Chapter 19 - Chapter 18

The next morning, Ren can't help but admire the two naked world-class beauties he has in either arm under the covers, Liza is very outgoing and easy to get along with. Lorilay is very soothing and bubbly. Both world class-beauties that any man from my world would kill to get their hands on. I can just imagine my friends cursing me to death if they could see me now. They would curse at me for getting good pulls out of TCG cards, so who knows what they would do if they saw me now. Ren can help a small smile from forming as he recalls his friends.

He can't reminisce for long because the two start waking up. This signals the start of their journey as they hurriedly get up, dressed, eat breakfast and set off. They barely had any time for a conversation until they got on their horses. After riding for a while, they cross into the Demons' Lands. It takes some time before they come across what seems to be a small patrol. Liza, looking through a spyglass on her horse with Lorilay riding behind her, "a group of 12 goblins...a low tier monster. They aren't strong individually, but the main problem when facing goblins has always been their numbers. We can probably expect multiple other patrols in the vicinity".

Liza then notices a glint. She focuses on it and notices one goblin using his own spyglass. The goblins then quickly start sprinting towards them, "they've spotted us. What should we do?", since when were they taught to use spyglasses? Ren hops off his horse, "we'll deal with them", seems like a good opportunity for actual combat. The other two quickly follow his lead and prepare for battle. Ren issues instructions like it's the most natural thing in the world, "we should get rid of ten of them and capture the other two. Lorilay, can you catch two of them while me and Liza takes care of the rest?".

Lorilay agrees without hesitation while Liza accepts the order with no complaints. Ren, "I'll deal with any leftover Goblins, so deal with them as you see fit". Liza wastes no time in using her fire to accelerate towards the oncoming goblins to meet them head on, it's been a while since I've worked with others, but Goblins should be easy work. Lorilay, been a long time since I've done group combat...hope I'm not too rusty, as she smacks her staff against the ground. After a bit of time, a pit opens up at the rear of the Goblin group and causes two of them to fall in.

By the time the two Goblins had fallen to the bottom of the pit, Liza was already within striking distance. She swings her spear, its speed enhanced from the fire, sweeping across the Goblin group. The goblins are swiftly decimated, some dying instantly from being sliced in two while others burn to death. Ren finishes the ones that didn't die instantly with a lightning bolt, "nice job, I didn't have anything to do", frankly, it was easier to kill these things than the rats. Even from a distance, they're so grotesque. I'll never understand those types of games that feature them. Lorilay, "well, dealing with a small number of Goblins is never much of a challenge", I wonder why they didn't blow their horn for reinforcements?

Liza observes Ren as he and Lorilay bring the horses to her, people always falter in their first battle. It doesn't matter if they're facing Goblins or not, the reality of the situation bares down on them. The high likelihood of being killed is no longer something that doesn't apply to them. They freeze-up at the reality of what's happening, and very few people can overcome it immediately. Most people need time to process, but not only did he not need that, he even took charge. That's almost unheard of. I thought not stepping in would be mean of me, but it seems like I didn't need to worry.  

They quickly knock out and tie up the remaining two goblins, all of them looking disgusted as they do so. Once the Goblins are tied up, Lorilay starts closing up the pit as Ren gives the Goblins a quick jolt. Ren forces his face to be as expressionless as possible, which is so hard to do with how grotesque the Goblins are, "either give up the location of Vall and go free, or die". Lorilay quickly finished closing the pit and joined Liza. They are both standing far away and are only looking at Ren.

Ren then adds, "if you tell us where Vall is, you can go back and warn them that we are coming. I think that's a pretty good deal for you guys", they are guys, right? Liza and Lorilay just look at each other in shock, unable to believe what they just heard. Liza, that would put us at a disadvantage...why? Lorilay, is he the type to lie about that? No, he's my soulmate, I wouldn't, nor would I accept it, so neither would he...right?

One of the goblins refuses by spitting at Ren. Ren, on guard for an attack, effortlessly dodges, forms his lightning sword, and stabs the spitting Goblin, instantly killing him. Ren, angry at the thought of being spit on by something so disgusting, turns to the other and asks, "and you?". After a couple of seconds of trembling in fear from Ren's intense anger, the Goblin begs for a map.

Liza goes to get the map from their things as Ren unties the Goblin, warning him, "if you try anything, you'll end up like your friend". The Goblin doesn't move until the map is brought over. Liza shows Ren where they are before showing the map to the Goblin. The Goblin thinks for a long time and then points to an area on the map, not terribly far from their current location. Ren thanks him and says he can be on his way, this map is smaller than a thought. We've travelled much further on it than I thought we would. Is this world much smaller than my world? Or is this just a really...em, zoomed in map? Small scale?

The goblin cautiously moves away, not turning his back to them until he's far enough that he can turn and run. Ren doesn't even bother to watch him go, turning his attention back to the other two, "we should move from this location and find a place to set up camp, it will be night soon", not that it's easy to tell without a sun. I haven't noticed a clock or anything, so people must rely on their internal clocks in this world.

As they are riding, Liza (with Lorilay riding with her) approaches Ren's horse with hers. She asks him some questions that have been gnawing at her, "why did you let that goblin go? Why let Vall know that we are coming for him? I can't see the reasons for that decision". Ren, "if he assembles his forces, it would make it easier to take them out with big attacks. Things should go smoothly if they are Goblin level, so it would work out better that way", I'm actually really holding back at the moment, surprisingly so.

Liza, "I do have some attacks with a wide-ish range, but I wouldn't be able to wipe out a small army. A squad of non-Goblins at best". Ren "that's where I come in. I shoot off some large lightning bolts and they explode in every direction. Lightning bombs if you will". Lorilay, "what am I meant to do?", repeatedly pointing to herself excitedly. Ren, "take care of the bigger ones, maybe? Assuming that you can do that?". Lorilay, "no problem. As long as there's no flyers", giving him a reassuring smile and a thumbs-up.

Ren, "I can deal with those. You girls can take care of the ground forces while I deal with the flyers. Once they are dealt with, then I can focus on the ground forces too". Liza, "that might work against a platoon or a battalion, but probably not an army. We'd get overwhelmed by their number while you deal with all the flyers". Ren, "you're probably right about that...well, I can alternate between the two, but I get the feeling that we'll be fine", giving them a thumbs up. His baseless but not baseless reassurance does little to appease their anxiety.

Liza doesn't feel like she'll get more concrete details from him regarding this matter, so she approaches the most important topic, "what about dealing with Vall himself?", dealing with an army is one thing, but that and a Commander? I don't even want to think about it. Ren, "I'd have to see him first, but I get the feeling that...Lorilay should be able to deal with him", as he nods to himself in affirmation. Lorilay just looks at him, her expression completely blank from being unable to process what she just heard. It takes her a few seconds before her brain restarts and she starts to panic, "YOU WANT ME TO FIGHT HIM?????".

Ren, "you don't have fight him, but it feels like it would be easier if you fought him. You can decide though, I'm not forcing you, so take your time to think it over". Liza, "you're expecting way too much from her. I'm uncertain if you'd be able to deal with an army and a Commander, let alone Lorilay. I know that your lightning is strong, but it's best not to overestimate yourself".

Ren, "oh, I thought we transitioned to talking about hypotheticals, my bad. I don't think we'll be facing an army any time soon, so there's no need to worry about that", my friends always said my way of thinking confused them sometimes. Seems like I did it again. Liza doesn't know what to say to the revelation, so she moves on, "...putting whatever that was aside, were you planning to kill one Goblin from the start to put more pressure on the other to confess?". Lorilay is too stunned to get words out, putting it aside? It's super important!

Ren, "I believe in treating others as one would want to be treated themselves. Those goblins immediately came to kill us, so I wasn't going to show any mercy. However, if both goblins agreed to give up Vall's location, then I would have let them both go", not that I'm going to do anything with that information. I'll let Liza or Lorilay pass it onto the proper authorities.

Liza and Lorilay seem a bit conflicted by his answer, but are content with it at the very least. Liza, "that's good to know for future reference. I personally wouldn't have minded if you murdered all those vile creatures though...every last one of them". Lorilay, "they are really grotesque and just downright disgusting...all of them". Liza, "that too".

Ren, "too? There's something else?". Lorilay, "Goblins try to kidnap anyone they can. Breeding with any of the humanoid races gives birth to King or Queen Goblins. It's awful, downright disgusting, and disturbing that they can breed with us". All of them shiver at the thought.

Liza, "the birth is so violent that it claims the life of the victim. But they're such vile creatures that not even Demons will give them slaves. In exchange for their labour, they are provided food, shelter, and won't be hunted by Demons, but they have to find slaves themselves. They're the pests of all humanoid races".

Ren, "they sound horrific". Liza, "they're the lowest of the low and breed like wildfire with each other. Killing female Goblins is seen as a global service. Killing males is a service to all women". Ren, "calling them pests seems like a very apt comparison". Liza, "and pests need to be eradicated. We do have exterminators though. There is even a group of male Goblin hunters who a lot of women basically see as heroes. They basically drown in women".

Ren, "seeing Goblins in person, I guess I can see why they'd be popular. I'd like to burn their image from my memory", I assume none of the ones we killed were King or Queen Goblins, so I also assume, and hope that they don't get their hands on people too often. With there discussion settled, Lorilay's mind suddenly returns to the previous issue of her fighting Vall, w-what am I meant to do about Vall?????

They reach a good spot to camp out and they set up their tent before nightfall. While Ren and Liza are setting up the tent, Lorilay begins to set up the fire to cook dinner. Liza asks Ren, "are you serious about having Lorilay fight Vall? It's one thing to fight low and even medium level Demons, but to go straight into fighting a high-level Demon is reckless".

Ren, "hm...I understand your worries, but my instincts are telling him that she can do it. She can if she wants to, but if it looks like she's in trouble, we'll help her out, right?" Liza, "I don't not believe in your instincts at this point, but I can't help but worry", ok, maybe I still harbour a bit of doubt...or a bit more than that, but it's hard not to.

Ren, "I understand, I'm worried too. Part of me wonders if it's ok to trust my instincts so blindly, so... let's about I fight Vall at the start and see how things go? If Lorilay believes she's up for it, she can take over?". Liza is clearly troubled by this response, "is it ok if we share opinions over dinner? We should include Lorilay. I just wanted to know if you really were serious", this isn't how I thought things would go at all. Ren gives a nervous, "of course", in response.

After they finish setting up the tent, they go and sit beside the fire in silence as they wait for Lorilay to finish cooking. Lorilay, sensing the tense atmosphere between them, meekly asks, "what's wrong?", her eyes darting between the two. Ren speaks up and tells her about their discussion. After a quick summary, Liza wastes no time in sharing her thoughts, "I think we should all fight Vall. He's one of the Commanders of the Demon Kings army. We shouldn't take him lightly".

Ren looks at Liza and gives her his complete honesty, "that's the worst thing to do". Liza can't help but be peeved at this remark, "THE WORST? How is picking the option where we're the most likely to come out alive the worst?", how could I possibly be wrong in this situation?

Ren flinches a little at her anger, "we may make it out of this battle like that, but how about when we go to defeat the Demon King? Hope that the Commanders don't come and aid him? Once we defeat Vall, he'll probably be replaced by another strong Demon. We need every member of our party to be able to fight and defeat a Commander at the very least. And thinking about the impeding battle with Vall, we haven't known each other long, so we're not used to fighting together. That could lead to our deaths just the same, if not more likely by forcing us to work together against such a strong enemy. Teamwork needs to be built over time and can't be made overnight".

Liza is frustrated that she can't say anything back, his logic sound and without any holes. She glares at Ren for a few seconds, irritated, before she says what she believes is the heart of the issue, "Ren, even if we haven't fought together properly yet, we will in the future. Despite this, do you plan to defeat the Demon King alone?".

Ren looks back at Liza, his expression showing how completely serious he is, "it would be impossible to defeat him alone. I need the help of strong and dependable comrades to hold off the Commanders. But yes, I do ultimately plan to fight him one-on-one. If defeating him was as simple as grouping together, I wouldn't have needed to be brought to this world in the first place".

Ren's words sting, causing Liza's eyebrow to twitch in anger as she just gets up and walks away in a huff, not saying a word as she goes. Lorilay is just sitting there completely dumbfounded, eh...they came to talk to me but I didn't get a single word in, and now they're fighting? Am I going to keep being forgotten about like this?

Around the same time, the Goblin that Ren let go is kneeling in front of a man sitting on an ornately decorated chair, informing him of what happened. The man is a tall and slender Wolf-kin with silvery-grey fur, a rough but young human face, wolf ears at the top of his head, sharp claws, and has easily noticeable fangs when he speaks, " were wiped out by a party of three and you have the audacity of returning with your tail between your legs...we call it an honourable death for a reason" as he lifts his hand, about to cut the goblin down with his claws.

The Goblin gets on his knees and begs for him to listen, his voice grating on the ears of everyone present. The Wolf-kin, disgusted with the incoherent nonsense, "you have 10 seconds before I kill you". Goblin, "they...very strong. Human male sh-shoot lightning. Th-". The Wolk-kin cuts him off, "did you say...lightning?". The Goblin nods repeatedly, "yes, m-male shoot lightning. And make sword".

The Wolf-kin stands and calls to two other Wolf-kin standing off to the side, "Vert, Zeck". The two rush to his side and kneel before him, "your orders are our command". The Wolf-kin, "we're heading out immediately, ready the horses". They respond, "as you wish", and quickly leave the room.

The Wolf-kin walks past the goblin, saying, "delivering this information was indeed more important than your honour. As a reward, I'll grant you an honourable death right now", as he cuts down the goblin from behind with his claws, killing him instantly. As he stands over the Goblin's body, he grimaces and flicks the disgusting green blood from his claws. He then quickly walks towards the door, "good work. Your kind are disgusting, but we need to bolster our numbers. At least one of you vermin got an honourable death that was far more than you deserve".

When the Wolf-kin reaches outside, he is greeted by Vert and Zeck kneeling while waiting for him by some horses. He pays them no mind and wastes no time in mounting his horse. He starts riding, "let's go" and the other two quickly follow after him. They catch up quick, Vert asking, "where are we going at this time of night?" Wolf-Kin, "if what the Goblin said is true, then it's best to kill that human as soon as possible. There have been no reports of a human with such powers until now, so he must have just come of age. If we don't take him out before he can fully utilise his power, he may become the biggest threat to the Demon King a human has ever been. This is our time to strike".

Zeck, "wouldn't it be better to assemble our forces in the area and launch a frontal assault with a small army?". The Wolf-kin, "there is no guarantee that he will still be in the area when the forces are assembled, and if his power really is lightning, they would just be large targets. It's better for us elites to go and make sure it gets done".

Silence follows as they ride, no opposition to the decision. There wasn't any opposition in the first place. Zeck focuses on the upcoming fight instead of worrying about a useless waste of his time, the fact that a commander rushes out to go kill a possible threat just shows how much of a potential threat this man poses. A commander's judgement is leagues above our own. As expected of our Wolf-kin's Alpha.

Back at camp, Lorilay has just finished up cooking and is setting out everybody's portions. As Lorilay gives the brooding Ren his portion, he says, "I don't think what I said was wrong. I think it's the most logical and best way to achieve victory...but I don't know what to say to her now".

Lorilay, "I agree. But I think your plan is very different from what she was expecting, so she probably needs time to process her thoughts and feelings. I'm going to bring her dinner, you stay here and eat up. We will reach where Vall is tomorrow". Lorilay walks off with a bowl in hand, Ren tasting a bit of the food, no taste again...but it's a bit chewy this time.

Lorilay approaches Liza, who is sitting on a log on the other side of the tents. Lorilay offers her the food, which Liza thanks her for and sets it down beside her, not feeling particularly hungry right now. Lorilay sits beside her, "I know you probably want time to think about things, but I've decided". Liza is puzzled by her sudden declaration, "decided?".

Lorilay, "I agree with Ren, it's the most logical way to fight". Liza looks down at the ground in frustration from hearing this, biting her lower lip. Lorilay, "that's also why I'm going to fight Vall". Liza sharply looks up at Lorilay in disbelief, but Lorilay continues before Liza can say anything, "it's so I can get stronger, strong enough to beat a Commander and go help Ren fight the Demon King immediately afterwards. If we want to support him, we need to surpass the Commanders, not make them our goal to strive towards".

Liza can't help but stare at Lorilay, wide eyed in surprise and unable to say anything. Lorilay decides to let her process her thoughts, so she gets up and starts to walk away, "I'll leave you to yourself for now. You know where I am if you want to talk", that was quite cool if I do say so myself. Liza manages to say, "...I'll be on watch first", before Lorilay gets too far away. Lorilay waves as she walks back to Ren, "I figured".

Liza picks up her food and starts eating, a sudden terrible hunger taking over her, " terrible", but taking out a Commander and then supporting Ren...I didn't think of that. I always had it in my mind that a small group of our world's strongest fighters would take on the Demon King together. But Ren holding off the Demon King until we defeat the Commanders and then join him is the best option, resource and time wise. I guess I'm still immature. Liza continues to brood in her thoughts, eating her food in dissatisfaction.

Lorilay informs Ren, "Liza will be first look out...and I'll fight Vall". Ren, a bit surprised that she decided that fast, but decides to not question it and reassure her instead, "...I'll jump in if anything happens". Lorilay exaggerates playing the role of a frail maiden, "part of me wishes something will happen so I can be saved by my knight in shining armour".

Ren, unamused, "please don't joke about being in danger". Lorilay quickly returns to normal, "It's only a wish...that I won't let come true", I'm not so weak that I can be saved by just anybody, but I need the be strong enough to face a Commander. I will have to get back to training soon, and not just my breasts will be bouncing all over the place again from all the running I'll have to do.

With her thoughts somewhat sorted, Liza stares at the bowl of food, this really is so bad. Some of the worst stuff I've eaten, just awful. How did she get the texture to be so bad? Liza finishes her last bite of food the best she can, chewing and chewing on it, I now realise that my way of thinking is naive. What Ren said was right. If Ren has to worry about us while fighting the Demon King, that distraction might lead him to making mistakes and he might, probably die. We need to get strong enough to make him not worry. And such an important role can't be left to the army or just anyone, it needs to be people he trusts.

Liza then looks up at the pitch-black sky having resolved herself, I realise I'm in the wrong now. It's just that things were so different from what I expected and are moving at a much faster pace than I thought. We are going to fight a Commander so soon into our journey, and we've only found one other comrade so far. However, I need to not dwell on that and move forward, " the question is, how am I meant to apologise?".

A lot of time passes as Liza tries to come up with an answer, her shift for lookout ending before she knows it. She goes to wake up Lorilay, lightly shaking her. Lorilay groggily wakes up, "already? Hm...your expression looks much better, I assume you came to a conclusion", giving a yawn as she gets up and picks up her staff. Liza, "yes, sorry to worry you". Lorilay, "you should get some sleep, see you in the morning, goodnight", as she starts to leave the tent. Liza, "goodnight", before she lays down beside Ren and just stares at his sleeping face until she drifts off.