Thirty seconds? How could one possibly finish all the problems that are only halfway solved in such a short time?
This time, many of the questions in the physics competition were modeled after this year's entrance exam questions from Shenzhou University.
Just the question itself took up an entire page of paper.
Xue Yiwei had dragged it out until now, convinced that even if Ye Wanlan had the ability to reach the heavens, she couldn't change the outcome.
She stepped to the side, coldly observing Ye Wanlan writting on the whiteboard while starting to count down silently in her heart.
However, to Xue Yiwei's surprise, Ye Wanlan only wrote down two formulas before she put down the pen.
Ten seconds later—
The bell signaling the end of the competition sounded, and the judges asked both sides to stop answering the questions at the same time.