Elena's heart raced as she walked into the big palace. Never in her life has she been to or seen a building this grand and luxurious except on televisions and in books. She was amazed at the marble floors, the shining chandeliers and the ceilings that went up so high. Viewing everything with awe, Elena felt like a new fish out of the pond as she thought about what her new life would be here if she got the job.
"Oh Elena, you're here," Tia's voice pulled Elena out of her thoughts.
Seeing her best friend dressed in the maid's outfit and knowing that she would soon be in the same outfit, Elena couldn't help but smile.
"Yeah, I took the first bus coming here," she replied.
"How was the trip?" Tia asked her.
"I didn't know 8 hours could be long until I sat in one spot for that long. I can feel my legs shaking," Elena said and they chuckled.
"Sorry about that. Anyways, since you're here, let me take you straight to the Princess. Follow me," Tia answered and led the way.
Elena followed behind like a puppet, making silent prayers in her heart that she gets the job. She wouldn't be able to go back to face her mother and tell her that she didn't get the job. Finally, Tia stopped in front of a door and turned to look at Elena saying,
"This is the Princess's Chambers. We'd go in now but you have to coordinate yourselves to make yourself look presentable before her."
Elena nodded in understanding and took a deep breath before Tia knocked on the door. A gentle "come in" was heard from inside and she pushed the door open. Elena and Tia walked into the room and Elena's jaws almost dropped when she saw how beautiful the room was but then she remembered Tia's advise about coordinating herself so she didn't react but bent her head and looked at the marble floors in the room.
"My Princess, it is I, one of your handmaidens, Tia," Tia said, curtsying.
Seeing what her friend did, Elena also did the same thing.
"Rise up, both of you," Princess Natalie said.
Princess Natalie was the only daughter to the emperor and empress of Valtoria Kingdom, Emperor Atlas and Empress Camilla. Her parents loved and cherished her so much, probably because they weren't able to have another child after her.
Elena and Tia did as they were told. Princess Natalie looked at the both of them with wondering eyes before fixing her gaze on Tia and asking.
"What have you come to see me for and who have you brought with you?" She said.
"This is my best friend, Elena. She came in respect to the job of handmaiden. She's really good with things like that. That's why I brought her," Tia said.
Princess Natalie looked carefully at Elena as if, trying to read her mind even though Elena wasn't looking into her eyes.
"Look up at me," Princess Natalie ordered and Elena looked up immediately, staring into the Princess's green eyes.
"She's pretty, I must say," Princess Natalie said.
"Although not as pretty as I am and being pretty won't automatic give her the job. I have to ask her a few questions. Please excuse us, Tia," Princess Natalie said.
"Yes my princess," Tia said and immediately turned around to leave.
She mouthed a "good luck" to Elena on her way out. When she was no longer in sight, Princess Natalie began to ask Elena so many questions, starting from the little and simple ones like "what is your name" and so on. After a solid 20 minutes of questioning, Princess Natalie asked Elena to leave.
With a sullen look on her face, Elena walked out of Princess Natalie's Chambers to see Tia waiting outside for her. Without waiting for her to speak first, Tia asked,
"Tell me, how did it go?"
It wasn't until after she asked the question that she realized the sullen look on Elena's face. Her face fell and she felt bad.
"You didn't get the job?" She asked.
Elena nodded her head and said,
"I don't know how to go back and tell my mum that I GOT THE JOB."
Tia sighed in relief and playfully slapped Elena on her shoulder.
"Oh my, you got me really worried. Don't play such pranks again," She said.
"Sorry, I just thought to pull a little trick on you," Elena said.
"I must admit, you really got me. Anyways, I'm so happy for you. We get to be best friends and also work in the same place," Tia said before letting out a small squeal.
"I know right," Elena replied, laughed at her friend.
"Come with me, let me show you to your chambers. You'd love it. Although it's smaller than the Princess's Chambers but it's very homely and you most likely would have a roommate. Come on, lets go," Tia said, pulling Elena as they skipped down the hallway.
When they got to her chambers, Elena was surprised to find the room beautiful and homely like Tia said. Tia helped her best friend to unpack and settle in before taking her to the dining hall a few hours later for dinner since it was 8p.m. Elena, who was initially nervous about meeting the other staff, was surprised to find out that they were all kind and welcoming.
They had dinner and everyone retired to bed. Before going to bed that night, Elena decided to write to her mother to give her the good news, which she did and had it sent to her town through the mail-man. Days passed since Elena started working in the palace and those days turned to weeks. She was enjoying her job and everything was going smoothly.
One day, Emperor Atlas called everyone to address them.
"We would be hosting a guest in a couple of days and this guest is…"