Chereads / I became a Girl? / Chapter 67 - Chapter 67 Three years in Camelot.

Chapter 67 - Chapter 67 Three years in Camelot.

Thanks to Satan's influence and partially Eves sinful actions. Man had been infected by sin and become blind and death to god's will. Even as God tried to speak directly to man his words just didn't go through, as man was simply incapable of hearing his will.

And on the few times man heard Gods words, he still failed to comprehend them and understand them. Because of this, so called prophets emerged and thanks to their misunderstandings man only became more misled and more divided, many different religions were born and cultures emerged, only further dividing man.

So in a final act of desperation to save man from his own misguided ways. God sent man his first son, who he made in his own image to directly carry his words of wisdom to all.

In this the first son partially succeeded, despite him being betrayed by some misguided men. God's words nonetheless still carried on in some men and that was good for a time.

But despite the first son's wisdom, words and sacrifice. Man still was divided and stained by sin, violence and war were rampant on earth. Humanity was under threat of being annihilated by itself and so God was once more forced to step in.

This time God sent man a wise, gentle and kind daughter of his making. A daughter that much is not known of, but that she managed to unite all of man by her words and beauty alone. Even her name was lost to time, as some simply referred to her as a goddess, or more commonly she became known as the Empress of man.

And under her leadership man prospered. A golden age of ten thousand years or so came and it was good. Man spread through the heavens and stars. God's will seemed close to being done.

But Satan struck first with its vast and inexhaustible armies, full of hideous and beastly monsters and demons. They were like an never ending tide that only hungered for the slaughter and cared not for its own losses. And so the peace loving man ruled by the kind Empress was slowly driven away from the stars and back towards earth.

And so in a final act of desperation humanity went into exile, leaving it's place of origins behind as it did so. All seemed lost and the Empress that had governed humanity for over ten thousand years was lost as well. For none knew where she was or what had happened to her.

So across the stars and the dark void humanity traveled for a long time on ships made of metal. Until, finally at long last a land that resembled their first original home was found. A land that became known as Terra.

Although other than its appearance, this land was not like their own land of old at all. For this land was a hostile one, full of danger and death. It was a land that even with humanities weapons of fire and metal it could not tame. And so for a time life was grim, dark and full of death.

Humanity was forced to huddle around it's ships of metal, where large walled cities were made. Their man remained isolated and cut off from the world. But luckily God still held his favour for man. And so he sent down his second son to unite man once more and create a new home for man to call its own.

Unlike the Empress, the second son was much like the first and under his leadership humanity fought back the darkness. A new golden age of man came once more and so it was good for a time.

And now 910 years have passed since the passing of the second son of god and the dividing of his great empire. Man is once more left on its own to see humanity restored back to it's glory and its original holy land of earth, wherever that might be.

But even as Lili looked up to the stars as she sat outside, upon her Inns stony steps, she just couldn't really believe it all. Even as she summed it up and tried to make sense of it, it just sounded so unbelievable to her.

To think that this place that was some fantasy version of England, was actually not even on earth, but somewhere else. And what was up with those angels, demons and god? And also to think that Jesus was some buff dude, who was totally not as peaceful as the original. And also the idea that Adam cut down Eve with a holy axe relieving himself as such of sin, supposedly and then went to create the rest of humanity with his own daughter. This shit was just too much. Plus the idea that there was supposedly an over ten thousand year old woman leading humanity before humanity came to this new land of Terra or whatever.

Lili really found it hard to believe. For if such a thing was true then there should have been at least a few futuristic things laying about. Surely not everything could have been lost, even if this fantasy land is as dangerous as the books say.

But damn did bible studies feel quite confusing and sexist towards women in this world. was all that Lili could really say about it all. But other than that she did feel quite pleased with all the things she had learned thus far, other than bible things.

There were of course the womanly things that she learned, like painting, dancing, sewing, managing household affairs and most of all things about medieval technology. Or well she wasn't really thought anything about technology, but with her readings of the book on agriculture and some asking around she had learned a lot. Or well she had mostly just been reminded of how backwards these medieval times, fantasy world or not were.

And thanks to this place being as primitive and backwards as it is, Lili couldn't just help but feel happy knowing that there were so many things here that she could do and invent to help these people out. And the biggest of all things she could do was of course the possibility of her bringing abouts the agricultural revolution into this world. With it she could really help a lot of people out, possibly see famine eradicated from this world at least for a time and as such really save a lot of lives. Sure her healing was good and all, but she could only do so much with it and so inventions were what she wanted to do.

Although this didn't seem far from already happening in this world. From what she had learned and heard, it seemed that the Prince of this nation was quite a genius. Despite his young age, the man had already brought upon a great many reforms and inventions to the land. So it wasn't unreasonable to think that he might actually bring about the agricultural revolution. After all he had already invented the windmills. Although overall the Prince seemed really only interested in warfare and violence, and as such most his actions and inventions just reflected that.

From what she had heard the Prince had brought about a revolution in the mining and industrial side of things here, boosting weapons manufacturing and such. He had invented new smelting techniques, tools like better pickaxes, wheelbarrows and springs for carts and wagons. The man had even developed weaponry and armour designs, which was greatly reflected on the guards in Camelot. But other than that he hadn't done much, so now it seemed that it was up to her to do that what the Prince couldn't do.

Then Lilis thoughts were interrupted as Chad opened up the door behind her and said. "Miss Lili, Everything is ready as you requested."

Hearing this a smile spread upon Lilis doll like face. Finally her moment of judgment had come. Since coming here to the capital, almost 3 years had now passed. Christmas was on its way, but it wasn't a happy one in the least.

While buying ingredients and things for her new recipes she had noticed many big problems in town. Basically everything was super expensive.

According to the people the prices of everything had been on the rise for quite a while now, especially food and now there was even talk of a possible famine coming about.

And although the King and Prince had been quite successful in the destruction of the feral Lycan's in the northeast, things were still not looking good. The feral Lycans had been recently sneaking past the border more and more, slaughtering entire villages, caravans and overall causing a lot of death and fear amongst the people in the west and center regions of the Kingdom.

Crop yields had also been destroyed greatly by the constant rain and cold weather. The harvest had seemingly failed just like during the previous year and so things weren't looking too good for the kingdom of Albion at the moment.

Also trade with the south was quite minimal for some reason and so no relief seemed to be coming from there now. But to Lili this was ok as she had the solution to it all, or well at least the food situation that is.

During this past year or so she had managed to start creating ever more and bigger light stones. The underground greenhouse had begun expanding, the girls had been educated somewhat, the Inn was ready and she had a lot of potatoes and other plants growing and stored. She had even planted some potatoes and other things into the royal gardens as well, and now she felt that she was ready.

With this in mind Lili looked to Jack who stood beside her, nodded her head and then they headed inside. Walking through the large lion head door and into the absolutely stunning Inn that she had designed, Lili then headed to the kitchen behind the bar and just couldn't help but feel quite pleased with herself and all the people that had helped her with this.

None of this had been easy or cheap to make into a reality, but somehow they had done it. And with her own greenhouse she was even able to cut down on a lot of the costs. Now lastly she just needed to prove to everyone that it was worth it.

With all necessary ingredients gathered within the kitchen, Lili then began making her ultimate and perfect fish and chips.

In this she poured all her heart and soul into making. Her mom, a few of the girls and her two personal knights looked upon her expectingly. Not only were they expecting an absolutely magnificent of a dish to be made by her, but so much more.

Ever since revealing her powers to these people and the visit into the underground. All of these people had been looking upon her not only as a wise teacher but like she was Jesus himself. And oh did it make her feel nervous.

Now she really needed to be careful with her actions and words as these people took everything she said quite literally. Jokes and sarcasm were totally off the table and the only people she could really feel at ease around now was the royal family.

Plus her tits and curves had grown which made her feel even more nervous about the eyes around herself. She just couldn't help and feel a bit ashamed of them as now they were at a size where she couldn't even see her own tummy anymore if she looked down. Although it was quite a strange thing as it also made her feel a bit proud.

Which was why she had also started growing cotton to get herself some comfy underwear and clothes, plus it had also made her dress up a bit more modestly now. Showing some skin was fine, but things like swimming naked with Jack were not. Although she had remembered to teach him a little while of course remembering to keep herself covered up slightly at least. She definitely didn't want the young man to be getting hard around her no more, as that was quite scary.

Light sweat came upon her forehead as she thought of this and felt the eyes upon her. Especially Jacks and Chads eyes were concerning, they weren't looking at her ass again or where they?

Glancing backwards at them she could see their eyes immediately turn to the side. Damn them, even though they held her in high regard and didn't mean anything bad by it. The two seemingly just couldn't help themselves. Even though she wasn't wearing anything super revealing, just a dress that pressed lightly against her butt, and left her legs from above the knees exposed with white stockings there to be seen.

While disappointed by their behaviour, it did kind of make her feel good. It at least proved that her training had gone to at least some use. Although it was quite a shameful use nonetheless, but boys were boys and that's just how life is.

Despite this distraction, Lili did manage to turn her focus back on the food, and concentrate as she fried her chips, seasoned them well, added lots of salt and made sure to have her chips be crispy and golden on the outside and fluffy on the inside.

And as she took a small bite of them she felt pleased to find that they held an addicting combination of fat, salt and sugar in them. They were quite close to her previous lives fast food fries, except that these were chips and they were even better and healthier than in her past.

Normally such things could not have been possible to do with such ease, but luckily Lili held a secret in making all this real. She had magic, a magic that made all plants in its vicinity grow larger, faster, more nutritious and tasty.

But this was not all of course, along with the chips she then made the fried fish and a few bottles of ketchup. All in all she made a total of three dishes with chips and fish. With the most expensive of parts being the fish as that was something she didn't grow in the underground, at least not yet.

And with them done she put them upon 3 silver trays, covered them up, so as to keep them warm and then it was ready. Looking to the old maid who had recently joined them and who wasn't looking all that old anymore. Lili asked her, jack and Chad to take the trays and ketchup and follow her.

The distance wasn't far, the castle was quite close by to the Inn. But just in case Lili with the permission of the princesses had gotten herself a nice carriage.

Riding through the quiet streets of Camelot they quickly made it through the gatehouses and into the castle grounds. There they parked next to two fine looking carriages, hopped off the carriage and headed inside.

From what Lili had heard from the maids, the Queen was supposed to be meeting up with representatives of the Kingdoms two dukedoms. Something to do with discussing the ongoing situation and what not. Which to Lili just meant that it was the perfect opportunity for her to step in and make a change.

Sir John and the others had been quite hesitant to agree with Lili upon this plan of hers, but she didn't care and so they as her followers were merely forced to watch her do her thing.

And so Lili made her way towards the small council room that was in the lower part of the castle, on the second floor right above the massive throne room. It was actually right besides her originally intended study room which hadn't been in much use.

Large wooden double doors led to it and 6 guards stood there, three on either side. Two royal guards with red tabards that held the dragon symbol. Two with blue tabards that wore a symbol of a lion head with 4 stars above its head. And lastly two guards wore half green and half blue coloured tabards that held an Oak tree symbol with two birds of the two colours on either side of the tree.

From what Lili knew, these were the most powerful families in the kingdom and the three families that had originally established it not so long ago. To face them all like so was a bit nerve racking, but she knew the Queen now and the Queen definitely wouldn't mind too much her just barging in on their meeting, right?

However as she and her companions came in closer she noticed her getting a great many questioning looks from the guards.

Wait do I look weird, am I still showing off too much skin? Alarmed by the looks of the guards, Lili quickly checked herself.

She had her white head band on, long twin tails tied up with two dark blue ribbons, She had a deep blue collar with a ribbon on it that was attached to the top part of her dress. Her skinny, but somewhat toned upper arms were bare as was a good portion of her back and front, with a good amount of cleavage showing, but it was still mostly covered. Her dress had a deep blue and white colour scheme to supposedly highlight her eyes and perfect milky white skin. And the dress itself had a miniskirt that ended a good ways above her knees. After that there were her white stockings and small high heels that she was pretty proficient in walking in now.

Dressed like so she did feel quite exposed still which wasn't too nice, but then again she liked the freedom of it and people did say she looked cute so that was good. And this time she did have her very own white panties on, so she was covered in that part as well.

Not seeing anything wrong or missing here, Lili lifted her chin up high and walked confidently towards the door, before being called out by the royal guard who stood closest to the door.

"Wait Miss Lili. The Queen is occupied at the moment, you can't go in there now."

Waving off the guards words, Lili merely glanced at him and continued walking as she casually said. "Sorry, but I have something really important to show to the Queen and the ones in there. This cannot wait."

Seeing this, all the guards turned to Lili as the one that spoke earlier merely said a. "But the Queen is..."

Before he could finish, Lili pushed open the double doors with all her might, which wasn't much. The heavy doors opened slightly enough for her to walk in and so she did.