Chereads / MASQUERADE: Mysteries of a fated love. / Chapter 24 - Chapter 24: Amir Athaulfe...

Chapter 24 - Chapter 24: Amir Athaulfe...

Yuki wanted to go to Treyton's rescue by stopping Jacek from pestering him with questions he did not seem to have any will of answering, except, she did not feel like involving herself with them in that moment.

As the automobile sped up the hill, Yuki's sole interest was in the beautiful landscape that came into view. She gazed at the thick forest that seemed to close in around them. She watched the towering trees with strong and sturdy trunks on either side of the road. Their leafy canopies a vibrant green and so dense that they filtered the sunlight, casting the road in a soft, emerald glow.

Yuki's eyes narrowed in admiration as she watched the trees blur by. A certain spark lingered in her eyes as she beheld such natural beauty.

She put her hand out of the vehicle's window and let the surging winds brush past her fingers like a cool caress. Her eyes closed in a rapture as she savored the sensation, her face tilted upwards to let the wind dance across her features. Yuki loved the feeling. She loved how thrilled she felt at something so simple; it seemed life and happiness were such simple things after all.


At long last, the automobile rounded a final bend, and the town of Gouna immediately came into view. The vehicle made it way to the grand and marvelous entrance.

A grand stone archway, adorned with intricate carvings and ornate details marked the entrance of Gouna. Two large pillars stood on both side of the arch. Till then, Yuki had never seen an entrance so welcoming and splendid, not that she had seen any others anyway.

Beyond the arch, Yuki gaped at the scenic street that came into view. The buildings of Gouna seemed to lean in, as if sharing a secret, their exteriors a delightful mix of ancient stone, half-timbered frames, and brightly colored windows.

When Treyton drove pass the arches, the car's speed visibly decelerated. At first, Yuki was confused by the sudden slowed pace, but as soon as they entered the town, she immediately understood Treyton's reason for slowing down.

In the moment when the vehicle reached the town, several children rushed onto the road while playing aggressively. Their faces were flushed with excitement as their eyes sparkled with mischief as they chased each other recklessly. Without a care in the world, they claimed the road as their own, their playful chaos spilling out into the street, their smiles and giggles was evidence of their pure, unadulterated joy.

As they played, they seemed oblivious to anything else; the passing vehicles, the watching adults and the world beyond their fun. Until Treyton's vehicle got close enough did one child prompt the others to make way. The children hesitantly halted their games and moved out of the road to allow the vehicle pass.

It was after they stood by that they finally recognized the vehicle, "Treyton! Treyton!" they exclaimed and chased after the automobile.

"Why, aren't you popular with ki…" Jacek did not complete his sentence when he heard several feminine voices affectionately call out Treyton's name as well. A hint of jealousy flashed across his face, he clicked his tongue and sat up, crossed his leg and decided to keep his mouth shut.

Treyton and Yuki chuckled at the sight of Jacek's childish reaction. 

Compared to Echt, Gouna was cheerful. She was content. She was transparent. She was bashful. Gouna was beautiful. At least, that was what Yuki thought as she observed the town from inside the automobile. She tried her best to not be seen by the crowd that were forming after recognizing Treyton.

Treyton drove towards the center of the town, where the largest mansion stood. He tapped the wheel with a pensive mood the entire time. Before he realized, he had already reached the mansion. Several people were standing in front of the house; Treyton frowned. "We are here… also, my family…okay, let's go."

Yuki watched Treyton closely but said nothing. Jacek got off as soon as Treyton did. He went around the automobile, opened Yuki's door and offered her his hand, "be careful," he cautioned. Yuki took Jacek's hand and carefully alighted the vehicle.

As soon as Yuki descended, several people closed in on her, most of which were women. Their arms and voices raised in a chorus of delight. Some reached out to touch her hand, a few simply wanted to bask in her presence while the rest asked question which eventually rose to a clamor. Yuki was instantly overwhelmed.

Jacek who had been pushed aside in the heat of the moment was struggling in vain as he attempted to make his way through the crowd again and to be beside his sister. He noticed Treyton also trying to get through the crowd without success.

All of a sudden, the commotion seized. It was as though time was frozen briefly. The women slowly backed away from the girl with their heads lowered. Subsequently, the sound of wheels permeated the air, it was not loud, the sound was only heard because of the absolute silence that characterized the moment.

Jacek rushed to Yuki's side, cupped her face in his hands and inspected it. She was not as shaken as he thought she would be since she was not too fond of crowds. Still, she wore an expression that portrayed her irritation. Yuki grabbed Jacek's arms and gently shoved him to her side while staring straight ahead. Being confused by Yuki's unusual action, Jacek shifted his eyes from her to look in the direction she was looking.

A sickly man in a wheelchair was being pushed towards them. He was extremely pale and skinny. His cropped curly hair and his grey eyes were the only thing that seemed to possess life on his frail frame. While his hair glimmered under the sun, his beautiful eyes gleamed under his long lashes. In spite of his sickly appearance, the man was alluring anyway.

"Will you forgive me for my family's behavior?" the man in the wheelchair said when he reached the siblings.

Yuki said nothing, she only stared into the man's familiar grey eyes. He appeared frail and weak and yet his eyes looked strong, content and free.

As their eyes met, the world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them in a suspended timeless void. The air was charged with an otherworldly energy, as if reality was some abstract idea while their mystic connection was all that truly existed.

The connection between Yuki and the man was palpable, a shimmering thread of understanding that vibrated with an ethereal intensity. Time stood still; the universe held its breath as the two beheld each other.

Aside the unusual glow in his eyes, what made Yuki most interested in the feeble man was the powerful link she felt towards the man. There was a tagging sensation at the back of her waist when she looked at him. she was familiar with that sensation; it was something she used to experience in her mother's presence.

 "Who are you?" Yuki was direct, she was curious about the person and she was not going to hide that fact.

The man smiled warmly and stretched his hand to Yuki, "I am Amir Athaulfe, as for who I am, let's just say I am Treyton's older brother," he responded in a soft, soothing voice.