Narrator's POV

The Oaksilver Village, a quaint and flourishing settlement situated just beyond the borders of the Terravale Kingdom, rests peacefully near the Whispering Woods. A haven where inhabitants coexist harmoniously with nature and each other, embracing the simplicity of life's pleasures. The village's charm lies in its rustic architecture, characterized by homes constructed from natural materials, such as wood and thatch. Lush trees line the streets, offering shade and fostering a tranquil ambiance.

The villagers form a diverse tapestry of individuals, united in a community that values cooperation and mutual respect. Skilled in farming, hunting, and craftsmanship, they take pride in their trades, contributing to the village's vibrancy and prosperity.

Meanwhile, Kali continued his walk towards the village, his path interrupted by the cry of a woman. Surprised yet swift to act, his face illuminated as he conjured a black mask, concealing his face, leaving only his mouth and the tip of his nose visible. The woman's distress stemmed from a ravenous Rogue Vampire targeting her, prompting Kali's eyes to darken upon sighting the vampire—a reminder of the life claimed by the body he now inhabited.

"Chaos Bolt!" Kali invoked, his palm aglow with crackling crimson energy, casting a chaotic bolt that struck the Rogue Vampire.

A piercing screech reverberated through the forest as the rogue vampire was hurled a great distance by the attack, its essence disrupted by the crimson energy, leading to its demise.

Turning his attention to the trembling woman, Kali extended a helping hand, aware of her trepidation perhaps due to his masked visage. The glow of Kali's mask dissipated, revealing his striking countenance to the startled woman, evoking awe akin to beholding a goddess, momentarily stealing her breath away.

"Dark Magic," a cool voice intoned, freezing Kali while the woman returned to reality.

"SwordMaster, Eavan?" the woman whispered in astonishment.

Eavan regarded the woman without emotion, signaling her to depart, which she promptly did. Before leaving, she stole one last glance at the enchanting face of the beneficent being who had aided her. Kali's features once again is hidden by the conjured black mask, concealing his beauty once more.

"SwordMaster?" Kali remarked impassively, devoid of emotion.

"A Rogue Gifted who practices Dark Magic shall be punished and imprisoned in SkyHill to await judgment," Eavan's voice resounded with a stern and unyielding tone.

Kali's heart raced with unease, yet he masked his apprehension and replied to Eavan. Eavan possessed sharp, refined features, complemented by piercing blue eyes that seemed to peer into one's soul. His dark hair was meticulously styled, enhancing his chiseled jawline. With a tall, athletic frame exuding proficiency in magic and swordsmanship, Kali couldn't overlook the satchel secured at Eavan's waist.

Clad in a Moon-lit Silk Uniform Robe, Eavan exuded an ethereal and pure aura. Crafted from luminous silk akin to moonlight, the robe shimmered with celestial grace. Its pristine white fabric symbolized purity and innocence, reflecting an otherworldly sheen reminiscent of heavenly light. Adorned with celestial motifs and delicate silver and blue embroidery, the robes bore patterns mirroring the expanse and beauty of the celestial realm.

As Kali contemplated whether the SkyHill held a place in his memory, he also realized the absence of any Royal Disciples sporting such attire.

"I admit, I may have dabbled in Dark Cultivation, but that doesn't imply I've strayed. You witnessed my aid to the woman earlier," Kali elucidated, his voice soothing like a lullaby.

Unbeknownst to Kali, Eavan halted abruptly upon hearing his tone. Eavan's visage remained stoic, revealing no hint of emotion, as his icy gaze scrutinized the stranger before him.

"Those who practice Dark Cultivation are bound to plunge into darkness, warranting their eradication before their descent," Eavan explained in his unwavering tone, his eyes conveying the expectation for Kali to comply.

"If that's the case, then you should expect my refusal, for I've committed no wrong," Kali asserted. Momentarily, a dangerous glimmer flickered in Eavan's icy eyes.

"Requip: Plate Armor!" Kali invoked, enveloped in a radiant surge of light that transformed his appearance.

In lieu of the crimson cloak, Kali now wore Plate Armor—a formidable defense comprising interlocking metal plates, meticulously crafted to shield him from all manner of harm. Accompanying the armor was the longsword, a versatile two-handed weapon ideal for both slashing and thrusting maneuvers, symbolizing Kali's readiness for combat.

While inwardly flabbergasted, Eavan's composed demeanor remained intact. The stranger now donned an ancient armor of legendary repute, presumed to be a relic of the past.

"The woman addressed you as the SwordMaster. Care to prove your worthiness of the title?" Kali's demeanor remained lukewarm, a blend of nervousness and confidence underpinning his readiness to put his honed skills to the test. Hailing from an unknown realm of training with an enigmatic mentor, this forthcoming duel would serve as the ultimate assessment of his growth and prowess.

Eavan swiftly surged forward, unsheathing his sword exuding a divine aura. Kali adeptly evaded his every strike amid the resounding clash of their blades, their dance akin to a deadly symphony. Unbeknownst to them, their maneuvers led them to a secluded clearing.

Panting within his robes, Kali removed his hood, allowing his long midnight silk-like hair to billow in the wind.

"You're fast, Eavan, but I sense you're holding back," Kali grinned, observing Eavan's puzzled expression as he raised his sword to chest level.

"Divine Swordsmanship," Eavan intoned monotonously, his sword glowing brighter with divine magic, poised to eradicate evil.

"So, you perceive me as evil," Kali voiced, prompting Eavan to advance with increased speed.

This time, Kali met Eavan head-on, his own longsword gleaming with silver energy as their blades clashed repeatedly in a symphony of precision and strategy. After a series of clashed strikes, they leaped back, Kali panting as the vessel he inhabited seemed weaker compared to his original body, while Eavan remained composed, his regal stance unbroken.

"Annoying. Our skills seem evenly matched, but I'm at a disadvantage in this vessel," Kali lamented, tightly gripping the hilt of his longsword before vaulting high into the air, catching Eavan's icy gaze tracing his movements.

"Crushing Impact!" Kali invoked, empowering his longsword with a surge of energy to increase its striking power. His sword hurled towards Eavan, surprising the latter with its force, as reflected in his expression.

"He can sense after all," Kali noted.

"Celestial Sword Barrier," Eavan murmured, his sword aglow with golden energy as a protective shield materialized before him.

Kali's spell collided with Eavan's barrier, causing a thunderous explosion that reverberated throughout Oaksilver Village, startling its inhabitants.

Undeterred by the smoke-laden aftermath, Kali swiftly prepared his next spell, recognizing the unique properties of Eavan's divine imbued barrier that bolstered his power with each passing moment.

"Shieldbreaker's Fury!" Kali roared, empowering his longsword to bypass enemy defenses and barriers, rendering it a formidable weapon capable of shattering the strongest shields and armor.

True to its name, the longsword breached Eavan's barrier, sending it shattering. However, Eavan evaded the blast without exhibiting any signs of pain, his scathed clothes the sole evidence of the impact.

"Now, I ask again, yield to me, Eavan," Kali implored respectfully, his voice a velvety melody.

"No," Eavan replied tersely, devoid of emotion as he sprinted away with astonishing speed, leaving Kali frozen in shock from his opponent's remarkable agility.

Kali's eyes shimmered with energy as his Chrono Vision surged once more, transporting him back to a crucial moment.


Struggling to stand, Kali made his way to the balcony, locked in a fierce gaze with the malevolent entity veiled in darkness. A tumult of emotions—sadness, rage, sorrow, and unwavering determination—swirled within him, casting a tempestuous aura around him. As a gentle hand reached out towards him, Kali recoiled, unleashing a powerful gust of wind that staggered a figure cloaked in a moon-lit uniform.


Jolted back into the present, Kali gasped, his mind racing with newfound realizations. In that moment, he found himself thrust into the midst of a battle, with no time to gather his thoughts.

"Chain of the Divine," Eavan intoned, his palm aglow with golden energy as intricate runes encircled Kali, binding him in chains suffused with a divine aura.

The chains, far from ordinary, suppressed Kali's innate magic, leaving him numb and restrained. A radiant surge of light enveloped Kali, restoring him to his original attire—a floor-length silk robe—save for his mask, enchanted to resist removal.

"You're astute," Kali commended, acknowledging Eavan's cunning despite his constrained state.

As Kali's vision faltered, he slumped to the ground, unconsciousness claiming him. Eavan observed the graceful figure lying before him, his icy eyes betraying no emotion as he contemplated the events unfolding before him.


Kali's eyelids fluttered open, revealing his molten silver eyes. Greeted by the wooden ceiling, memories flooded back, prompting him to rise. However, he remained seated on the ground, shackled much like Eavan, the chains designed to suppress magic.

Despite attempting to use teleportation magic, Kali's powers remained dormant. Glancing at the golden runes that bound him, a smirk tugged at his lips as he recalled a realization. Pressing his thumb against his mouth, he drew blood, realizing the magic held within his blood.

"Yes, my Mana is sealed, but my blood holds power," Kali discerned, marking the floor with his blood.

Summoning ancient words, Kali chanted a necromantic incantation, invoking dark forces to rise. His eyes radiated a crimson glow as he chanted the spell.

"From the realm beyond, I call thee near,

Awaken the departed, let them hear.

By the power of dark, by ancient rite,

Rise from the shadows, reveal your might.

From dust and bone, a vessel takes form,

Obey my command, in this mortal storm.

Bound by my will, your essence I hold,

Serve me faithfully, as the tales unfold.

With necromantic might, now we unite,

Together we conquer, in endless night.

Through death's embrace, our power shall rise,

Conquer all foes, under darkened skies.'"Kali chanted, his eyes glowing with crimson radiance.

After a tense minute of anticipation, a skeletal hand burst forth from the ground, revealing a decaying corpse rising before Kali. Unaccustomed to such sights, Kali commanded the undead to break the runes holding him captive. Yet, despite the attack on the glowing runes, they remained unscathed, continuing to radiate light.

"Cease," Kali commanded, realizing the corpse's limitations in dismantling the runes.

Instructing the undead to wreak havoc outside the room, Kali observed its departure, signaling screams in the distance. Taking a moment to center himself, Kali summoned his remaining magic with fervor.

With a resounding cry, Kali's silver eyes turned scarlet, veins throbbing in his neck as he unleashed a Dissonance Wave, disrupting the runic harmony. In an explosive display, the runes crumbled to dust, shattering the chains and setting Kali free. Overwhelmed by the effort, Kali collapsed, drained from the strain of his magic and the release of the spell.

Despite his trembling knees, Kali stood tall and exited the chamber where he had been confined. He was greeted by a sudden light, realizing that his mask was no longer present. Upon adjusting his vision, he observed individuals in moon-lit robes collaborating on the corpse he had summoned.

In his pause, Eavan's observant eyes caught Kali's actions. Eavan's expression shifted upon spotting Kali, returning to his cool demeanor. Despite his weakened stamina, Kali attempted to run when a massive ice barrier materialized before him. Seeking the creator of this barrier, Kali's silver eyes widened upon recognizing the familiar face.

Eyes that glittered like tranquil ocean waters framed a head of luscious brown locks cascading gracefully around his face and defining his sculpted jawline. The warm earthy tone of his hair exuded sophistication and charm.

"B-brother?" Kali whispered, his silver eyes wide with astonishment.

Unheard by Michael, chaos brewed once more.

"The sky!" a man yelled.

All eyes, including Kali's widened in disbelief upon witnessing a concentrated beam of dark energy poised to unleash havoc in their direction.

"How did that return?! The Headmaster is nowhere to be found; how can we avert this?" A student exclaimed in panic.

Amidst the frenzy, Kali seized the opportunity to command the corpse he had summoned to return. In his peripheral vision, Kali noted how Eavan, with hands aglow in golden energy, was halted by another man.

Kali took mental note of the man who halted Eavan—a face sculpted with gentle yet defined features, striking a balance between strength and softness. His elegant cheekbones exuded an air of sophistication, while his flawless complexion radiated a youthful vibrance.

"You can't, Second Master Eavan, you've already depleted a significant amount of Mana!" the man who halted Eavan stated, also clad in a moon-lit robe uniform.

Eavan, gazing skyward, instructed the students to evacuate swiftly, prompting their speedy departure.

"Caden, what are you trying to do? You can't! You've already summoned the spirit earlier!" Caden's companion insisted alongside him as crackling energy intensified skyward.

"I must do this. The defenses of SkyHill won't withstand such a powerful attack!" Caden reasoned.

"We must depart," Eavan declared in a monotone voice. However, Kali detected a hint of dejection in his tone.

With a serene countenance, Kali gazed towards the sky. His brother was here in SkyHill, and with a stampede hindering their escape, Kali made a decisive choice. Running towards the edge, much to the surprise of onlookers blocked by the stampede at the exit, Kali stood firm. Eavan, Caden, Michael, and the onlookers stared wide-eyed as Kali confronted the looming dark energy sphere. Despite his weakened state, Kali refused to retreat, determined to protect the innocent at all costs.

"Requip: CELESTIAL AEGIS ARMOR!" Kali commanded, bathed in a radiant surge of light that unveiled the majestic celestial armor adorning his form.

The Celestial Aegis Armor, with its shell-like design enveloping the wearer in divine layers of protection, resembled the armor of a celestial deity. The imposing horns atop the pauldrons exuded a regal presence, symbolizing strength and resilience. Emitting a celestial glow, the armor embodied a sense of invincibility and divine shielding. As Kali readied himself for defensive spells, his Titan's Shields gleamed, their glow intensifying.

"Arghhhh!! ahhhhhh!! AEGIS OF LIGHT!" Kali's commanding cry reverberated as the black energy surged into a concentrated beam towards SkyHill, met head-on by his defensive stance.

Simultaneously, the Titan's Shields illuminated, conjuring a massive silver magic circle that rapidly enveloped SkyHill. Spectators marveled at the awe-inspiring display of power as the shield, radiating celestial light, acted as an impenetrable barrier, warding off darkness and dissipating malevolent energy. With a thunderous impact, the dark energy clashed with the shimmering silver magic circle.

"Arhhhaghhhh!!" Kali's anguished cry echoed through SkyHill as fractures marred the surface of his Celestial Aegis Armor, strained by the dwindling support of his Mana.

"I can't, I must endure this, I must persevere," Kali entreated silently, his weakening body resisting the overwhelming strain. The surge of dark energy persisted, attempting to breach the protective silver magic circle, leaving visible cracks in the Titan's shield and celestial armor.

"Kyahhhh!!!!!!" Kali's resolute shout filled the air as the Titan Shields responded to his unwavering will, emanating a heightened brilliance.

In a matter of moments, the dark energy beam faltered until it dissipated, dispersing the somber storm clouds. However, Kali's besieged form shone intensely as the Mana sustaining the armor wavered. Gasping for breath, his vision dimmed with encroaching blackness before succumbing to the ground with a forceful impact, enveloped by darkness.