Chereads / I became a Girl? / Chapter 87 - Chapter 87 The Revelations of Eden.

Chapter 87 - Chapter 87 The Revelations of Eden.

He was absolutely in awe at all that he saw. Throughout endless tunnels big and small they seemed to have been going through for hours. Sometimes they even came upon large open spaces where small pools of extremely pure and clean water could be found.

However the air was extremely humid which was a slight discomfort to him. Already he was sweating a little and so with not much choices left he was forced to open up his shirt.

Well other than this slight discomfort, he still couldn't help but enthusiastically breathe in the clean air of the underground. For never before had he taken in such pure and clean breaths of air filled with so many wonderful and new scents.

Firstly there was of course his lovely soon to be wife who always smelled so enticing to him. Then there were the many flowers, the moss and well everything else. Well honestly he really didn't know at all what he was smelling now as it all smelled so new to him. Just what were these flowers and plants anyway?

Speaking of which he wasn't even sure if he had ever even seen most of the plants that covered these tunnels. To him it seemed almost as if he had truly stepped into a whole new world, an underground paradise of sorts teaming with life and beauty all around.

Here he could even see some extremely tame and fat bunnies hopping around without a care in the world. And in the ceiling he could have sworn that he had just seen a small bird fly by, but how could it be? Birds underground, that was just completely ridiculous right?

But even further still as they went new voices of animals seemed to be floating into his sharp ears. Could those really be cows, sheep and even chickens that he was hearing up ahead?

Now he was getting really curious about this place and how it was that he or anyone else hadn't ever seen such a place teaming with life before? How was it that Lili knew of this and his family who lived just above this place didn't?

Sure from the very start he had figured that there was something truly special about his soon to be wife. Even back then Lili had been so different compared to everyone else he had ever met.

Never had he seen such a cute girl before, a girl so full of energy and who even held such an angelic voice as well. Lili had always been so mysterious, so cute that he just wasn't able to help himself back then but tease her a little in hopes of gaining her attention. He had always wanted her for himself, after all if he didn't get her quickly then somebody else surely would have.

Sadly he had been such a fool back then. He had fought against his desires as he had been already engaged to another then, but funnily enough the one he was in fact always been engaged to was her. So it was no wonder that Lili's father always made up excuses that she was sick and what not, because she was not at home and always somewhere else.

Although even now he didn't know where it was that she had been? Lili was such a mystery still, however he had seen her drawings and designs back in his room. Clearly the girl was hiding something and knew a lot of things a normal girl her age shouldn't have ever known.

But now there was no reason for him to worry about it. She was his and he knew that once she felt comfortable enough with him, she would tell him everything on her own. And besides he didn't wish to push such a pure and kind wife for answers in fear of scaring the fragile little thing and making her cry again.

To him those tiers of hers were the most frightening thing in the whole world. So to keep those tiers away he would do whatever he needed to do to keep her happy, safe and away from all the hardship and dangers of the world.

But even still, just where did she get the idea to give her sisters, as she called them, repeating crossbows? Besides has she even ever been in any battle to begin with? Truly there were so many things he wanted to know and ask her, and as he looked at her nice swaying hips and breasts that were visible even while looking at her from behind, he now especially wanted to truly be one with her again not only in soul, but in the flesh as well.

But sadly he could sense those two Lycan bitches following them. They were tailing their every move, or more specifically they were watching him. Clearly they didn't seem to trust him and he couldn't blame them, for he didn't trust them as well. Lycans were a primitive and savage race that could only be tamed through force, which Lili clearly didn't have.

He didn't know how she had gotten them to call her their holiness, but he knew that it wasn't enough. Someone would need to tame all these bitches however many there might have been of them in the underground here. Because if not then they were a real security threat to Camelot.

Glancing backwards at the two bitches who thought of themselves as being so clever, hiding there behind the corner. Didn't they know that he could clearly see one of their breasts sticking out from behind there? Truly Lycan's weren't the smartest of creatures.

Also what sort of guards were they to leave their posts so easily? To him it seemed absolutely pathetic as was to be expected of a bunch of savage untamed bitches. Lili had clearly taught them how to train and exercise their bodies and probably the ways of wielding those weapons, but she most likely forgot to teach them tactics and discipline.

Shaking his head at this thought he did wonder just where was Lili leading him? How long did this place go on for? At this rate he did wonder might this place go throughout the entire island of Wight or what? Well whatever it was Lili seemed oddly cheeky today and unwilling to say much of anything to him.

However then suddenly as he thought of this they came to what seemed like a staircase? Wait how was this possible, why was there a staircase within this cave?

Following Lili up the stairs, Lili then turned towards what seemed like a curtain of vains and stepped through it, but as she did it seemed like the vains automatically moved as if inviting her inside. It seemed strange, but he was no stranger to danger or strange things and so he too went forth.

The vains like living tentacles touched him, like a blind man might touch a person to make sense of their appearance. And then they suddenly made way, seemingly giving him permission to move onwards and so he did.

Then he came upon the biggest underground area so far with a ceiling reaching high into the air, where he could see what looked like massive three branches full of green leaves, and what looked like a few golden Apples? Confused Art then looked upon the wooden walls and the closed gate that was before him denying him access to see what was beyond. And there guarding the gate and a top of the walls he could again see more of those red haired bitches that hardly wore anything.

Once again they looked upon him with fear and failed to even make eye contact with him, at most managing to just look at his feet. However seeing them it did seem strange that just like the first two all these bitches were not just fit, but quite beauties as well.

A few he could understand, but so many beauties seemed questionable? Had Lili only gathered the most attractive individuals to the underground or what? Then again she wasn't that type of a person to favour someone merely for their looks.

Walking closer to the gate he could see Lili already quickly at work trying to happily explain his presence here to them. Clearly Lili didn't know what it was that he had done to most of these Lycans tribes during his travels as a young man with master Reinhardt.

Thankfully Lili did seem to hold quite a huge amount of influence over these people and so they were quick to do as she said. Quickly the Lycans began to open the somewhat heavy wooden gate to them.

But seeing it he was quick to help by giving it a slight push, causing the whole thing to almost fly open making the bitches fall on their toned butts and scream in surprise at his strength. He could even see Lili proudly lift up her chin slightly as if saying. "You see, that's my man, quite impressive isn't he." As she then casually continued onwards as if it wasn't surprising at all.

However within that moment Art froze once again in utter disbelief at what he saw there before himself. All around there were fields upon fields of all types of plants and animal pastures separated by thin rows of trees of every kind it seemed. In one part there was plant life and trees that one would find only in the south, while in another part there was plant life only seen in the north and so on. Truly this place did seem to have it all.

He could even see a few lakes connected by streams that had small wooden bridges going over them. And all around there were beautiful skimpy women and girls of many ages working on this land, harvesting resources, tending to the livestock and crafting new things, while quite a few simply seemed to be training or just messing about.

On the long road before them he could even see some using horse carts to transport goods. While some were on an open grassy field in the distance training their bodies and wrestling in their underwear, while others wore nothing as they practiced swimming in the many lakes and giggled like the girls they were as they played around.

But most of all he couldn't help but look upon the mighty tree that stood at the end of the long road. It was absolutely massive going all the way up into the high ceiling making even the small village of wooden houses next to it look like some small miniature set.

Seeing it all he felt so amazed. Never had he seen anything so beautiful, so magical as this. To add to it all there was no sun here, only thousands of those beautiful crystals that emitted heat and light to their surroundings.

Quickly he could start to figure out that the crystals were most likely the thing that brought life to this place. Although they weren't the same as the sun, since all the girls here had such fair skin. They were all so white and not only were there Lycan bitches here, but girls with all sorts of hair colours and eye colours working together here and having fun.

Now finally he could understand how it was that Lili had gotten her hands on all those delicious foods. After all this place had it all, from plants, to a seemingly dedicated workforce of at least a couple hundred girls and what seemed like dedicated training courses for all sorts of work, from farming to fighting and everything in between. Here there was everything and truly it was quite a tempting sight to his manly gaze, especially since all the workers here were quite something to look at.

Of course none compared to Lili and so he didn't really care that much about this. More importantly he wondered just what was this place, what sort of a paradise was this?

Watching Lili run along the long road he could see her quickly gaining the other girls attentions. And as she did it was as if Lili suddenly turned to a pussy magnet as many of the girls squealed in happiness at the sight of her, they waved their hands crazily in the air and immediately began flocking to her side.

However all stopped right before her and took a knee as Lili then happily patted them all on their heads, after which they started hugging and talking. It truly did seem that Lili was not just some leader here, but extremely loved as well, but why was this exactly?

Confused by it all Art slowly started making his way towards Lili again as he looked curiously at everything. His eyes seemed to be carefully studying his surroundings as if trying to make sense of it all.

Then as he once more caught up to Lili who was now surrounded by girls, he then saw her cheerfully turn to him, spread out her arms and happily announce.

"Art, my love, welcome to Eden! The land of longevity, good food, pure air, beauty all around and plenty of anything that a mortal soul could ever need. Now follow me, I want you to meet the world tree and let him explain the rest, I'm sure his already waiting for you."

Quickly the crowd of skimpy girls of many different ages that up close seemed to merely range from 6 to 24 years of age created a path for him. Slowly walking past them, he could see them all watching him with caution like some little rabbits that would probably all run and scatter at the slightest sign of danger from him.

Some of the Lycans although once again looked upon him with clear hostility. They seemed as if they had something to say, but due to Lilis acceptance of him they held their words. Instead they now merely tried to act brave as they glared at him while having their knees turned inwards and shaking in fear secretly like the scared little pussies they truly were.

And with each passing moment as he walked towards that tree more and more girls, some armed and some not started to follow him. And with each passing moment the tree seemed to only get larger and larger before his eyes. And for the first time within his life he actually started to feel small, before this tree he seemed so insignificant, so young, so unknowing.

Already he could feel its immense power emanating out of it. It felt so strong that within him there was an unconscious desire to lower his head to it and bow before its greatness. He wasn't sure how, but the vains that cover it were totally under its control. And as weak as they might have been, he knew that in great numbers they could most definitely overwhelm him.

Strangely it seemed that here he indeed was not the most powerful of all. He couldn't do whatever he wanted to do or else face this elder trees wrath. Of course for Lilis sake he would never dare to do anything stupid anyway.

So he followed until finally they came to a stop before the tree and Lili sat down on her knees next to it and placed one hand upon its surface. Then with a silent gesture she invited him to sit down next to her, and as he did Lili took a hold of his right hand with her left, and together they placed their free hands upon the trees rough surface.

Doing this Arts body suddenly shook as if a wave of some invisible energy had just struck him, his eyes rolled backwards and then closed as he along with Lili seemed to have been swept into some dreamlike state.

And there within the darkness of his mind he found another core much like his own. While his was huge like a boulder of Golden red energy that constantly pulsated like a heart pumping blood, the one before him seemed so small and yet so pure and beautiful. The core before him was a pure white that seemed to radiate out a familiar feeling of innocence that he always felt within Lili.

It even seemed drawn to him like her as it wantingly came before him, and that's when he heard her angelic voice echo within his head.

"Oh my God, Art your so big. Wow, how come you're so much bigger than me? And what's up with that Golden red core of yours? How did you get it to be like that, it feels so rough, so strong, kind of fits you I think, hmm."

Baffled by this Art knew not what to say. He wasn't a spiritual man at all and never had he seen his core like this or even know that this was even possible in the first place. All he had ever done was train and injure himself and within that process he had slowly found his core starting to grow stronger and new abilities naturally coming to him, but this was totally something else.

Then suddenly he was consumed within a brilliant white light that seemed to turn the emptiness into a world of pure white. And then a core pure like Lilis, but big like a mountain came before them.

It didn't speak, but immediately he realised it to be the tree, and then the scene changed again. Now they were before an ordinary looking apple tree that grew on some families backyard.

Wait are those fucking skyscrapers and airplanes? Wait what the fuck is going on here?

Just like before with Lili, the World tree played its life story again. Although this time not only did Lili see it, but Art was there next to her as well to witness it all.