Snow took her fourth glass of beer, as she smiled back at the people staring at her.
"Did something happen to your face?" one finally asked.
They had been laughing and making jokes among them, while they talked about themselves when she asked questions but now it was directed to her.
"Oh, mmm," she said.
"Oh am sorry I asked " she apologised.
"It's okay, I guess it's weird always seeing me with this " She touched her veil.
"It was at first but now we are used to it " another said.
"And now that we know why, we ain't ask those questions again," they said.
Snow chuckled.
"Thank you "She turned to Patty who had arrived a few minutes after them. "why are you not drinking?".
"I can't," she said.
"He told you to watch me?" she asked.
Patty nodded and Snow sighed.
She passed a glass of beer to her.
"Well now you're with me so please drink " she said.
Patty frowned but then everyone at the table started chanting for her to drink.
And soon she was among the drunk ones.
Snow excused herself to the washrooms, to wash her face. The alcohol was finally getting to her.
She breathed when the cool water touched her face. Wiping it, she fixed her veil and walked out.
"Ouch," she bumped into someone.
"Sorry didn't see you coming," said the other.
Snow stopped realising the voice, it was Lydia.
She moved back letting her pass.
Snow walked away and went back to her table.
She found the girl in a fight with another table of clients.
"What going on?" she asked.
"These mean-looking women pushed Patty "
"Huh" She looked back to see Patty rubbing her arm, it was bruised.
"How did this happen?".
"I was passing by and accidently spilled my beer on one of them and those crazy b*tches hit me.
Before she could say anything else she heard Lydia's voice....her again.
"What happened " she asked the other girls. They explained to her and she turned to Snow and the others.
"Apologize," she said.
"Huh?... I think you got it wrong. They hurt my friend even after she apologised for her mistake, so I guess it's you who has to ". she said.
Lydia smirked.
"Do you know who I am?" she let out.
Snow breathed moving closer to her, "I do but do you know who I am "
Lydia gazed up at the viel face and frowned.
One of the drunk girls from Snow's group yelled.
"She is the one and only Mrs Alexander "
"Ahh, Alexander?!"
Snow heard others murmur around them and Lydia's face got colder.
"So what if she made a mistake so fix it by apologizing " she yelled.
"And I said she isn't...your friend hurt her even after she did " Snow replied.
She didn't know why but her whole body was filled with anger now, the more she looked at Lydia, the worse it got.
How could someone she once called a friend betray her, and even plan her death? They had been together for so long she could not believe it would be her to hurt her.
Lydia moved closer to Snow.
"You think just because you have his name then everyone will fear you?" she said.
"Unlike you, I gained my name through honesty and love. I didn't steal my friend's husband to get it " she let out.
Lydia's eyes widened in anger.
"She what"
"How could she do that?". The murmurs went on and Lydia gritted her teeth in anger.
"Take that back?" she yelled.
"Why should I, it's true after all" Snow let out.
Lydia raised her hand to slap her but Snow stopped it and slapped her instead.
Lydia yelped in shock and pain from it.
"How dare you....." she didn't get to finish when Snow slapped her again, then again and again.
Lydia fell back her friends holding her.
Everyone was silent as it happened.
She turned back at Snow trembling.
Snow scoffed.
"Don't think just because we don't talk about it that we don't know. We know all your dirty secrets, and your friends too. They're just pretending not to but when you're not around you're the only topic they talk about " she said.
"Now apologize to my friend, "she added.
The one who had hurt Patty slowly muttered a sorry and slowly they walked away. Lydia glared at Snow as her friends led her away.
Snow turned to her group who gazed back at her with adoring eyes.
"You so fierce boss " they laughed.
Snow sighed.
"Am sorry you had to see that " she apologized.
"What that was cool, now we know our boss won't be kind but also not a push over ," another said.
Snow turned back to Patty.
"You okay?"
"Yes, thank you for that," she said.
"Welcome," she smiled.
Patty gazed at her as she smiled back at the others while they ordered more drinks. She sighed, would Snow hate her when she found out about her knowing the real truth of her betrayal?