Chereads / World Class Scammer / Chapter 35 - Chapter 35: Deal with the Devil

Chapter 35 - Chapter 35: Deal with the Devil

Hank pounded the table. "No way! I am not signing that contract! Why would I?"

We had made our way over to Hank's shoddy little loan office just off the market square. I smirked, tapping my head. "If I'm not mistaken, this loan office isn't up to code, is it? I have no evidence, but I imagine this office has no certifications, does it?"

Hank's veins popped out on his forehead as he growled, "What are you trying to say?"

I pointed at the contract. "Your little agreement with my friend Dante here isn't legally binding. So, I had my lawyer draft a proper contract for you. Isn't that a good deal for both of you?"

Hank slammed the desk again. "This contract is bullshit! I need 50 gold! This only promises me 35 gold. Are you trying to play me?" He went to get up, but Vice put a gun in his face.

"I was a loan shark like you until recently, and even I never charged this much. Your interest rates are the problem here," Vice said.

Hank's face went pale. "Shit, look, I need the money, okay?"

Vice got mad. "Like we give a shit, scumbag."

I held up my hand. "Wait. Let's hear him out. I'm curious as to why you raised the prices so high. As a businessman like yourself, you must have known Dante wouldn't be able to afford it, yet you still made the interest that high. That shows desperation."

Hank sighed, slumping in his chair. "I paid a large amount of money to an adventurer party. I have almost nothing left. I needed more money—not just for myself, but to hire more adventurers."

Dante asked, "Why?"

Hank carefully responded, "For my daughter. She's a traveling adventurer. C rank, if you can believe it. I was so proud of her... until she stopped coming home one day."

Rune asked carefully, "Was she...?"

Hank looked down. "I don't know. I hired some adventurers to check it out, but they never came back. She got a simple job; it was just to check out some old ruins north of here. I mean, I'm talking it's only a few miles up the road. You can walk from the town to there, and it was a D rank request too. Yet she never came back. The adventurers I sent met the same fate."

I asked, "How many days ago did they leave?"

Hank sighed. "It's been about a week now. They took my 50 gold and everything. I don't think they would scam me, given they were a B rank party, but it's been far too long since they left."

That is odd, and also a bit interesting. Vice looked at me pensively. "Don't even think about it."

I laughed. "What? I just had an offer in mind, that's all."

Hank looked confused. "An offer?"

I smirked. "Right, an offer." I ripped up the contract I had put on the table that Dante had written. Everyone looked at me, shocked. "How about this: You forget Dante's debt, and we'll go look for your daughter. Sound like a good deal?"

Jasmine snorted. "What a stupid idea. Are you really going to help this scumbag?"

I shrugged. "Anything we find in the ruins we get to keep. Think of it as an investment."

Vice turned to me, agitated. "Jasmine is right—have you lost your mind? We don't even know what to expect in these ruins, and you're just going to jump right in?"

Hank looked us over. "Are you sure, boy? I mean, your team... it has a lot of children."

I smirked, shaking my head. "Don't let appearances fool you, Hank. We're more capable than we look. Besides, not everyone will be going."

Hank still looked unconvinced, his gaze drifting over Rune, Alice, and Jasmine. "Look, I appreciate the offer, I really do. But I mean, I sent a B rank party. They weren't amateurs; they were seasoned."

Jasmine stepped forward, her eyes glowing. "And yet they didn't come back. My brother and I are still inexperienced, but without saying too much, we aren't weak."

Hank took a look at her, his eyes growing wide. "What the hell is she?"

I offered, "Vice, Rune, and Jasmine are my bodyguards. With all due respect, they alone should be far more dangerous than any party you sent to explore."

They were still young and inexperienced; that much was true. But they were strong. I knew Rune's power firsthand, but his sister seemed even better in a fight. Rune had told me the bandits that attacked them did so when they were asleep. I didn't know much about Jasmine's powers yet, but from what she showed me when I first met her, her demon lineage made her terrifying.

Hank's eyes narrowed as he studied Jasmine, still clearly unsettled by her presence. "I don't know or care what she is. But if you are as strong as you say, I'm willing to make a deal with the devil to save my daughter."

Jasmine crossed her arms. "Deal or not, just make sure you hold up your end of the bargain."

Vice chimed in. "I don't like this one bit, but just make sure that when we get back, you have the debt cleared. No excuses."

Hank nodded. "Alright, alright. If you find her—or at least bring back some news—I'll erase the debt. If she's still alive, I would do anything to see her again—my sweet little Annie."

I nodded, sealing the agreement. "We'll take care of it. You just make sure you have some food ready for us when we bring your daughter back."

With that, we left Hank's dingy office and stepped out into the bustling streets of the town. The market square was lively, filled with merchants hawking their wares and townsfolk going about their day. But I couldn't shake the tension in the air. We were heading into unknown territory, facing dangers that even seasoned adventurers couldn't handle.

As we made our way back to our inn to gather supplies, Vice spoke up. "So, what's the plan? You mentioned not everyone will be going. Who are you taking with you?"

I looked around at the group, weighing our options. "Jasmine, Rune, and you will come with me. You're all strong and the only capable fighters at the moment. Dante, you will look after Alice, okay? I trust you to handle my stall and make sure she's fed and taken care of. Once I'm back, that will clear your debt, and we'll celebrate you joining us with a feast."

Dante nodded. "Got it. I'll take good care of her."

Alice tugged at my sleeve. "Key, don't leave me."

I leaned down a bit, my face level with hers, the small lifeless eyes staring back at me. I hugged her. "I'll be back before you know it, okay?"

Alice pouted, and I patted her head. "You're in good hands with Dante."

I nodded at Dante. "Can you help her with her studies? She's still a little lacking in her vocabulary and sentences."

Dante smiled. "Well, I did graduate from law school, so sure, I can do that."

Alice still looked hesitant, her small fingers clutching my sleeve tightly. "What if you don't come back, Key?"

I gave her a reassuring smile, trying to hide my own worries. "Nothing's going to happen to me, Alice. I promise. Besides, with Vice, Rune, and Jasmine by my side, I'll be just fine. You focus on learning new words, and when I get back, you can show me everything you've learned, okay?"

She nodded slowly, finally letting go of my sleeve. Dante placed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a warm smile. "Don't worry, Alice. We'll study together, and before you know it, Key will be back with good news."

With that settled, we gathered our supplies. Vice checked her ammo, and I decided to give Rune one of my short daggers. Jasmine put on a backpack with our food and other supplies. Jasmine was very strong, and carrying all our gear seemed effortless to her. Despite the casual air, I could feel the tension mounting. The ruins were a mystery, and whatever happened to Hank's daughter and the adventurers wasn't going to be an easy puzzle to solve. The ruins didn't have a name and weren't on any map, so it really was a mystery. It really makes you wonder why it was a D rank mission.

As we set out from the town, the sun was beginning to dip in the sky, casting long shadows over the landscape. The road to the ruins was quiet, and for the first time in a long while, I felt a strange mix of excitement and dread. We were walking into the unknown, and I had no idea what we'd find there.

After an hour or so of travel, the ruins finally came into view. They were an eerie sight—crumbling stone walls covered in vines, half-buried structures peeking out from the earth. The air was heavy with silence, and the usual sounds of nature seemed to have disappeared entirely.

Vice whistled low. "So, this is it, huh? Doesn't look like much, but I can see why people would want to explore it. Make sure you all stay close, alright? Don't want anyone getting lost in this place."

Jasmine's eyes glowed faintly in the dim light, scanning the surroundings. "I don't sense anything immediately dangerous, but that doesn't mean we're safe. Stay alert."

Rune nodded. "I do smell something deeper in from here, but I can't make it out just yet."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. "Alright, let's move in cautiously. We'll search the ruins for any signs of the adventurers or Hank's daughter. Stay close and watch each other's backs."

With that, we stepped into the ancient ruins, the weight of the unknown pressing down on us with every step.