to ravage the earth, sparing none in their indiscriminate fury.
But even in the darkest hour, hope flickered faintly. Leaders convened to negotiate a peace treaty, a glimmer of respite in a sea of chaos. Yet, treachery lurked in the shadows, and on the day of the signing, the world was engulfed in flames once more as secret attacks obliterated all semblance of peace.
The aftermath was catastrophic. Eighty percent of the world lay decimated, consumed by the fires of war and greed. A toxic, gaseous substance lingered, mutating the survivors and reshaping the world they knew. In Africa, once the cradle of civilization, a new dawn rose from the ashes. People of all backgrounds and colors came together, united in their desire to forge a new world, free from the shackles of the past.
Within towering walls erected to shield them from the horrors outside, humanity sought refuge, clinging to the hope of a better tomorrow amidst the ruins of yesterday.
And so, as I stand amidst the ruins of our once-great world, I am haunted by the echoes of the past. The war that ravaged our lands, tearing apart nations and families, was a testament to humanity's capacity for destruction. I have witnessed the horrors unleashed by greed and ambition, the relentless cycle of violence that left no corner of the earth untouched.
But amid the despair, there remains a glimmer of hope—a faint beacon illuminating the darkness. For within the shattered remnants of our civilization, a new dawn rises. In Africa, where the scars of colonialism run deep, we have found refuge and resilience.
I, too, am a product of this shattered world—a survivor of the madness that consumed us all. My journey is one of redemption, of forging a path forward in a landscape marred by tragedy and loss. The walls that now encircle us serve as both sanctuary and prison, a reminder of the price we paid for our folly.
But within these walls, we are free to dream—to imagine a future untethered by the chains of the past. Together, we will build a new world, one where every voice is heard, every life cherished.
For in the ashes of destruction, there lies the seed of rebirth. And though the road ahead may be fraught with challenges, I stand ready to face them, to lead my people toward a brighter tomorrow.
This is my story—the story of a world torn asunder, and the promise of a new beginning.
**Chapter 1: Rebirth**
My role in all this? Nothing too grand. I served as a soldier for the British, and on the day they dropped the last and final bomb that ended everything, I was on the warfront and got caught in it, dying a gruesome death. I thought that'd be the end, but instead, I got reincarnated. And here's how it happened.