God decided to reincarnate Samuri into another world to repay his pain.
Samuri: Hmmm.... Where am I, and why can't I move? Wait, I can move, but my hand is very small. Am I a baby... Wait, who are you? (Baby Samuri cried)
Samuri feels love from the one holding him.
Woman: Good morning, Shino.
Samuri: This feels comfortable. Is she my mother?
In reality, Samuri is in the hands of his sister.
10 minutes earlier
Father: Now let's talk about what his name should be!!
Mother: Please lower your voice; the baby is sleeping.
Father: Yes, honey. So, what should his name be???
Mother: What about Shikako?
Father: No, it's not a very intelligent name. What about Destro? This should be perfect.
Mother: Don't pick Destroyer; it's my nickname.
Father: But!
Sister: Your name should be Shino; it should be perfect for you, my dear brother.
Father: Hmmm... That name is perfect, like a cold and very cool man.
Mother: It feels like a cold-hearted person but caring for his loved ones and family.
Father: So it's decided. Your name should be Shino de T. Dragon.
Back to Shino's awakening.
Mother: Okay, that's enough, Alisha.
Alisha: But, mom... he looks comfortable with me.
Mother: Alisha de T. Dragon, that's enough; Shino should eat.
Alisha: Gaah.. [angry]
Alisha gives Shino to his mother.
Shino: So she's not my mother; this one is my mother. So my sister is Alisha, and my mother should be...gaah, I feel tired just thinking about it.
Mother: My dear son, you are now part of the Dragon family. (Walking) Maid, please prepare the food and go to Drakel and tell him that his wife is calling him.
Maid: Madam.
Shino: Wait! What! Dragon???
A counselor from another country walks toward his mother.
Councilor: Madam Lisa, my master wanted to see you.
Lisa: I am sorry; I am busy, so maybe next time. (She ignores him and walks away)
Councilor: But, Lisa, you whore (said in a whisper)
Shino: Who's that man? I hate him. (Glaring at the counselor)
Lisa: Ahem... Excuse me, Mr. Councilor... Your way of speaking is disrespectful to me and this house.
Councilor: Huh??
Lisa: You should know that even if you are a counselor from another country higher in rank than us, you should still respect and remember your place.
Councilor: (Oh no! She heard that. I'm in trouble! How can I escape this?) I am sorry, madam. I was under pressure at work and facing many problems.
Lisa: Under pressure? Hmm, I should let my husband handle this and speak to the queen. You should be grateful, right? (Glares with a menacing look)
Councilor: (I am completely screwed)