Chereads / I became a Girl? / Chapter 74 - Chapter 74 Happy fourteenth birthday.

Chapter 74 - Chapter 74 Happy fourteenth birthday.

The sun was setting as thousands of armour-clad men moved with haste through a dense forest. The ground shook under their heavy armor-clad feet, branches snapped, bushes were cut with swords and crushed under feet. Birds chirped in fear and fled as the four legged animals that were not many hid and fled as well.

In the lead of these men a lone bright red haired man ran, followed closely by three extremely large men. Two were dressed in rusty and battered full sets of black armour with black cloaks on top and held massive two-handed swords. And the one large man in the middle was dressed like a king in shiny armour with snippets of gold and a helmet that held a crown, this man held a shiny golden shield in one hand and an equally fancy sword in the other.

On the right the tallest and largest of the men that was dressed in all black roared out in anger to the red haired man in front. "Hurry you fucking Lycan dog! Need I remind you of what will happen to you and your tribe if your wrong about this?"

The red haired man merely glanced back wards at the large man, flashing his red eyes hatefully at him as he spat back words of his own as he said. "Hah, no you do not. Trust me I'm already all too familiar with the ways that you southerners like to treat our kind. Just have patience and follow, the den of the feral Lycans is just up ahead. I can already smell their tainted scent quite clearly, and ooh are there many of them there.Their sent is like a dark putrid fod that floats in the air and engulfs all in its sickness."

To this the smaller of the two men commented by saying. "I don't like this my king. We should just fall back to camp and come try again in the morning. This is not a good idea."

To this the crowned man said. "Hahaha, where is your sense of adventure my friend. Remember there is no courage without fear, and no uncertainty, only adventure ahead."

To this the largest of the men added by saying. "Besides if we fall back now, we risk giving those beasts a chance to run again. And I for one am tired of this endless chase, it's time we end this now."

As he said this they saw a vast forest clearing up ahead. Seeing this the Lycan man yelled out saying. "Look its over there just as I said it would be!"

Running to the edge of the forest they saw it. Before them was a vast field of red roses that was surrounded by forest on all sides except the front. There in the distance they could see it, a rocky hillside with a cave. But not just any cave, but a cave that's entrance was shaped as if it were the mouth of the very beasts it held within it.

The climb to the cave was steep and not easy to get to in the heavy armour that most of them wore, but they weren't discouraged at all.

In his golden armour the king then stepped forward and yelled loudly to all. "Men form up on me! Spears in front, Archers in the middle and everyone else on the sides and back! Hold strong, let them not touch the archers and the day will be ours! Now move out!"

Quickly the men began to form up as the king started slowly marching towards the cave. The Lycan man faltered and turned to the tall man, his fearful face was clearly saying. "Please let me go, I don't want to die here."

But the tall man didn't care. His large black armoured hand took a hold of the man as he harshly said. "Where do you think your going? You said that these are supposedly not the same people as you, then what's the problem? Fight with us and prove that it is so, or run and prove me wrong. Which is it going to be?"

The tall man pushed the Lycan forward as he protested lightly by saying. "But you promised."

The man merely laughed and said. "No I didn't, I said and you did as I said. That's all. Now move or die!"

The Lycan silently agreed to fight and turned to his beastly werewolf form. His clothes made a slight ripping sound as he did this, but they mostly stayed intact and his green cloak stayed upon his back.

But despite doing this the tall man still stood a good head or so taller than the Lycan. Truly this was no ordinary man, but a massive over two meters tall of a man with a bulky frame. He was a true giant of a man.

Fearfully the Lycan looked to the man and said. "Fine I'll fight for you, but just don't mistake me for them, ok. Because I am not like them, I am a true Lycan and not a cursed beast, ok. I mean just look at my clothes, you see."

The man merely said. "Move." As he pushed the Lycan forward. Before them a spear wall of three men deep formed up and archers came behind.

And as the army of a few thousand began emerging from the forest, the sun went low and darkness began to set upon the land. Men carrying banners emerged from the forest along with the army and as they did they blew mighty horns. The sounds echoed far around, torches were lit by some men and something strange happened with the tall man. His eyes turned golden and began slightly to glow under his helmets visor, a visor that had a beastly look to it.

Then as the roses began to be trampled under foot, a bright full moon came upon the dark night sky. It shined its brilliant light upon the land and as it did something happened.

The ground began to shake. There was movement within the cave and elsewhere. Far to the left and to the right loud rustling of bushes was heard. The beasts were coming and the king knew it as did the Lycan who fearfully exclaimed. "They're going to surround us. Oh moon goddess please do not let this be it. I don't want to die."

Seemingly angered by this the tall giant of a man said. "Keep your mouth shut coward. Your ruining our manly moment of glory."

The army was halfway out of the forest and on the clearing as then a single large black werewolf emerged a top the hill. It stood possibly three meters high and it had a hulking frame full of muscles. Then it stood upon its two massive legs and let out an aggressive howl to the sky. "Woooooo!"

Its howl caused the army to stop as it visibly seemed to make the men shake, as if chills of fear were sent throughout their bodies. Horses were frightened and some men unconsciously took a step or two back in fear, but the king didn't.

Standing just behind the front line the King lifted up his sword and yelled to the werewolf in challenge. "What are you, a woman? Stop screaming at us and come fight like a real man, you sissy!"

The men cheered to this. "Yeah!"

But soon all their voices were drowned out as tens, hundreds and then thousands of howls came from all around. And most loudly of all they came from the cave, from where then a black and gray swarm of Feral Lycans emerged.

They ran on all fours down the hill side, some stumbled and fell and then were trampled to death by their own, but they didn't care. Their eyes glowed a bloody red and mouths drooled with an endless hunger for the men's flesh.

Soon arrows began flying, the beasts were wounded, stumbled, fell, got trampled and died. The Feral Lycans black blood began to flow down the hillside as the swarm crazily charged onwards.

The army was now just barely out of the forest and fully upon the field of roses. And then rustling in the forest grew louder and out came the Lycans.

Mindlessly as if holding no fear they tossed themselves at the sides of the army. Their heavy bodies crashed against shields and blades. Black blood flew, men were pushed to the ground, others quickly took their place.

Men swung their swords, axes, hammers and all at the beasts cutting many of them. But their hides were tough as were their beastly bones and so they resisted and pushed forward.

They grabbed and pulled on the men's shields, shaking them as they did so. Some tried to bite at the men and were quickly made to pay for their foolish attempts as blades and arrows came straight into their open jaws.

Arrows made many Lycans whimper in pain and fall dead as the blades did the same. But as some of the archers turned their attention to the sides, the swarm coming from the front began advancing faster.

And so they came, a hundred meters, 50 meters, they were almost upon them now. The king roared out through the loud sounds of battle. "Men of Albion, hold your ground! Hold for your families, hold for your brother's and kill them all!"

And then the tide of Lycans slammed against the front line, piercing themselves without care on the men's spears. Men heavy as they were in their armour and holding massive shields and spears were pushed back. Some simply slid backwards on the soft ground as others lost balance and stumbled back, but were held upright by their comrades at their backs.

This was not the men's first such charge that they had faced and so they held. The beasts bit and clawed at the men's shields and armour. The metal made ear piercing scraping sounds as it was scratched. Some reached over the men's shields and bit the men on their heads, but the helmets didn't give in. These were helmets of Albion and they were strong.

The beasts attacks seemed futile. Bodies began to mount up. Spears at the second line stabbed and stabbed again and again at the Feral Lycans. Wounded and bloodied many times over slowly caused the beasts to begin dying.

Arrows flew overhead and bodies began to mount up. But the Feral Lycans didn't stop, they pushed forward and over their dead and the first line.

Quickly men at the front began to be buried under the bodies and the mass of them all. Screams of pain were herd, mens throats were cut, faces slashed, helmets ripped off and naked heads crushed by jaws.

The third line joined in with their long halberds. As the beasts tossed themselves upon the second lines spears, the halberds began hacking and slashing at the beasts.

The situation seemed hopeless and the horde endless. Men died one after the other all around, the sides of the army were most of all faltering and falling. From amongst the dead men transformed into twisted, zombified versions of the beasts and then began attacking their former comrades.

Weak willed men shook in fear at the sight of it all. They clearly wanted to flee and run, but there was nowhere to run. They were surrounded on all sides now, trapped in a fight to the death with the beasts and so they fought.

But there seemed to be hope, the seemingly endless tide was no longer pouring out of the cave. Only the large black Werewolf stood there now with a few lesser werewolves as his guards.

The tall man seeing all of this seemed to be literally fuming with rage. Steam rose from the gaps in his armour, his muscles seemed to bulge out more and with them his black armour twisted and grew slightly.

His glowing eyes flashed a deeper golden light than before and then he leaped forward into the air. He flew over the three lines and straight to the front. In mid air he drew his large two-handed sword that almost seemed like a massive black club that was almost as long as he was and thick like his large thighs.

The beasts below looked to him with open jaws and outstretched claws ready to tear him into pieces, but before they could the massive sword cut them in two. The man came down like a living spinning blade cutting all in his path, and as he landed he swung his sword around and cut all beasts around him into two pieces or more.

Beastly body parts, blood and guts flew. The black blade became stained with black blood making it shine, as did the armour. He stood up tall in the face of them all and so they then came with no regard for their dead.

The man's sword went left, right, up and down, and all around cutting, hacking and slashing all in its path. But the beasts kept coming. Blood flew into the mans face, his eyes became blinded for a moment and yet it seemed like he could see, as he did not slow down at all. He stood there in front of the shield wall like a black wall of steel, a living wall.

A feral Lycan seeing this decided then and there to change tactics. It used the dead to jump up high, tossing itself from above straight towards the man.

But this was not unseen by him, his blade cut the beast from the waist onwards in two. It's blood fell upon the man's now shiny and fully black blood stained armour, it's lower half slammed harmlessly against the man's legs, as his top fell on the man's face.

This he failed to do anything against as both his hands held his massive sword. The Feral Lycan was cut in half, but not yet dead and so he clawed and bit on the man's helmet.

With one single hand the man tried to pull the beast down, but it was stubborn. And before he could do so, the other beasts swarmed over him. They tried to push him down, but he stood strong. Within seconds they were all over him attacking him from all sides, but his armour was strong.

The beasts could not get through the armour and only managed to scratch at a few gaps making the man lightly wince in pain and bleed.

Then the command was heard from the king. "Push forward, drive these beasts back into their lair!"

Arrows flew at the beasts, the spear men came stabbing at the beasts as the other black armoured man used his own massive blade to cut the beasts off of the giant man.

Freed at last the man breathed a short sigh of relief as he heard the other man say. "You reckless fool, I told you that we should do this together, did I not?"

The man laughed at these words and said. "And where would the fun be in that, master?" And with that said he pushed forward with the other men.

The Feral Lycans attack started to crumble and then the black wolf howled again. "Woooo wooo!"

Suddenly the attack stopped and all the beasts retreated. Some ran back into the forest, while hundreds of them ran into the caves.

Seeing this the army stopped for a moment, but with one command of the king they moved again. "Forward, don't let that cowardly black dog escape with his queen! Into the caves men! After them!"

With haste the giant man ran in front of them all, followed by the other black armoured man and the Lycan man who was partially as well covered in black blood.

The trio stopped for a quick breather at the entrance of the cave. For a minute or so they waited for enough men to gather and as a group of twenty or so was formed they headed inside.

Guided only by a few torch lights they moved through large winding dark tunnels for a time. Then they came to a crossroads. The beasts could be heard straight ahead, some where in the dark distance, but there were three ways to choose.

Seeing this the men hesitated, but the giant of a man didn't. He simply said. "Right is always right!" And so he went right, the men seemed unsure of this decision, but soon followed nonetheless.

For a moment they walked, the tunnel suddenly began going down, lower and lower. It was a steep walk downwards deeper into the cave. The men's breaths could be seen in the air, it had suddenly become cold and lights began to shine up ahead.

Cautiously the men began to walk, watching, waiting and expecting the worst, but no. Suddenly the steep slope ended and what they saw was a straight path before them that was filled with glowing blue and white mushrooms.

The black armoured master seemed surprised by the sight as he asked out loud from nobody in particular. "What is this sorcery?"

Hearing the question the Lycan man merely said. "Oh these are Deepshooms, or well that's what our people call them. They are actually a great source of nutrition that you can find in most naturally formed deep caves."

The black armoured master seemed like he wanted to ask more, but the giant man didn't. He merely moved forward as he said. "Be quiet, I can sense something vile up ahead."

The men quickly quieted down, put out their torches, held their swords and shields tightly as they slowly moved forward.

Moving through the mushroom filled tunnel they came upon a large cave clearing filled with glowing mushrooms all around and other strange tentacles and viny things that shined just as well.

Twenty or so meters away they could see a large body of water, like an underground lake that's water shined beautifully in the lights of the Deepshooms and other strange plants. And to the left side they could see a good ten or so Feral Lycans drinking its waters, as further left there were some twenty or so of them licking their wounds.

Sadly they could see no further so the giant man sneaked further to the best of his abilities. To the far left they could see the clearing continuing on and hear sounds of beastly growling there. It sounded as if they were talking amongst themselves there.

But before he could see who was talking, a beastly growl and a howl was heard. It came from the shores of the lake, the beasts there had heard the man's clacking approach.

Howls were heard all around and suddenly all thirty three beasts broke into a mad charge headed straight towards them.

The armoured men ran and formed a wall of metal in front of the giant man. But he pushed them aside and charged alone. Seeing this the other men did so as well.

The Giants sword cut two before him in half, sending their severed bodies flying, then he turned to the third and thrust his sword in the mad beasts chest. The beasts hand grabbed hold of his sword holding it in place in its body.

Using this chance another came from the mans left, it tried to bite at him, but he slammed his armoured head into its jaws first. Black blood flew as beastly teeth cracked and it staggered back.

Another came from the right and bit him on his right sword arm. The bite of this one was strong, it made his armour crack and cave in slightly.

The man grunted in slight pain as he sent a hard kick into the beasts stomach. Its ribs made a cracking sound, but it still held on.

Just then more beasts came, but so too did the men. The giant man's master cut the impaled beast in two as he moved onwards. Freed now he intended to strike at the pest at his arm, but before he could the Lycan man came.

His claws dug into the crazed beasts upper jaw and dug deep. Blood came pouring out as he then pulled back and within a few seconds peeled the beasts skinn off it's damaged meet.

The sight was one that would surely make men's stomachs turn, but the giant man didn't seem bothered at all. He merely shook the now dead beast off, nodded in a silent thanks to the Lycan and moved on.

With seeming ease the armoured men, tall men with the Lycan moved through the measly group of stragglers.

But as they did a roar of beastly rage was heard from afar. There in the distance they could see two large beasts. One was gray like dirt and large like a female gorilla with, a height that seemed to be at least 5 meters, needless to say the beast was huge as were its six breasts. The other was the black werewolf, that was most likely with a closer look to be three and a half meters tall and really muscular and big.

Behind the beasts they could see mountains of bones and skulls of all sorts of animals and even humans. And then to their surprise the gray beast spoke. It's voice was deep and its words few as it merely said. "More skulls come to my skull throne, yees."

The two howled as if they were excited by the fight to come and then they charged. The master turned to the giant man and said. "Let's take the big guy while the others can take the smaller one."

Lightly shaking his head the giant man spoke and said. "No, if we do that more will die. I'll take the Queen, you all can focus on the smaller king."

After saying this he charged towards the giant on his left. The beast seemed more than eager to welcome this challenge. It's large feet were heavy and made the ground shake as it charged. It's back was hunched forward and head close to it's chest. It almost seemed like it had been specifically built to be this way as its neck was quite protected like so.

Looking at it, it quickly became obvious to the giant man that this beast was more than five meters tall. It merely seemed that tall from afar thanks to its hunched back, otherwise it would have been a lot taller.

Only ten meters away the beasts claws suddenly scratched at the ground. It's clawed hand moved with such ease through the ground that it seemed like a person playing in water. Except unlike someone slapping water into once face, the beast sent a hail of rocks towards the man.

The man seemed to anticipate this as he rolled to the left just in time. The rocks crashed hard against the cave wall crushing many Deepshooms as they did.

To the side he could see the others face off against the black werewolf, his master was in the front and managed to hold the beasts claws with his sword.

But there was no time to observe them as the Gray beast was almost upon him. It had leaped slightly into the air and seemed intent on crushing him with it's massive hands.

Rolling to the side once more, he dodged, but as he did the hands came down next to him with a massive bang. The force of the impact shook the cave and lifted him slightly into the air.

He lost control, he couldn't do anything as then the beast struck. It's right hand slapped him hard sending him flying against the cave wall. The impact caused a hard bang sound, his armour bent and cracked, as he bounced off the wall, rolled on the ground and found himself ten or so meters away from the beast.

The man immediately pushed himself on all fours and was about to stand, until he stopped as he coughed out blood. He seemed badly wounded, but as he placed a hand upon his chest a faint light shined there and then suddenly he seemed a bit better again.

Once more the beast came like before. It held a drool filled smile on its hideous furry face that was intent to smash the man. But the man rolled forward and jumped towards the beast as it slammed it's hands upon the ground.

His blade aimed straight for it's heart. It cut it's fur and went through the skin, but almost immediately came to a stop. The beasts skin was tough like stone, it wouldn't break so easily it seemed.

Seeing this the man attempted to retreat past the beasts legs. In turn it tried to kick the man, but he was too quick and merely brushed through it's furry tail.

His sword moved through it and he managed to cut into it, but the blade didn't go far again. The beast turned and attacked again. the man dodged and rolled, stones flew around destroying more Deepshooms, but the man remained unharmed. He was too fast and using this speed he managed to send another cut to it, this time it was it's leg.

The beasts didn't seem to care and so the two fought on. Cuts slowly began to accumulate upon the beast as the man remained unharmed, he had already learned the beasts moves and couldn't be fooled again.

Whimpers of pain and a howl suddenly then came from behind the man. Glancing backwards he could see his master standing on the black wolves back with his massive sword in its neck. While at the same time several swords were stuck in the beast, and the Lycan lay within the beasts bloody claws.

The Lycan was bloodied and hurt, but didn't seem to be dead luckily. Although by the looks of the scene not all were as lucky. Five men layed severed, ripped in half and dead on the cave floor.

Then movement, the man turned back towards the Gray beast, that suddenly retreated to the big piles of bones.

Surprisingly the man didn't follow and instead ran to the Lycan man. The Lycans transformation was gone and only the weakened and bloodied man remained there.

Lifting the big beast off of the man it was clear that the man was not going to make it. He had been pierced by sharp claws in more than ten places, blood flowed out of him and cuts were to be seen everywhere on his body.

Looking back at his soldiers the man could see that many of them were as well in bad shape. Some seemed to have crushed arms, broken bones or some merely were missing hands and fingers all and all.

The master looked to the man and then asked. "Can you help them?"

The man didn't answer, instead he placed a hand on the Lycan and seemed to start focusing. Faint light began coming forth and slowly the wounds started to close.

Although it seemed that the skin tissue was not fully coming back. The wounds would definitely leave behind nasty scars, that is if the person didn't drown in his own blood first as the healing seemed to be completely neglecting that. The man merely managed to close the wounds and stop the bleeding for the moment at least buying themselves some time.

Having healed the Lycan he then turned to the rest, but just then a dark fog came and seemed to consume the black wolves corpse next to them.

And suddenly within but a mere instant a black clawed hand flew forth from the darkness towards the master.

Seeing this the man jumped towards his master, pushing him out of the way, but as he did this the claws instead struck him. They tore through his armour with ease and tore his side open.

"Ahhhhh!" He yelled in pain as he fell to the ground. His chest plate was mostly gone and in its stead there was a massive open wound. Looking at it the man could see his own damaged lungs and even his heart visibly beating there.

Blood poured through his helmets gaps as he desperately tried to heal himself. His master seeing this wanted to help, but the black beast was getting up again.

Deep laughter of the giant gray beast was heard. It's voice echoed throughout the cave as dark fog from it came. The beast had cut its own wrists partially and from there the darkness was coming out. It flew into the water, into the bone piles and into the dead men.

"What sort of dark sorcery is this?" The master exclaimed in horror. Soon the bones began forming into human and animal like shapes, their eyes glowed red and they began to move as well. The same happened to the five dead men, slain werewolves and the water from where hundreds of red eyed skeletons came.

From all directions they came, the end seemed near. There was no way out and hope was all but lost. The brave man layed bleeding and dying on the ground, his heart was beating and he still tried but couldn't heal himself or find the strength to get up.

And in that final moment, he looked to the sky and muttered out a simple wish. "Damn, I just wish I could have gotten to see you again."

Saying this, he seemed ready to fall limply to the ground, but just then his heart lit up with a light so bright that all in the cave were covered within it. For a second it lasted, shocking all until it formed into a pure ball of light around his heart.

The man's eyes were wide in shock as he suddenly saw his chest grow back before his very eyes at an incredible speed.

Seemingly healed the man got to his feet, picked up his sword and then it shined as well. The light went into the sword and made it glow a bright white. Now the sword seemed like a beam of white light and not a sword of metal at all.

Seeing this the man said. "What the fuck is this?" And the master said. "God's with us." And then the men yelled. "God's with us!"

Suddenly their spirits were back and brighter than ever before. The giant man looked to the black beast that stood there in seeming shock itself. And with a single swing the beast was cut in half, like a knife cutting paper. After which the beast was lit a flame in white light. It's body seemed to start disintegrating before their eyes.

"What? Impossible! Ahhhhh!" Came the frustrated and somewhat scared sounding voice of the gray beast. It's blood still poured out on the ground and as it did small skeletons were summoned from it.

But the giant man cared not for these skeletons, they held no weapons and possessed no strength. They were but a pile of bones. And so he moved fast, faster than ever before. His beam sword cut the reanimated feral Lycans in pieces, carved a path through the skeletons and to the gray beast.

The beast tried to throw rocks, crush and hit the man. But this time unlike before the man not only dodged all, but as he did he sliced the beast into pieces. Tail, toes, hands feet and finally neck came off and the beast was then dead.

But the sword wasn't it was still there as bright as before, which he swiftly used to dispatch of all the skeletons that did not surprisingly fall once their master did. And as the battle came to a close, the master came to his side and asked. "See praying to God does bring us good, doesn't it?"

Hearing this the man looked to the sealing and quietly said. "But I didn't pray to god, I just thought of her."

As he said this a certain girl suddenly was awoken from one of her typically strange dreams again. Sweat was all over her body and bed, and two sets of eyes were on her as well.

"Eadlin, Aileen, what are you?" Lili asked in confusion as the girls smiled and said. "Happy fourteenth birthday Lili!"

Then the girls suddenly pounced on her and began giving her many kisses on her cheeks and big hugs. Eadlin came on top of Lili as she excitedly said. "So tell me Lili how did you do that just now? Please you have to tell me, ok, I'll make it worth your while."

Saying this the princess began groping her breasts seductively and continued by saying. "Plus you did agree to be my bitch, so you have to."

To this Aileen merely nodded enthusiastically, while Lili just felt confused as she asked. "What are you talking about? I was just sleeping."

Hearing this the princesses seemed a bit confused as Aileen then said. "Oh, so you didn't know that you had an angelic halo of light around your head, as you were glowing like a star in your bed?"

Now Lili was even more confused as she said. "Whhaaat? What are you on about? And Its not even my birthday yet, I mean I don't even know when my birthday is. And I've already told you that I don't need one, it's fine you girls."

To this Eadlin merely said. "Naaa, no way girl. You gonna have a party and you gonna have it now, if not for your birthday then it will be in order to get you a change of clothes. Because oh no, do you stink."