Martinez P.O.V.
It has been officially a week since I have been reincarnated into this magical world and I cannot believe my eyes at how I am being treated in this world. First of all, everyone I see calls me young master and I am treated with utmost care as if I'm the most fragile thing in this world. I have personal nanny's that are with me 24/7. I tried to stay awake at night but this baby body won't let me. The strange energy in this world, 'mana' as the lord of death liked to call it was very strange as one night I tried to stand up but what could I expect with this baby body, I fell face first on the floor causing a little swelling to come on my face and then what when Christine- no my mother saw that all hell broke loose in the household immediately after her cries a silhouette came from god knows where and said something to my mother and then she frantically shaked her head indicating that she agreed with whatever that shadow like person said. After that the person immediately disappeared.
A short time after a person came wearing robes that the popes used to wear back on earth. "my lady I have come." The guy said while bowing to my mother. "what are you waiting for priest hurry up and heal my son" she said angrily the man known as priest immediately came to me while also trying not to anger my mother more. He came to me and gently placed both of his hands on my face whilst muttering something under his breath, after his muttering was finished a warm glow emitted from his palm whilst gently enveloping my face the light caused a warm feeling spread throughout my face and after the glow finished the slight pain enveloping my face completely disappeared . 'so, this is mana' I thought as the priest left and my mother came running to hug me amazed at the healing spell the priest cast on me. It was obvious that the glow on my face was a healing spell that the priest cast on me.
After this event I just more and more scenarios of people using mana, like once I saw a man lifting a whole tree in his hands with ease as this was a walk in a park. So, this is what I will achieve in this world, the ability to split the seas and upturn the earth.
System I said in my head and just after that a blue holographic screen came before me displaying different stats of mine.
Name: William
Class: none
Title: Reaper's Herald
Level: 1
Strength:1 Agility: 1
Charm: 15 Mana: 100
Health: 1 Stamina: 1
Skills: infinity surge (level 1), primordial gaze (level 1), dark vitality (level 1)
Title effect (Reaper's Herald):
[when fighting beings of higher-level increases attack and reaction speed by 30%.
When fighting beings that oppose death all stats +6.]
'hmm, the status screen changed' but I guess that's to be expected back then I was in the body of William but now I am in the body of a baby and moreover in the body of Martinez fuyuki looking closely I realized that I was much more talented in mana as Martinez than I was in the body of William, but that's a good thing right?.
Looking at my skills I realized something that if a healing skill could heal then what if I make my dark vitality skill think that my mana core is broken but in reality, it has not just formed so theoretically would that not make my body make a core much faster than normal.
Immediately after this thought I tried my theory and activated my dark vitality ability while going into a hyper focus state I diluted the effect of dark vitality and then focused on my body while doing a breathing technique I learned back on earth, taking in a deep breath I held it for three seconds before releasing it in three consecutive short burst. After doing this for 5 minutes I noticed the mana floating in my body crawling at a pace slower than a snail toward my heart.
As the mana was going towards my heart, I guessed that this was where the core going to be formed. After confirming the presence of mana I slowly put them under the effect of dark vitality which then I noticed made the mana move at a significant speed faster than before but before I could celebrate this achievement I felt a sharp pain in my veins and I could not hold on for long as my eyes rolled back before me falling unconscious.
(meanwhile in another part of the manor)
Christine was looking out of the window looking pale and fearful. Just as the silence was getting a little too loud Christine said "2" seemingly in the air but that's when a man appeared behind her sitting on one knee whilst saying "yes, your lady". The man obviously answering to Christine stayed silent after that. "when is that thing coming?" said Christine whilst continuing to look forward. "In about seven years." Replied two whilst looking skeptically at his mistress. "I want to you take my son to the twilight organization and donate him there" Christine replied to 2 previous sentence.
The man known as 2 was too dumbfounded to speak as the twilight organization was the most brutal assassin training organization in the whole world and that was a title that was hard to attain considering the size of the planet. "w... w…what did you say my lady?" 2 asked his previous respectful cold manner being completely vanishing. "you heard me right I want you take that bastard to twilight" the previous caring and fragile Christine was nowhere to be found as it seemed like a heartless witch appeared in her place not even caring for her child.
2 whilst standing there too stunned to speak resulated himself before replying "your words are my command, my lady" listening to this Christine nodded her head indicating that 2 was not needed anymore, understanding this 2 hurriedly got up and left.
After 2 left Christine whilst looking at the sky thought to herself 'this is for the best'.