Recap: Upon Perseus Jackson and Thor Odinsons battle being a tie the day ended and the sun began to set.
ll be your next opponent!
Says Drakkius....
Which of us!!!
They respond
Both of you!
Lore&Myth: Cup Of Victors, First Fight will Begin!
I grew Two Blood Dragon Wings and Raced towards Them, I then spun with Love Lightning and did a Triple Flare Tornado Sweeping Head Kick laced with Love Lightning and caught both of them as they brought up their auras hastily...
I grew Two Blood Dragon Fangs The Size Of a Sabre-Tooth-Tigers Canines and my 'Rose Petal Aura' flared up to the size of a skyscraper.....
I then left the planet and went into 'Space Orbit' with one burst of my Blood Dragon wings....
I came back down as a Love Lightning Asteroid Level Threat and destroyed the area around them...
Battle Decided!
Drakkius Drakkion Wins.
+$2Million Lore&Myth Coins.....