Chereads / I became a Girl? / Chapter 90 - Chapter 90 Preparing for a bloody Wedding.

Chapter 90 - Chapter 90 Preparing for a bloody Wedding.

Around and around a long flight of stairs a huge donkey sized rooster flew with haste. Lili riding a top her trusty rooster friend could sense Art up above her somewhere.

While she had slept the man had reportedly been able to actually take the old sword out from the sword altar and made it glow. But how was it possible, the thing was absolutely huge, like at least the size of Art himself?

And what was up with that statue of that woman actually speaking to him and calling him the admiral and the chosen or something? Well whatever it was, she was extremely curious to find this man of hers and ask him about it.

Coming to a stop at the top most floor from where she had quite a few times in the past travelled to the castle gardens. Lili noticed that the big metal doors there were actually slightly open, and that two of her sisters were peeking within the dark room curiously.

The blonde and brown haired chick totally failed to even take note of her as they merely kept looking within the room. From inside that dark place Lili could see occasionally flashes of light coming, one golden, one an ominous red mixed in with what sounded like bits of crazy laughter.

"Hahahaha, this is great, this is great, hahaha!"

It sounded like Art and she could sense him there, but what was he so happy about?

Getting off of Terminator she curiously then ran behind the brown haired woman and placed her hands upon her butt cheeks.

"Iih." The woman yelped a little in fright, but quickly noticed it to just be her. "Oh you're holiness, I'm sorry I didn't see you there."

Waving away their concerns she squeezed the woman's nice round but a little as she peeked from behind her to see the room. And indeed there she could somewhat make out the outlines of a big metallic chair facing away from her, and sitting there seemed to truly be Art, or well she could at least see what looked like his big head there as he waved a big flashing sword around while sitting.

Feeling encouraged at the sight of him, Lili stepped to the middle and redied herself to go within the darkroom by patting the blonde and brown haired chicks on their butts and saying.

"Ok, girls, stay here and wish me luck as I go see what the heck is Art doing."

Then with that said the two chicks nodded their heads as the blonde chick bravely said.

"Don't worry you're holiness, we are right here if you need anything. I even have my bag in the corner there with some refreshments if you'd like any. So just tell us and we will do whatever we can to serve you and his holiness as well."

And with this Lili stepped inside and indeed herself was quick to notice that the room seemed like some command center or a bridge of some big space ship. Although instead of seeing something like the stars outside those big windows, here she could merely see dirt and rocks there.

Then as she got closer to him, she stopped as the chair as if with magic just suddenly turned to reveal Art who said.

"Welcome my love."

Seeing him she could see his hand on some small console panel on the chairs armrest. And immediately she realised something as she said in astonishment.

"Did you just turn that chair with a simple press of a button?"

Hearing this a big grin came to Arts face as he confirmed her words.

"Indeed I did, wanna come try it?"

Suddenly Lili felt herself overcome by joy as she totally forgot everything else and with haste ran to Art and jumped on his lap. Then with but a single press of a button Art began to make them spin.

"Ahhhhh, oh my God yesssss! This is amazing!"

It wasn't fast, but she could almost feel herself being like a kid within an amusement park again.

"Oh, make it go faster Art, faster, Yeih!"

Hearing this Art seemed quite amused and with his legs and the help of his big sword he made them go even faster. Soon she was hugging his head for dear life while giggling like a little girl as he also laughed and seemed to enjoy her chest being pressed into his face.

Spinning and spinning and spinning around Lili felt like she was about to fly off at any moment now. Her head was spinning as was the world around her. It was so fun, something she hadn't done for such a long time.

"Yeiih!" She yelled, but in fright then started to feel her grip loosening on Arts head, she couldn't hold on anymore.

"AHH, Art, help, please stop I'm going to fall, Kyaahh!"

Like a little girl she screamed for dear life, but like a valiant knight Art merely used his right hand to hold her tight as they slowly came to a stop. She could feel his hand gently taking a hold of her waist as he then placed her on his lap and hugged her closely.

Sitting there she felt quite relieved although her head was still funnily spinning and she merely laughed it off.


Truly with Art there she never had anything really to worry about at all. He was reliable and next to him she could feel herself being free and able to be a bit clumsy as well. Pressing her face against Arts chest then she listened to his calming heart beats and low chuckles, and like so all the worries about before seemed to once again be washed away.

So what if Art slept with a bunch of chicks? He was a strong reliable man after all and would make it all work in time, besides she surely couldn't satisfy him on her own so it was good like this, right.

Then as Art patted Lilis head lightly he joyfully asked.

"Amazing isn't it Lili? For such a place to be here is like a miracle isn't it?"

Finding comfort within Arts warm embrace Lili merely smiled and said.

"Yeah, its been a while since I last got to feel like I was at the amusement park like that. We really should think about making spinning chairs I think, hmm?"

Raising a questioning eyebrow at Lilis words Art was quick to say.

"What? No Lili, I don't mean the chair, I mean this place."

Looking up into Arts eyes Lili felt a bit confused as she asked.

"Hmm, you mean this room? What's so great about it? Isn't everything here basically just broken like everywhere else?"

Now Art seemed a bit frustrated as he began to explain.

"No Lili, can't you see what this place is. Remember the world trees vision, the story within the bible, remember? Don't you get it Lili, we have found the very thing our ancestors used long ago to come to this planet. We found an actual spaceship and that world tree down under is something that was born all the way back then, who knows how many tens of thousands of years ago. Just think about it Lili, this is an actual real spaceship which is probably filled with who knows what type of secrets and knowledge. And we are the only two people who know of this places true potential. Now imagine if we get this operational, if we manage to access the data banks here. The wealth of knowledge surely is endless if it is still intact and accessible that is. With this nothing can stand in our way and our Kingdom will come to rule over all in time."

Listening to Art speak Lilis eyes went wide in surprise as she then asked in shock.

"Huh, this is a spaceship? Wait Art how do you know what a spaceship is? Who are you?"

Now Art seemed a bit lost as he looked at Lili and seriously said.

"What? I I thought it was kind of obvious already. Come on Lili you've surely heard of all the things that I have done, right? The improvements in weapons technology, mining, windmills, you know? Both of us even have somewhat similar cores within us, which is something that nobody else on this world has. Lili I'm just like you, we are both reincarnated people of the modern world brought to this far future to do something truly great. Don't you get it Lili? I mean just look at what you have done here within this spaceship, within Eden as you call it, plus everything else. I mean when have you ever heard of someone doing what you have done here within this kingdom so far. Who but you can heal wounds, make people look younger, grow back lost teeth and possibly even lost limbs as well? Who could make plants grow from nothingness by simply making these light stones or whatever? I mean just look at everything you have done Lili and look at me and what I have done and can do as well. There is no man stronger than me and there is nobody within the known world or probably even in all of existence with power like yours. Lili we were both clearly brought upon this land to rule as Gods, you see, we are Gods Lili. You even have your own religion here and unlike what the Church teaches us, there are two this time, not one, but two of us here. God has sent us both here to guide humanity into another golden age. Just me and you Lili, we have always been meant for each other. I mean thinking of it all now it seems so obvious now, right?"

Lili couldn't believe Arts words. The things that he was saying sounded so grandiose, so big and yet she wasn't big, she wasn't powerful really, right? Sure his words were true, she could do those things, but she still couldn't even protect herself with that power of hers. She felt so unsure and didn't want to believe his words regarding her as she questioned him on them.

"Huh, bu but, no, Art that can't be? No way. If, if that were true then why am I like this then? Why am I so weak? And why would anybody even choose me for anything? I'm I'm not smart, strong, clever, I'm nothing great. I always get myself into trouble and then I I I."

Before Lili could continue any further Art shushed her by placing one finger upon her mouth. Then as Lili calmed down, he spoke again and said.

"Think back to the story of beginnings Lili. Remember that Gods purpose is to bring happiness and balance to all of existence. And to do this he created both female and male archangels, one is meant to protect, while the other is meant to support and give life. Lili, I'm the one who will protect you and you will be there to support me and give life to many offspring of ours, like so there is cooperation, purpose and balance between us. You see everything happens for a reason Lili, now I of course can not just prove that we in fact are sent here by god. However if we say it is so, then nobody can truly tell us otherwise, and so within others eyes we will be like Gods and in being like so they will follow us till the end of their mortal days. Although Lili you shouldn't worry about such things, after all I did tell you that I would handle everything from now on. Just know that in time we will surely become like that angelic warrior within the trees vision, we will learn to fly and we will move further and further away from being mere humans. Just trust me on this Lili, I have a plan, you do trust me don't you Lili?"

Lili could hardly imagine Arts words to in fact be a reality. To be capable of flight sounded so unreal to her, plus being a God and whatever else just sounded like something too big for her. She still felt so weak and powerless here, she could see Art becoming a godly being or something really great in the future, but how could she ever become anything truly great like he already was? Still she nodded and answered Art by honestly saying.

"Ok, I trust you Art. Just don't go doing something dangerous, ok. Usually the bigger your goals and the larger a population of people they affect, the bigger the amount of toes there are that you might accidentally happen to step on. I don't want to see you go do something dangerous ok, I don't want to see you fighting. I mean can't we just live in peace here as we are now? What you're talking about sounds like just too much."

Shaking his head lightly at these words, Art solemnly answered by saying.

"No, I'm sorry Lili, but its too late for that now. Thanks to what you did within the church during your baptism, plus the increased fertility within the land and everything else you have done has already drawn too much attention Lili. Many people already suspect you of being something much more than just a girl.

Besides with the war won against the Feral Lycans our expansion northwards across this island is a certainty. We will surely grow in size, in population and in our riches, but with this knowledge many greedy eyes have already fallen upon our kingdom. For how could they just let us have all of this so easily without a fight?

Also the Duke of Brittany had sort of hoped to marry his daughter off to me in hopes of getting some land here in Albion, he even sent us some gifts of gold, but now that everyone knows that I'm going to marry you and that my father is most definitely not giving him anything, well that man is obviously not happy. Luckily Brittany is not a large Dukedom, at best they are capable of amassing an army of 3 to 5 thousand men. Plus they are vassals of Franchia so they probably ain't going to send too many men in fear of angering their King. But you don't need to worry about these things Lili, with what I have planned I'll be able to quickly get rid of all our enemies for the time being with this single move. After all who can seriously threaten us now with me having this sword."

Then as if proving his point Art poured his magic within the sword, making it blow before Lilis eyes a gold, and then a red. Honestly Lili didn't understand much of anything of what it was that Art was talking about, she still was mostly stuck at the fact that this was a spaceship and that Art was reincarnated like her. Although it was extremely impressive how Art could make the sword glow and even lift that huge thing with one hand, but sill she looked to him and asked.

"Hmm, but Art how do you know all of this? Why would the Church be a threat to us. Sure that old Archbishop or whatever was a bit odd and maybe a bit of a pervert, but how could he pose a threat to us and if so then isn't it bad to fight him? What if the Church at large gets really mad at us and calls a crusade or something really bad? Besides maybe with my powers I could make them come to our side instead, then we could all work together as allies."

Putting down the sword on the ground once more, Art then explained some more by saying.

"Well your idea sure sounds nice Lili, but you see humans as always are greedy creatures. You see in my past life I was in the special forces where I got to see a lot of different places and fight against different peoples as well. And during that time I quickly began to realise that most conflicts are fought simply to gain power. Not a single conflict I was in had anything to do with what was officially said.

And the same thing applies to this time and place. Although here there are even less rules and protections for those who are weak. Here the strong take what they want and the weak are made to submit. And as it stands, we are still weak and untested. We have no allies overseas and our noble families are all just upstarts, basically anybody can declare war on us and nobody would care.

As for the Archbishop and the Church, well of course all those old greedy men would want you. I mean who wouldn't want an absolutely gorgeously stunning little beauty, with a cute feminine personality, with great curves and a power to make those men young again.

Just trust me Lili, that Archbishop is quite desperate to get his hands on you and not in a good way. I've seen his letters meant for you and it seems that he will do whatever it takes to get you at some point. For him there seems to be only three ways, either he has you totally for himself, the Pope has you or then I have you, and well he obviously would like to get you before anybody else. Because like all of them, I also do not intend to ever let you go, no matter what price I need to pay. You're mine and not something for others to use or to be shared to anyone."

Lili could feel a chill move through her spine after having heard Arts words. She could still remember how that old Archbishop had touched her back then, and to think that he had been sending her letters all this time wanting to meet her again. And if she did meet him, what would he then do to her, would he truly lock her up and keep her as some tool for himself to use?

Luckily she did have Art with her now, even if he just admitted to keeping her as his prisoner if he needed to do so. Thankfully she liked being with him so there was no need for doing anything forceful here. But still just what was going to happen and when?

Thinking of all that Art had said she felt so nervous for the future. She had so wished that only good times were ahead of her now, and yet it seemed that they weren't. Her actions throughout the years had apparently caused unwanted eyes to land on her and now the whole kingdom was going to pay for it.

Art said that he was a special forces person, but would that be enough for him to figure out a way to win?

Lost deep within thought Lili felt so stressed and then Art suddenly asked something that she wasn't prepared for at all.

"But enough talk about all this serious business, instead tell me about your past Lili. How was your love life back then? You were probably quite popular with men, right? But tell me did any of them come anywhere close to being as big as me, hmm? Or what about kids? Did you get married and have them with someone? Come on tell me, I want to know more about you Lili. After all I already told you a bit about myself already."

Lili could feel her heart rate quicken and cheeks redden at Arts words. Oh God, what should she say? Of course she didn't have kids like that or have like that type of a boyfriend or something, because she was, well she was a man. But how was she going to explain this to him? What should she say? No wait, how could she even say such a thing?

Hey Art I was a man by the way and you are totally about to marry a former man. How could she ever say that to him? Wouldn't it be like really messed up, to let him know that he has in fact been doing it with a former man all this time. And not just any man, but a middle-aged man.

Conflicted on what to say she just decided to kind of be truthful by saying.

"Oh, mmm, you know it wasn't really anything special. I mean, I guess I've always been a bit shy when it comes to anything serious regarding relationships, so no I didn't really do it with anyone, you know. And well I just liked to work as a police officer myself, you know, helping people and such. Not really anything special as I wasn't ever really all that good at it anyway.

Mmm, well if anything, then I would say that I'm pretty happy about having been able to donate a lot of money to different tree planting programs around the world. Like did you know that in Greenland and Iceland they were trying to make big forests grow there. They were of course partially successful and thanks to that you could even see lots of animals starting to live within those forests. In fact I even used to go there myself and do some voluntary work to help out.

But I don't usually really like to talk about it, as its kind of lame I guess, right? Like maybe I should have used my money on investing and maybe become richer like that and then helped out charities, but I wasn't ever really good at anything like that so, yeah, hehe, hmm."

Saying this Lili felt so ashamed. Back then she really didn't say anything about such things and just said that all her savings had gone to buying tickets to football games or something. Because she figured that it would seem kind of lame for her as a man to be planting trees and helping out nature. Having been a big muscular man back then she probably looked really ridiculous anyway, right?

However as she fidgeted nervously with her fingers Art suddenly placed a gentle hand on her head and said.

"See Lili, you were chosen for a good reason to be here as you are now. Even back then you clearly had heart and a real want to do good for others. I think you yourself don't see it, but you're honestly a true angelic soul Lili. Your never selfish, you never ask for luxuries and you always think of others before yourself. But the fact is Lili that you are not only the most beautiful girl that I know, but the kindest girl as well, unlike my sisters, hahaha."

Lili could hardly believe it, but it seemed that she had just dodged a major bullet there, and even gotten a few praises as well, which was nice.

After that Lili listened intently as Art began to tell her what she needed to do. Apparently there was going to be a possible siege and if not then there was going to be fighting within the city at least.

Art intended to provoke the Archbishop into attacking them by gathering all the founding families of Albion in the church during the wedding. Like so they would all be away from the safety of their walls and seem like easy targets.

But in fact everyone would know what was about to happen. There would be hidden guards everywhere, everyone would have daggers and armour under their clothes and if the Archbishop didn't attack then Art would do so.

However Art really wanted to have the Archbishop attack as that would give him a reason, a Casusbelli to kick the church out of Albion and take their wealth. Then lastly a new church of the holy light would be established and if anyone dared to attack they would be met with a nation full of religious fanatics blessed by Lilis holy light.

To do this all, Art instructed Lili to start working on creating small light stones that could be infused with crosses. Like so everyone would be somewhat healed and protected.

Accalia and the other girls were to work on creating a ton of repeating crossbows and were to learn how to use them. Winry the mechanic girl along with her partner's in building stuff were to start creating better repeating crossbows and big repeating crossbows like ballistas that were to be placed in the walls.

In the meantime she would need to get Duke Westfield, her father Duke Lionheart and King Uther fully on board their plan by taking them to the underground and converting them to the light. The same was to also be done for the royal guards and maids within the castle.

It seemed to Lili that the time for hiding her powers away were nearly over. Soon everyone within Albion and possibly beyond would know of her and Arts strength. However Lili really didn't like this, she wanted to do more, to somehow stop all of this from ever happening, but she just didn't have the power to do it. She had to rely on Art and let him fight for her now along with the people of Albion.

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