Lucas, a middle-aged man and Kelvin arranged themselves on a table in the Seven Sparks Forge. While the former two sat opposite the other, Kelvin stood on his two feet a few steps away behind Lucas.
"Since there would be a war quite soon, we decided to stock up on our supplies, including vestiges."
The middle-aged narrated his own ordeal and reasons.
"Truthfully, it would be more helpful to have you in Digress city-state, but I doubt you would even agree to that setup. But at the very least, please help our cause."
So you figured that I would, since I am a human, right? Sorry to disappoint you, but my answer is no." Lucas calmly responded.
"...may I ask why?"
Lucas stared at the man for a while, then sighed.
"For starters, working with you guys comes with an unnecessary amount of risk. I'm already doing quite well and there's no reason for me to put myself in a dangerous position.